Washington Wolf Delisting


Nov 25, 2020
N. Idaho
Oh how we wish.

Friends of mine dropped a load of pairs by his place. They went back grabbed another load and the first batch was gone. Found later to be turds for the wolves.
This will never happen. We cannot even get a spring bear season.
I agree. Given the current composition of the commission and the governor, it's only going to get worse for sportsmen until there are some pretty drastic changes. So much corruption.
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Let’s all hope that the lawsuits against Lorna smith and Inslee carry some weight. Already some moves we’ve seen thus far with fish and wildlife commission member changes.

Here’s a good link for the western huntsmen podcast with sportsman’s alliance with some information on the lawsuit.

I've hunted the Backcountry in many western states......more wolves in NE Washington than anywhere I have seen. I'm afraid Washington politics and the inadequate management of our wildlife resources will be the detriment of our hunting opportunities.
Until we change the way our commission operates/instated and voter based wildlife management this will never happen... the way things are heading right now, Washington is going to be the 1st state where hunting is completely banned.
Until we change the way our commission operates/instated and voter based wildlife management this will never happen... the way things are heading right now, Washington is going to be the 1st state where hunting is completely banned.
Right - the problem is less so F&W, or the commission itself (although some members of the commission are obviously a problem) but when you have anti-hunters electing an anti-hunting governor, who then pops anti-hunting buddies onto the commission ...
The only way there will ever be a wolf hunting season in WA would be if voters strung together a couple Republican Governor administrations in a row in order to change the demographic of the wildlife commission. I don't think I need to tell you the odds of that happening in our lifetimes. But who knows, maybe we'll get lucky next year and Dave Reichert will pull off the greatest political upset ever and be the first Republican elected Governor in 44 years.
If wolves haven't been de listed in the great lakes area aint happening in WA. Anybody that thinks they have a lot of wolves are welcome to come to MN realistically more than MT, WY, and ID combined.