What's your diet like?

Jan 23, 2014
John Day, OR
Just curious as to what you guys are eating on a daily basis and what your workout regimen is like?

My meals look like this:

5:30 am Bfast: 3 egg scramble with some veggies (Brocc, peppers) mixed in and sometimes some lean turkey meat thrown in. 3 cups of black coffee.

10 am snack: 25-30 almonds

12pm lunch: Generally leftover dinner. Salad with lean meat and veggies or grilled veggies with meat on the side (elk steak, chicken, pork, etc.), venison chili, etc....Usually eat an apple after the meal too for a little sweet.

3pm pre-workout snack: Banana and 2-3 tablespoons of almond butter.

5pm: Lift at the gym 4 days a week.

6:30pm dinner. Some combo of veggies and meat, chili, etc....If I have one issue, it's the fact that I tend to be hungry at dinner after a workout and probably eat a bigger dinner than I should.

10pm I hit the sack. I do my best to not eat after 7pm, but occasionally I'll snack on some yoghurt if I'm hungry around 9.

Definitely try and stay low on carbs. Lifting consists of supersets focused on specific areas each day (Mon legs, Tue chest, Wed biceps, Thurs shoulders). When I'm not too burned out at the end of a lift session I'll do more body weight excises like pull-ups, push-ups, dead man carries, etc.

In the spring and summer, or at least when the weather isn't as miserable as it is now, I'll do 2-3 runs at lunch time. I also try and get a hike in on the weekends, or hunt, or some form of slow walking up a hill. Right now my cardio is lacking and I'm only getting one day a week of hiking in. I normally hunt chukar a fair amount in the winter but this year the weather has been horrible and I've decided not to hunt as much for the birds and for the sake of the dogs.

I'm 37, 6'1 and went from 240 lbs. a year ago when I didn't focus on diet to 205 in September 2016, now sitting at 215. Part of me wants to get lean, but the other part of me wants to stay big/muscular. It's a tough decision. I'm sure if I lean up I'll get faster at hiking, but I see advantages to being bigger in some aspects. I'm a 36" waist and have some belly fat I'd like to lose, but that's tough.

Anyway, just curious how you guys eat. I cheat on occasion, but a cheat meal for me is more like yoghurt rather than say a bowl of ice cream or cookies....although they sometimes make their way into my belly at my kids b-day parties!

Truth be told, I'm a little vain and wouldn't be opposed to having a six pack. I've never really been that body type though and I'm finding it a real struggle to get them. I also do 2-3 20 minute ab workouts after my lift routine. I'm planning on upping my cardio when the weather gets better, but again that's hard. I hate cardio. 3-4 mile runs or 2 miles at speed intervals is about all I can handle.

Just curious what you guys do. Not trying to say my routine is great, just interested in what others are doing.
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Aug 1, 2016
Charlotte NC
Not too dissimilar:
4:30 workout 3+ days of the week primarily cardio focused some lifting (eliptical/treadmill/weighted pack hikes)

6am breakfast cofee with3 eggs bacon/sausage or yogurt.

Midmorning snack nuts or yogurt.

Lunch leftovers or a salad

Afternoon snack protein bar (Oh Yeah bar usually) or nuts.

Dinner something low carb

Some evenings a hike or pack workout.

Roughly a zone diet macro ratio.

I dropped from 230 to 175 before last elk season and was glad I didn't have the extra weight, especially above 11500'. Waist size dropped from a "husky" 38 to a svelte 32. Started with hikes and no pack,
and gradually ramped up to ~90lbs. Less mass to me equates to the body can operate better in thin air.

I put on some weight in the off season but am aiming more for 170 but have already started some simple pack workouts from 60lbs this year and am on a slight calorie restrictive diet now. Workouts will ramp up as will calories till fall and I'll stay calorie restrictive or close to it till I'm close to target weight.

Age 51.


Dec 27, 2013
Durango CO
Age 41. 205#

Right now, I'm on Texas Method, lifting MWF, no conditioning work Unless you count biking around town/fatbiking some winter trails once a week or so. That'll shift somewhat later in the year.

Breakfast: giant glass of whole milk + 2 bananas. Coffee+ butter.

Breakfast 2: Oatmeal (as much as I can eat) + protein powder and whole milk.

Workout around noon followed by Chocolate Milk, protein powder & a banana or 2.

Lunch: 5 or 6 eggs, avocado, spinach, leftover oatmeal from the morning anything else laying around.

Snack: sandwich piled high with meat + big glass of whole milk. Maybe a bowl of soup, too.

Dinner: as much food as I can possibly eat + more milk if I have any room left.

Generally, I just eat as much as I can. If I'm out biking or snowboarding, I try to eat more.

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Jul 28, 2014
42 , #195 today looked like this

2 am breakfast - 1 cup egg whites omlette and 12oz coffee , fish oil multi vitamin.

5/6 am - walnuts and apple

8/9 am - chicken breast 2 cups veggies

12- carrots and 2 cheese sticks

2- plain oats with protein powder for flavor

3-4:15 -Lift and 20 min HIIT

4:45 shake

5 - chicken breast and 2 cups slaw southwest mustard as sauce

Bedtime - 1/2 cup cottage cheese

2600 calories- i switch up meats this week i cooked 10 chicken breasts on sunday . Last week was pork loin
Tuesday and thursday are steady state cardio only if i do anything , i do a form of HIIT the rest of the days

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Super Moderator
Staff member
Feb 24, 2012
Liberty Lake, WA
53 5'7" 160 in off season got down to 153 in November.

Not sure what my total is for calories per day.

Big protein shake for breakfast and lunch composed of banana, almond milk, protein powder two scoops, oatmeal, yogurt and nuts occasionally.

Midday snack nuts, chocolate milk with protein powder and oat snack of some form.

Before gym bite of chocolate and nuts walnuts typically.

Dinner some form of elk tonight burger plain lettuce and hummus.

Workout 7 days a week 45-60 per day on rotation of weights and do some short cardio almost everyday. Stretch everyday. Very regimented schedule and diet. On weekend watchout👊


Super Moderator
Staff member
Oct 18, 2016
I'm trail running around 1500 miles per year, add in 400-500 miles hiking, hunting and snowshoeing/backcountry skiing and try to strength train twice a week, so I eat a lot- my weight varies a couple of pounds here and there at most

breakfast- large bowl of granola w/ berries, whole milk
pumpkin-chocolate chip bread w/ whipped cream cheese
small glass oj and a latte

breakfast 2- muffin (or the like) and latte

lunch- usually leftovers- healthy (as in large) portion
6 fig newtons

snack- banana, mojo bar

workout- large smoothie

supper- varies, but usually pretty substantial- typically includes salad and veggies as sides, almost always meat of some kind

night time- couple of microbrews with snack (mixed nuts, other)

I counted calories for close to a month a couple of years back, it was close to 3500-4000 calories/day (sometimes more)- as my weight didn't vary, I've quit counting

I don't run so I can eat a lot, but it's nice not to worry too much about eating :)
Sep 18, 2016
I am not currently tracking my food. I did for a long time and went from real fat to not so fat to 10% body fat. I am probably 14-15% right now. I am just starting back to lifting and cardio after about a 2 month hiatus ( first one in about 5 years) What worked best for me was 40/40/20 Carbs/ Protein/ Fat. Once you find what works for you stick with it. There are a lot of calorie calculators out there to help you determine your caloric needs based on age,sex and activity levels.

My norm is
1. 1 cup quick oats w/ protein powder, 1 egg and 4 egg whites- coffee
2. Granola bar, protein shake egg whites
3. Chicken breast and sweet potato
4. Chicken or fish with mixed veggies
5. 1 cup cottage cheese before bed.
Snacks could be almonds, granola, jerky

2600 calories on days I train and 2200 on days off


Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
6'6" 215. First thing after getting up.....coffee. If I eat within a couple hours of waking up it makes me nauseous, so if I eat any breakfast it's later on. Just the thought of food after waking makes me sick to my stomach. Been like that my entire life. For lunch.......anything from sandwich and soup to full on burrito or flauta meal smothered in green chili. Dinners.....nachos smothered in jalapenos, elk roast, elk pasta, prime rib, pizza, pork roast, ribs, steak.......whatever, but not necessarily all at the same time.

One thing about my lifting workouts that has changed recently is that I wasn't feeling them at all on an every third day rotation for each muscle group. So now I'm just lifting once a week for each muscle group and I'm feeling it again. I'm a firm believer in the "no pain, no gain" motto.
Jan 23, 2014
John Day, OR
I'm trail running around 1500 miles per year, add in 400-500 miles hiking, hunting and snowshoeing/backcountry skiing and try to strength train twice a week, so I eat a lot- my weight varies a couple of pounds here and there at most

breakfast- large bowl of granola w/ berries, whole milk
pumpkin-chocolate chip bread w/ whipped cream cheese
small glass oj and a latte

breakfast 2- muffin (or the like) and latte

lunch- usually leftovers- healthy (as in large) portion
6 fig newtons

snack- banana, mojo bar

workout- large smoothie

supper- varies, but usually pretty substantial- typically includes salad and veggies as sides, almost always meat of some kind

night time- couple of microbrews with snack (mixed nuts, other)

I counted calories for close to a month a couple of years back, it was close to 3500-4000 calories/day (sometimes more)- as my weight didn't vary, I've quit counting

I don't run so I can eat a lot, but it's nice not to worry too much about eating :)

I miss my micro brews. Unfortunately I'm not dedicated enough to run that much in order to allow myself a few beers. Lucky you! I switched from beer to wine, and only have a glass or two a couple nights a week.


Aug 11, 2014
I won't go into detail too much on my diet but I take it from your screen name you freedive? It sounds like you're close to eating ketogenic but probably not there, one thing I noticed when I started eating keto was a huge increase in my comfort level while diving. My bottom times went up 50% over the course of a month and I stopped it at that because I was phsyching myself out by how good I felt. There are a number of physiological factors that contribute to that, there's a meager amount of research on it, but it's interesting and for my interests, recreational spearfishing no deeper than 60' I feel it's been really helpful. Freediving is one sport where you really cannot mess around and being in ketosis potentially could limit your reaction to CO2 buildup so take caution I'm no expert on the subject.
Jan 23, 2014
John Day, OR
I won't go into detail too much on my diet but I take it from your screen name you freedive? It sounds like you're close to eating ketogenic but probably not there, one thing I noticed when I started eating keto was a huge increase in my comfort level while diving. My bottom times went up 50% over the course of a month and I stopped it at that because I was phsyching myself out by how good I felt. There are a number of physiological factors that contribute to that, there's a meager amount of research on it, but it's interesting and for my interests, recreational spearfishing no deeper than 60' I feel it's been really helpful. Freediving is one sport where you really cannot mess around and being in ketosis potentially could limit your reaction to CO2 buildup so take caution I'm no expert on the subject.

I used to free dive/spearfish all the time when I lived in Hawaii. Got to travel all around the south pacific for work and take spear trips along the way. I moved to eastern Oregon 8 years ago and sadly haven't been free diving or spearfishing much since then. I miss it, but i'm pretty happy chasing elk, deer, chukar, etc......I hear the Oregon coast is not great for free diving/spearing. I did some abalone diving in Cali about 10 years ago. Fun times! I wish I could do more free diving, but it's slim pickings around here.
I'm close to having a keto diet, but I don't count carbs or limit my intake of fruit/veggies to maintain huge carb deficiency. I don't eat too much fruit, an apple and banana a day on average. I avoid bread and processed goods, but I do eat sweet potatoes and wild rice once or twice a week. When I'm hunting for a week at a time in September I make bagel sandwiches out of convenience, but 11 months out of the year I avoid breads.


Aug 30, 2013
I used to free dive/spearfish all the time when I lived in Hawaii. Got to travel all around the south pacific for work and take spear trips along the way. I moved to eastern Oregon 8 years ago and sadly haven't been free diving or spearfishing much since then. I miss it, but i'm pretty happy chasing elk, deer, chukar, etc......I hear the Oregon coast is not great for free diving/spearing. I did some abalone diving in Cali about 10 years ago. Fun times! I wish I could do more free diving, but it's slim pickings around here.
I'm close to having a keto diet, but I don't count carbs or limit my intake of fruit/veggies to maintain huge carb deficiency. I don't eat too much fruit, an apple and banana a day on average. I avoid bread and processed goods, but I do eat sweet potatoes and wild rice once or twice a week. When I'm hunting for a week at a time in September I make bagel sandwiches out of convenience, but 11 months out of the year I avoid breads.
I ate pizza with this guy, he's a liar!

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Jan 23, 2014
John Day, OR
I ate pizza with this guy, he's a liar!

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You must of had a few too many beers! You ate pizza, I ate a salad. Actually I may have eaten at home before coming to meet you. I did have 2 beers though! You were buying!


Jun 12, 2012
Piedmont, SD
Nothing special and don't really follow any "diet" rules. I'm also not a snacker and don't really eat anything in between meals.

Breakfast: Greek yougurt with granola and fresh fruit or a wrap with bacon or sausage, scrambled eggs, peppers, onions and mushrooms. Coffee and glass of milk.

Lunch: tortilla wrap with elk summer sauasage or elk breakfast sausage, cheese and mustard, an apple or banana, ziplock baggie full of carrots, celery, cucumbers and sweet peppers. Small bag of chips of some sort.

Cliff protein bar 1/2 hour before I go work out. Protein powder in water after the workout. Sometimes work out at noon, sometimes 4:30pm.

Supper: grilled fresh meat. I eat all meats, wild and domestic, or fish. Fresh steamed vegetables of some sort, a salad, various potatoes, squash, etc. Usually fresh fruit of some sort. Will also eat different pasta dishes or meat casserole type dishes for a main course. Glass of milk.

1 bowl of ice cream every single night anywhere betweeen 8pm and 10pm whenever I get around to it.

Pretty basic diet. I don't each much for prepared foods. Grew up in a house where everything was made from scratch. I didn't know food came in a box until I got to college. Rarely if ever eat any type of fast food or quick restaurant food, Applebee's, Chilies type stuff. If I do eat out it is steak or seafood.

6'0", 205lbs. Same size I've been since I quit playing football in college. 46 years old. Hovered around 217 when playing. My weight only varies when I get home from elk hunting and I'm usually about 195.
Dec 27, 2012
I have a pot of coffee in the morning, several Mountain Dews throughout the day and then crush dinner, rarely leaving left overs. I don't really exercise much,I might dedicate a total of 45 minutes a week to specifically exercising. I just try to spent a lot of time out in the woods. I'm sure that one of these days I'm not going to wake up.
Oct 9, 2016
Y'all guys eat like that then there ain't no need to hunt... I don't see deer elk or turkey anywhere in there.

I'm trying to do better with fruit drinks, bananas, alvecoto, almonds, strawberry with unsweetened pineapple juice as the liquid. Lunch and supper has meat... stuff I kill in it with veggies. Trying to leave off the bread .


Sep 21, 2016
Helena, MT
kit kats, twix and mt dew... plus coffee in the am..

But on a serious note, I applaud you all that can stick to a diet. I know I can do it, but it is a matter of doing it. Right now living conditions and such make it very hard, almost to a point it is not worth it. My kids wont eat this way and my wife says she will until it's time then gets picky... It's a struggle to try and make 3 different meals so I give in and just deal with it. I recently had a knee scope and about to have the other one done so I'll have to get into the gym for PT and rebuilding so back to diet days then!
Jan 23, 2014
John Day, OR
Y'all guys eat like that then there ain't no need to hunt... I don't see deer elk or turkey anywhere in there.

I'm trying to do better with fruit drinks, bananas, alvecoto, almonds, strawberry with unsweetened pineapple juice as the liquid. Lunch and supper has meat... stuff I kill in it with veggies. Trying to leave off the bread .

I eat wild game everyday! My dinners are almost always some form of elk/deer with veggies, and I usually save leftovers for lunch. I also eat chukar and turkey, but I don't kill enough of them so I have to buy chicken and pork for a little variety.
Last year I killed a bull, my wife shot a cow elk, and my buddy shot a bull and a cow. Since he's single, he gave me half his cow since I helped pack it out. So 2.5 elk and we were down to very little meat left by September! My wife and my two little girls eat elk like it's a business! Good thing I killed a bull and a buck this year, but I fear I'll run out by June! Killing elk for me is to feed my family more than the horns. Guess that's why I haven't killed a big bull yet because I never pass on a raghorn!