Would you take a game warden’s advice on where to hunt?


Oct 4, 2014
I’ve been hunting a unit that typically takes a resident 2 points to draw.

I drew the tag this year, and reached out to the CPW officer that works the unit to ask about a piece of county owned property.

The officer and I chatted for a while and he asked me some questions about what kind of success I’d had previously, and we also talked about an outfitter that works in the area. The officer asked a couple more questions about general areas within the unit and I told him why I don’t hunt there even though the areas are popular with other hunters.

Anyway, I got the gist from the call that the officer was usually taking calls that consisted of someone essentially just asking him where to go.

As we were wrapping up the call, the officer said don’t overlook area “X”.

We talked for a few more minutes about the area and what he sees in there, and I asked if he sends everyone who calls him to that place or why he’s not keeping it for himself. He laughed and just said he doesn’t have a tag for the unit this year.

Anyway, of course I spent some time looking over the area on Google Earth, and even though it’s on the other side of the unit from where I hunt, I’ll try to make it up there to look at it before season opens. So far, it looks ok and if my typical spots don’t produce or there’s more pressure than usual, I’ll try to hunt it even though I don’t know the area.

Long story short, how inclined would you be to take a warden’s advice on where to go? Do you think they generally tell everybody who calls to go to the same areas? Think this guy was genuinely trying to help me out because he could tell I knew the unit and had put some effort into learning and hunting it?


Dec 27, 2019
I'm a novice elk hunter, but we took a warden's advice last year on day 4 and found a ton of elk sign. Then found the elk on day 5.

We chatted for a while after he checked our licenses. I think they want to help you if they can see you're putting in the effort.


Jul 27, 2015
New Mexico
I get about 4 calls a day asking where to hunt this time of year. The one I just got off the phone with started the conversation by asking “ I was wondering if you could tell me where I could find a buck.” I told him to hunt the lower country and avoid the high country, which cuts out about half the unit for him. He kept fishing for a specific spot but I don’t have one and I wouldn’t just give it away if I did. Most of the stuff I learn about my units is on my personal time when I’m scouting for myself. I would never give purposefully bad advice but guides exist for a reason.

If I meet someone in person and they seem like they are doing the best they can I am more willing to give better help.


Jul 16, 2019
I was hunting antelope on public and there was a what I'd guess to be 16 year old kid on a 4 wheeler fixing fence for an adjoining rancher. I pulled off to let him go by and we chatted a bit. It was antelope season and hot AF and gave him a water. He pointed to a water tank and said a big buck had been coming to that regularly at dusk and we should put a blind on it. It was no more than 200 yards from entrance to the public and literally on the main 2 track. We drove off about 50 yards before deciding we have a blind in the back, why not set it up even if he's just messing with us. My buddy sat it that evening and sure enough it came in and he missed the shot.
Sep 23, 2018
Santa Rosa, CA
Typically yes, but the warden that came by camp a couple weeks ago was shocked that we’d seen 20+ deer and half a dozen legal bucks opening morning. Seems the wardens around here don’t get out of the truck much.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Feb 24, 2012
Liberty Lake, WA
A game warden possibly a biologist likely depending on his answers….funny story 2003 called biologist possibly he was game warden don’t recall in Libby Montana he told me one drainage I was
looking at don’t shoot an elk in their too far to get out and they had written many tickets through the years due to this…we scouted it seen tons of elk and watched them bugling in July….we chose another drainage along side where we could get horses….day two in two guys come buy our camp we chatted and I asked one of the hunters do you know Jerry Brown the biologist/warden they looked at us smiled and he says I’m Jerry Brown🤣 we all laughed and learned more info as they had been hunting that drainage for decades and killed a bull 2 weeks earlier and only used stock to get them out as so rugged and deep….incredible country and laugh every time I think of the story…


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Feb 8, 2021
West Michigan
I had a conversation with a GW a few weeks ago to learn just general access info. He asked me where I was planning to hunt and I told him my first spot and he just said OK. I told him my second target spot and he said, "Yup, there's elk in there." I am still going with the same order because I have other intel, but I now have a lot more confidence in my second choice. Boots alone will provide the best confirmation.


Jan 13, 2021
I field lots of these type of questions in my line of work. I give good advice or I give no advice. So if you got advice from me...it was good. Can't imagine a game warden purposefully giving you bad advice just to send you on a wild goose chase.


Mar 1, 2012
I would check out an area that was told to me, but with hesitancy. Id know in about a day.

I do know a Biologist in Wyo that absolutely ruined an area by telling everyone that asked where to go
Aug 9, 2021
I’ve had mixed success with it. Some GWs have helped out tremendously by pointing out GENERAL areas and which roads are good for camps, etc.

Others have given very obviously half-assed info…


Jan 24, 2015
I’ve been hunting a unit that typically takes a resident 2 points to draw.

I drew the tag this year, and reached out to the CPW officer that works the unit to ask about a piece of county owned property.

The officer and I chatted for a while and he asked me some questions about what kind of success I’d had previously, and we also talked about an outfitter that works in the area. The officer asked a couple more questions about general areas within the unit and I told him why I don’t hunt there even though the areas are popular with other hunters.

Anyway, I got the gist from the call that the officer was usually taking calls that consisted of someone essentially just asking him where to go.

As we were wrapping up the call, the officer said don’t overlook area “X”.

We talked for a few more minutes about the area and what he sees in there, and I asked if he sends everyone who calls him to that place or why he’s not keeping it for himself. He laughed and just said he doesn’t have a tag for the unit this year.

Anyway, of course I spent some time looking over the area on Google Earth, and even though it’s on the other side of the unit from where I hunt, I’ll try to make it up there to look at it before season opens. So far, it looks ok and if my typical spots don’t produce or there’s more pressure than usual, I’ll try to hunt it even though I don’t know the area.

Long story short, how inclined would you be to take a warden’s advice on where to go? Do you think they generally tell everybody who calls to go to the same areas? Think this guy was genuinely trying to help me out because he could tell I knew the unit and had put some effort into learning and hunting it?
Why not…you should have 5-10 spots to hunt. It shouldn’t be your only spot, but why not give it a go.