

Jun 18, 2014
The wife did 16.5 in 14:20. Just keep moving, pacing is key. If you get greedy early, you will regret it. Good luck to all roksliders!
I'm going to do this one tonight. I believe that I will break the thursters up right out of the gate: 7+7+7, 6+6+6, 5+5+5, 6+6 and then go for it at 9, 6, 3. Thrusters always kick my ass. Combined with another full body movement such as burpees and its a guaranteed death march.

It will be entertaining to watch all the "kids" blow themselves up by the 2nd or 3rd set of Thrusters.
I'm going to do this one tonight. I believe that I will break the thursters up right out of the gate: 7+7+7, 6+6+6, 5+5+5, 6+6 and then go for it at 9, 6, 3. Thrusters always kick my ass. Combined with another full body movement such as burpees and its a guaranteed death march.

It will be entertaining to watch all the "kids" blow themselves up by the 2nd or 3rd set of Thrusters.

That's exactly what my wife did, early breaks and kept moving pretty much the whole time.
This one is flat mean.

I did it in 15:11. We did this one 6 weeks ago and I improved 45 seconds.

For the thrusters I did 21 unbroken, 12-6, 10-5, 6-6, 9, 6,3.
I came out at 16:37. I tried to keep a real consistent pace throughout and not start out too fast. As I got into the 3rd round or so, I started taking an extra breathe or 2 while locked out.

I did have an entertaining observation. A girl at my gym has a husband who is a bodybuilder and she challenged him to do the open workouts because he makes fun of her all of the time about Xfit. The guy is legit strong and in pretty good conditioning shape. He may have been a college athlete. Anyway, he had never done thrusters before and he has no mobility to achieve a front rack position so he did the thrusters holding the bar as if it were her bottom of a shoulder press. The other problem he has was that his shoulders are so big, he lacks the mobility to lock out overhead. Bodybuilders often don't do full ROM reps so that they can keep the muscle loaded the whole time for better hypertrophy. You know how you see guys doing 3/4ths shoulder press reps in the Smith Machine? That's about what he was limited to. I can only imagine how difficult that must have been for him considering that holding the bar vertically in the bottom of the squat will pull you forwards causing over compensation in the core and not locking out at the top means you get 0 rest on the skeletal system. He did the thrusters as a front squat + a strict press. He actually punched through it in 15-16 minutes. Also, he has no experience doing burpees so he was incredibly ungraceful, but fast nonetheless. It was impressive if not painful to watch. It's easy to dismiss body builders when it comes to application of fitness (as opposed to appearance), but if you have this guy a few weeks of coaching on compound movements and some mobility work, he'd tear these workouts up. I think that he has a high pain threshold from some much hypertrophy work. That, or he was just determined to prove his wife wrong. I could not have done that WOD the way he did it. I would have died.
some good scores up here for this nastiness. I sprained my ankle pretty bad and started the wod on friday still haven't finished it. I finished the 15's and it just hurt too bad. I was burpeeing off one foot so technically they wouldn't have counted. I think Im gong to heal up and get ready for september.

Yes it is. You can't appreciate the beauty of that until you have actually done 14.5/16.5.

Youth and supplemental hormones can work wonders! :)
Just did this today. I got 12:38. I went unbroken on the 1st round but split the 18-15-12 in two then unbroken for the rest.