2022 Rut Report?


Oct 26, 2018
I know it’s a little early, but a guy can’t help but be excited for the hunter Christmas.
October lull got me on my last stand.
Have some up-ticked activity on licking branches but haven’t seen much else.

Anyone seeing anything?
MN here...last 2 days more reports of mature bucks doggin/checking does. Pretty dead the last week but I would expect today and tomorrow A LOT of bucks getting kill as a front is moving in and a 20 degree drop tomorrow. Then gun season opens on Saturday.
Had a nice 8 come by my tree chasing and grunting at a doe. Tarsal gland was black and his neck was swollen. Numerous scrapes.
The last week here in PA I've seen a lot more activity on my cameras and more scrapes. I haven't seen any chasing yet. Weather next week looks like garbage.
Very slow in northeast MO where Im at. I havnt seen a buck chasing a doe yet and the small bucks arent even running all over the place. Im 51 and cant remember a MO fall this warm and rut so slow. Its been bad. With that said a front is coming through today. I am hoping with temp drops tomorrow, pressure rising, and rain leaving the bucks go crazy.
Same down here. Been super warm, low 80's today, and dry. That front and some rain will definitely be welcomed if we can just not have any tonado's. Calling for high straight line winds and some possible spin ups. Just as soon not have that crap.
Been pretty slow up here in NW Illinois. Have to assume it’s the heat.

Seen a couple decent bucks. I’m a newer hunter, so I’ll take even the younger bucks. Of the 3 I’ve seen so far, 1 is probably worth it for a more seasoned hunter later in the year if they haven’t seen too much yet.

Movement has been very limited, though. If I see something early in my sit, it seems almost certain that’s the last thing I’ll see, even if it’s an area that’s typically pretty popular.

Good rain coming through and it’s going to cool down a bit, so hopefully that helps get things moving here. Despite the slowness, have had plenty of chances for getting deer. 2 of the bucks wouldn’t move into good shooting lanes, I missed one, and I could have easily pegged a doe, but I unsuccessfully was trying to wait for the buck behind her.
They’re up and moving here in NE WI. My wife’s cousin shot 4.5 year old with a doe on the 28th and I shot one on the 29th. Saw a good buck with a doe next to a strip mall the other day. Number of dead deer on the roads really jumped over the last week.

After 25 years of bow hunting my preferred week to hunt is the last couple of days in October and the first few in November. That second week of November things usually get too chaotic and unpredictable. Yeah I’ve seen some big ones and had opportunities later in to November, but for more consistent success I’ll take October/November.

Good luck everyone.
Wisconsin should pick up end of this weekend once the storm front moves through tomorrow. Temps dropping too
Seeing a few scrapes here in Idaho, a few rubs too, had to cover our front birch tree, it was getting tortured.
No pee'd up hocks though, trail cam pics show them bone white still....
Went out yesterday after it cooled down, though it’s still in the mid to upper 50s… all day sit in a spot this year where I have already spotted two bucks.. saw one doe that bedded about 80 yards away.. and that was it all day.

Went out with my buddy, who is much more experienced than me and knows all the ins and outs of finding a spot to sit… he saw three doe running by in the morning, and nothing else all day.

Pretty disappointing day, to say the least.

This is my first year, and the schedule is working out where I can probably only go a couple more times. Shotgun season starts in 2 weeks, and they completely wipe out the area I hunt. Not looking great for me to get something this year.
Witnessed some good chasing and bucks cruising and high speed with noses to the ground. However, Saturday which was opening day of gun here in MN, very first minutes of shooting light had 3 bucks traveling together like it was August. Tinkling horns together, licking each others faces, etc...
Any news out of South Dakota? Got a last minute invitation to hunt up there on a piece of property I've never been to. East River Region.
I killed the second coyote on our farm with bow yesterday only saw one young buck between AM and PM sits. North central IL and our high Thursday is going to be 75. Things should ramp up here with cold front starting up Friday.