Anybody split their workout up throughout the day?


Aug 23, 2018
With a 9 month old, and working from home my ability to work out has kinda gone to shit lately. Normally I like to get it all in and once (like everyone) but with his schedule, my schedule and the wife’s schedule that just ain’t happening. I’ve been considering breaking it up throughout the day in shorter segments, while the kid is napping. I’ve also thought about just working out late at night when everyone is gone to bed but I’m pretty beat by then. Anybody got any other suggestions?


Feb 21, 2020
I split mine up from time to time. It less than ideal, but better than nothing.
I have a 3 year old and a 5 year old. Life happens.
As long as you keep making time for it, it will be progress.
Jan 26, 2021
Im building myself a home and i hung a set of gymnast rings in it, i feel like i can do way more volume of things like pullups and muscle ups etc if i do it throughout the day instead of all at once, which is nice sometimes
May 12, 2018
With a 9 month old, and working from home my ability to work out has kinda gone to shit lately. Normally I like to get it all in and once (like everyone) but with his schedule, my schedule and the wife’s schedule that just ain’t happening. I’ve been considering breaking it up throughout the day in shorter segments, while the kid is napping. I’ve also thought about just working out late at night when everyone is gone to bed but I’m pretty beat by then. Anybody got any other suggestions?

Great question, man!

Welcome to dad life :) Although, you're 9 months in, so pretty much a veteran at this point!

First, to answer your question: I've adjusted my schedule several times over the last 10 years or so based on whatever is on my plate. From a nerd standpoint (research studies), the piece that matters is getting it in, period. It'd be nickle and diming things to worry about cardio in the morning vs lifting in the evening (or vice-versa) unless the spacing causes one to suffer. (I.e. you're so toast from cardio that you can't complete a lift...).

Second is the second half of your question, which is more strategy based. There's two options that come to mind:

(1) Look at your schedule. It'll adjust some here and there, but stays regular for the most part. Where is the most likely you can tuck a workout in, in there? And, aim for practical....even if it's not optimal. Maybe you'd LOVE to workout for 60-minutes, but can't. Can you do 30 minutes? Because 30-minutes of a workout you CAN fit in your schedule beats a 60-minute workout you can never fit in right now.

(2) Can you increase the intensity for shorter duration AND/OR do a combined program like @atomicathlete or @mtntough? I've run a load of the AA programs and they're a great combination of hypertrophy/strenghth, aerobic capacity (cardio), and functional/recovery/maintenance (make sure you don't get hurt). This may be a better option as you yield as much reward in a shorter workout (in most cases...) as you would from doing a longer one at a slower pace.

There are times I've been able to dedicate more time to fitness and times when I cant. When I can, I do. When I can't, I call it a "season" where it's less and am just overjoyed that I get to allocate even a portion of my day to it.

Hopefully that helps!
Jul 31, 2017
Oakley, CA
I have been trying to get on schedule myself but hit and miss. With early start time at work tyring to get up at 4 do a quick cardio or ab hit deal then hit the weights when i get home. Not working really well so far but trying


Dec 1, 2018
I am no physical fitness coach, so you probably should not listen to me. But between work and family I just sprinkle in exercise where I can. Go for a short run in the morning, do body weight stuff when I am in the office, stuff like wall sit when placed on hold, or 20 push-ups every time you have to pee. Then do some weights and stretch after the baby goes to bed. Then try to get a long workout on the weekends, even if it is weedeating with 50lbs in my pack. It may not be ideal but it makes me feel better. Get creative kids make good weights.


Sep 15, 2019
I do this. Here’s how i started-

1) Every day i do 50 push ups and 50 pull ups over 5 sets throughout the day. Slowly increase the rep count of each set, i now do 100/100 of each. Usually finish push ups first and have to do an extra set or two of pull ups. If i cant get in early i do a set between each patient and am done by lunch most days. If 50/50 is too much, start out at whatever is good for you- the key is to try to do a little more every day

2) My ticket to being able to lift every day is running at least a mile before. Once you get in shape, this will take less than 7 minutes, no time at all. A day you have more time, do 2 or more.

Here was my schedule today

6:45-7:10 am- Push ups/pull ups and mile run
7:30 am first patient
12-12:30 pm - Bench press 6 sets of 6 reps
5 pm- done with patients
5:10 pm to 5:47 pm- mtn tough workout called the mind splitter

So on a hectic day where you cant get a “workout” in, at worst you’ve done 100 push ups/pull ups and run a mile or more. Just doing that will keep you at a pretty high baseline level of fitness and strength.


Feb 5, 2021
Sometimes my routine is fasted cardio when I wake up and then I’ll go to the gym midday. I dont mind breaking it up and with the constraints of life and schedule, it’s better to work it in than give up on it