Becoming LESS gear oriented.

I'm absolutely stoked with what I got. One of the amazing benefits of Rokslide is all the knowledge, experience and opinions that have been expressed. I recently got back from a archery elk hunt, and I had literally nothing that I didn't use (other than my first aid kit) and nothing that I could think of that I want to change for the next hunt. Being able to research every piece of kit that I took, I was able to buy used, clearance, and classified items to fit my budget. I also tried to buy once instead of buying something then upgrading it later.
As someone that is getting back into hunting, I need all these gotta have the newest stuff guys just so I can upgrade my gear without paying the new price. But, once I get upgraded to what works for me I will use it until it wears out or breaks..
Am I alone in not wanting to change, upgrade or update absolutely everything??

I'd anyone else just freaking happy with what they've got?!

You're not alone. I like messing with new gear as much as anyone but I'm hunting with the same rifle I have since 2006. Same shotgun since 2007. The same pack since 2009. Same sleeping bag since 2011.

I generally don't buy new gear until something blows up with the old stuff. I do like buying guns to mess around with and load for, but that's not exactly hunting per se. I'd likely mess with guns regardless if I hunted or not.

I don't know about everyone else. But when I wear out a piece of hunting gear...I take it as a sign that I'm living life right.
I'm currently not able to take weeks at a time off to go hunting, or spend all my weekends in the bush. At work I'm in front of a computer, so Rokslide and buying gear is sort of a sub conscious escape to vicariously prep for the time when I do hunt.

The hardcore oldtimers that can hunt all the time have way less of the latest and greatest, yet, at least in my experience, have way more success.

Unfortunately there is no substitute for time and experience, but myself (and I'm sure many of us) try to shore up the gap by buying anything they think can give us the edge AND good gear that will make the precious time we do have hunting thoroughly enjoyable.

"There is a direct correlation between how much you value your leisure time and what you're willing to spend to make those moments more productive and more enjoyable" - Flip Pallot
Being 5 years out of college and having a young family I’m still working on acquiring the high end gear slowly. My hope is over the next 5-10 years is to be busy paying taxidermy bills. But researching gear keeps me entertained during the weeks I’m not up on the mtn.
I contemplated this very idea on the California D7 opener at 10k elevation last Saturday. I was standing in a dry lake bed that my father had killed multiple deer in the 70-80s while wearing jeans and a chamois shirt, carrying a utility belt with water, knife and snack... I was standing there in the newest clothes, with a kifaru pack loaded with lunch, kill kit, 3 liters of water, tripod, binos, water purification, first aid, emergency supplies, puffy jacket, all in all about 30 lbs more gear than he ever traveled up the mountain with...
Todays gear keeps us safer and more comfortable, but there is really a limit to what is "needed". And yes the marketers have certainly had their way with our psyche and our wallets...
For the record, I was carrying his 7mm mag rifle from those old days, It would be a bad lie though, if I didn't disclose that I have been contemplating spending $4k for a rifle that would shoot 'straighter' and kill "better"
I've been at the 'less gear' point for several years now. Aside from my love of Kuiu ball caps I'm basically done with new stuff. I have what I need, and 95% of it was bought used anyway.

As you guys age, you'll see just what I mean.
This applies to general life as well. eBay is your friend. Buy the very best you can get and there is no need to have more than one of a thing. And when you can, buy good stuff used.
Same as Broomd for me. Same bow and gear for the past 5 years. I have mostly good gear, but no need for this year's unimproved model. I played that game for 5+ years and tinkered for 10 more, but I'm pretty set and comfortable. I lost a rubbermaid container out of the back of my truck that made me buy some new gear (that hurt) but nothing of significance for at least half a decade. I prefer it this way.
I'm pretty much in the same boat... I bought mostly higher to high end gear a few years ago and I really haven't felt the need to buy anything else.

I've downsized almost all of my gear to the stuff I actually use, I sold most of the crap I didn't need so I'm pretty content now.

I mean once you have a Kifaru pack and Swaro glass what more could you possibly want? ;)
Total turnaround here, especially on a primarily gear oriented sure but here goes.....

Over the last couple of years, I've become MUCH less interested in gear, accessories & accoutrements & far more concerned with putting that money into experiences & hunts.

I've got a couple of good packs. I've got 2 great, though not high end, tents. My rifles are more than sufficient for my needs for anything I'll ever hunt, although non are high-end or custom built (can you still kill deer with non Magnum calibers or carbon barrels??). I've got a great sleeping & cooking setup. My clothing suffices for my needs (a bit of Kuiu, some First Lite, lots of 'clearance' merino) my knives are.....knives, my offroad 'rig' is a totally capable, 22 year old, 350,000 mile daily driver.

I feel like I've literally got everything I need to hunt anything, anywhere, ever.

I'm at the stage where I feel like I can honestly comment on every 'which ---------- should i go with' thread with absolute certainty, whilst being an utter rank amateur in western hunting.

Am I alone in not wanting to change, upgrade or update absolutely everything??
Some days I feel like hunting gear is really up there with iPhones. It feels like everyone wants to upgrade, renew or update absolutely everything, all the time!

I'm pretty much over buying new shit, to be honest. I've gone ultralight & minimalist. I've tried everything but the kitchen sink.....

I'd anyone else just freaking happy with what they've got?!


next thing you are going to spout out of your blaspheming mouth will be that you can kill an elk within a mile from a road!

I feel like im halfway between needing all the new things and chasing people off my lawn with an M1 Garand.

i think every time i go into the woods i take a little less.
I pretty much use something till it breaks or wears out. I did buy a bunch of new gear for an upcoming moose hunt just because I never was set up for it. Deer rifle is an old Savage 99.
Shotgun is an old Remington, bow is a 1990's Hoyt. It kind of sucks having everything I need. I loved the years of shopping and finding all the gear! I have a hard time justifying new stuff if the old works.
As I'm just getting started, I'm trying to balance just getting out there to gain experience and acquiring the necessary gear to make the experience successful and more enjoyable.
For me the desire for new gear changed when I changed my mindset to buy once cry once. I was always getting slightly better gear then not being happy with them. Seemed like every year I was buying new pieces of clothing as last years stuff didn't quite work well enough.
Then I sold all my optics and went with swarovski, changed my clothes to Kuiu, upgraded my pack to Kuiu, have high quality knives, headlamps/flashlights, etc. Now I don't feel like I need something unless something breaks.
I feel like I've literally got everything I need to hunt anything, anywhere, ever.

I'm at the stage where I feel like I can honestly comment on every 'which ---------- should i go with' thread with absolute certainty, whilst being an utter rank amateur in western hunting.

Am I alone in not wanting to change, upgrade or update absolutely everything??

I'm pretty much over buying new shit, to be honest.

I'd anyone else just freaking happy with what they've got?!

Yup - I'm happy with what I've got. Spent a couple of years shopping sales, closeouts, store closures, etc. and have decent stuff, not top tier but not cheap junk either.

A lot of the guys with the top notch stuff are just bragging. Look at how much I spent is what they mean.
I'm still searching yard sales and thrift stores for the holey grail of old school hunting cloths a green and Navy plad Woolrich Mackinaw once I do, shopping is done...until something breaks.
got pretty much everything I need. One last backpack upgrade and I should have everything I need unless it’s Alaska or a true winter rut hunt. Anything from August to mid November I am good.
But having kids adds another level of gear that gets bought
What I've found is most upgrade or gear purchases is as a result of the constant bombardment of advertising and friends who seem to like buying hunting gear more than hunting. When I'm not talking to them I tend to be content with what I have.

Also as I gain more experience my setup is getting less coordinated. I buy the pieces of clothing that fit what I like regardless of what camo is on them. My overall purchases have slowed significantly.