Beware of the Forest Cow

There's like 25 head of cattle, if they wanted to run his azz over they would have. We only had around a 1,000 head a year on the farm for 30ish years, got a pretty good idea on how to read critters, they wanted to f him up they would have without hesitation. The few crazies we had wouldn't be stopped by tractors, trucks, steel fence, or anything else you could throw at them, those cows were curious, that's it.

I'm sure someone who had zero idea how critters act could get a different feeling from the situation, but you could have just kept walking straight at them and they would have split like the red sea.
Most likely they're used to running behind a pickup dumping hay out the back. Usually, a human means hay. I was out last week just walking through the high desert keeping my joints loose, and had to pass through about 20 cows. All of them had calves. Some were curious and some ran off. One cow that still had her horns came a trotting up straight for me like a bull. Probably she had already run off a bunch of coyotes and figured it was her job to take care of any business, having the horns and all. I just waved my arms and hollared and she took off, thankfully. The tallest thing I had to hide behind was a tuft of grass. Kind'a fun.

Somebody should tell that dude that that's not the type of video you share. That or a video of your sister beating you up.
Ya those cows were curious is all. They were prolly all the more curious since he was acting weird. A normal human would've kept on and they would've ignored the person.
Most likely they're used to running behind a pickup dumping hay out the back. Usually, a human means hay. I was out last week just walking through the high desert keeping my joints loose, and had to pass through about 20 cows. All of them had calves. Some were curious and some ran off. One cow that still had her horns came a trotting up straight for me like a bull. Probably she had already run off a bunch of coyotes and figured it was her job to take care of any business, having the horns and all. I just waved my arms and hollared and she took off, thankfully. The tallest thing I had to hide behind was a tuft of grass. Kind'a fun.

Somebody should tell that dude that that's not the type of video you share. That or a video of your sister beating you up.
I'm also with you here. They acted somewhat like my family's cattle when you bring a bucket of corn out
I don't do social media, but if one of you would be so kind as to let him know I expect him to cut his man card in half. If that's too scary he can put it in the freezer and then break it.

And post it on social media of course.
Cow spray! Who knew? Cleans the driveway and great on corn flakes too.

I've never had an occasion to shoot bear spray. His seemed kind'a not so far reaching.
They just wanted a snack!

When I was a kid a big horned cow had just dropped a calf and I was walking down a fence line to a hunting spot, she made some crazy noises and chased me down the road full speed. I ended up throwing my rifle over the fence and diving over it like Superman just as she caught up. That cow paced back and forth at the fence with a look in her eyes I'll never forget. This herd in the video didn't have that look, they look curious and happy to see the guy.