Cardio vs Strength Training


Nov 26, 2017
Which part, the squatting 700 and 12 rep with 150 bells or the (certain) anabolics causing increased blood pressure? I have quite a bit of personal experience not to mention what my liver profiles and lipids panel looked like after a cycle. A natural lifter squatting 700lbs is a true freak. I've lived in four states and been to every BB and power lifting gym in the cities I live in and I've never seen a truly natural lifter squat 700lbs. Ronnie Coleman, the strongest bodybuilder in the world squatted 700lbs and we all know how natural he was ;).
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Dec 27, 2013
Durango CO
Which part, the squatting 700 and 12 rep with 150 bells or the (certain) anabolics causing increased blood pressure? I have quite a bit of personal experience not to mention what my liver profiles and lipids panel looked like after a cycle. A natural lifter squatting 700lbs is a true freak. I've lived in four states and been to every BB and power lifting gym in the cities I live in and I've never seen a truly natural lifter squat 700lbs. Ronnie Coleman, the strongest bodybuilder in the world squatted 700lbs and we all know how natural he was ;).

Meh. While a 600+ lbs deadlift is rare (particularly a conventional not a bullshit sumo DL), but I have observed enough 20 somethings progress from ~400# to over 600# deadlifts over the course of a couple of years to conclude that it is indeed possible with proper programming and supervision of a coach. Virtually Nobody gets past 600# DLs without coaching and few people at conventional gyms have strength coaches.

Their are official Olympic Clean and Jerk records approaching 600#, which would imply the ability to deadlift somewhere around 800# or more. While I wouldn’t expect to walk into any commercial Gym anywhere and happen to see someone deadlift 700#, I do think it is achievable for some portion of the male population without the use of drugs, however, you’re likely looking at a solid 10 year training base with proper coaching and programming and some amount of genetic advantage, but not necessarily the top 1% of the population.

For example, It is fully conceivable that almost any average male could be coached into progressing a back squat to around 400#. That’s considerably stronger than than the average male gym goer.
Considering a 600# deadlift likely tops average potential, a 700# deadlift, is within the reachability of talented athletes. You might be approaching the end, but it’s certainly not unattainable. If anything, I’d say the reason that you don’t see more people that strong is because the NFL vacuums up most of the genetic potential as there is little to no money in powerlifting, weightlifting or strongman competitions. US Olympic weightlifting is basically a joke, for example. Most of the Powerlifting Federations have pathetic standards and stupid rules (which partially explains why powerlifting can’t seem to find its way into the Olympics) and Strongman is basically a garage sport for all but a tiny handful of people. The pedal has never really been out to the metal and there simply is a void of incentive to be that strong.


Nov 26, 2017
Yes you will never see someone squatting 700 in a commercial gym. I’ve heard of someone doing it in a powerlifting gym but the guy def wasn’t natural...or whatever.

Coach may have been disputing my likening anabolics to increased BP or decrease in cardio which may not be debatable within the scope of this thread.

I’m no sports scientist just noting what I experienced on various...stuff.

I’m in my late 40’s now and may have done some metabolic/hormonal damage from the use of substances (which I would never recommend outside of medical supervision) and now train purely cardio with a bit of lifting to maintain strength at my age. I still like to have a bit more mass than I need for endurance activities. It’s definitely a trade off body weight wise.

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Feb 11, 2016
For all of you that haven’t seen that kind of weight in a commercial gym, do y’all want my dudes Instagram handle? PM me, I’ll gladly send it to you.

Valley fitness in Harrisonburg Virginia is one lunk alarm light away from planet fitness.

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May 9, 2013
I had to go back to the first post to see just how far this thread has gone into a sink hole.
600# squats?!?! Steroids?? I think the OP just wants to shoot an elk and get it home.

Get stronger. Squats are the king of exercises.
Be cardio-active but remember you will never out RUN an elk so just carry your pack over as hilly or rough terrain as you have available for as far as possible. Preseason I carry my pack everywhere. Walking the dogs, spreading fertilizer, shooting a 3D course. I just want it to feel normal having it on. I like occasional HIIT on a bike too.

I killed two cow elk this season with my bow and never once did I have to run but I did have to pick up and carry some heavy loads.

Age 67 next week.
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Nov 13, 2018
Anything helps to some extent,,,All “athletes” lift weights and do some cardio...but hiking is the only thing that will really make you any better at hiking...


Nov 12, 2019
Hiking our grain bin steps here. I don’t think it would be easy with trekking poles.

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