Clarktar Trail Cam Pictures


Aug 30, 2013
Well now that I got several cameras up I figured I would start posting some of the pictures.

Lets start it off with a picture of a Cat! I had been trying for 2 years now to get a good picture of the mature cat that is in this area. I had seen kills, and prints, and knew there was one around. But all of my pictures before this one were blunders, either to blurry, or a fern in the way or something else. This is the first picture I got that is clear, and you can cleary see the cat. I am going to try to move the camera, or add an additional camera to get a better full frame photo of him or her.

I like this sequence, bigger bull had some cows with him. He tears up the wallow some, then a younger bull comes in, and the bigger bull looks like he rears his head back and bugles down towards his cows, while the younger bull stares

then the older bull chases him!

Had several other pictures of 4 or 5 different bulls, if I remember correctly, as I viewed them in the LCD screen on camera in the field. But when I got back to the computer and uploaded photos, those ones can not be read, or atleast my computer tells me that!! Very frustrating.