CO Archery Mule Deer - 2014

OR Archer

Feb 29, 2012
So I've been thinking about this hunt a bit today. I know it's a long ways off but I like to plan ahead haha. I'll have 2 preference points to use toward drawing a tag. I hunted unit 75 in the Weminuche in 2011. Great country but lacked good bucks. Looking for another high country hunt but a little more remote. Goal is a 160+ P&Y buck. There will be 2 other guys with me if things go as planned so I need to find a unit that will offer multiple areas for us to split up into if need be.

Now that being said what are some areas or units I should take a look at? Of course I'm not looking for anyone's specific spot but just some general info to go off of. I'd be glad to return the favor on some blacktail hunting here in Oregon for anyone interested in sharing info.

OR Archer

OR Archer

Feb 29, 2012
I saw one that was a mid 160's class 4 pt. Nice buck but he was spooked by 'yotes and not to be seen again. Saw a handful of bucks around 150 but mostly little dink bucks. It was great country where we were at but I just think there was to much pressure. Looking to get farther back and further away from people the next go around.
May 29, 2012
Lewiston ID
What elevation and how far in were you in 75? I've heard great things about that unit... I have two points as well and am in the same boat! Though might be looking at 3rd rifle season tags as I'd like to hunt archery in either WA or ID...

OR Archer

OR Archer

Feb 29, 2012
We were anywhere from 3-5 miles in. We were there the first week of season. The trailhead was already pretty packed when we got there. I think some where hikers but mainly hunters. I would go back but I wouldn't burn my 2 points on it. We drew with no points. It has potential to be a great unit. Just the area we picked I think was to easy to access. Needed to get into some of the more remote areas and I think it could be a much much better unit to hunt.
May 29, 2012
Lewiston ID
We were anywhere from 3-5 miles in. We were there the first week of season. The trailhead was already pretty packed when we got there. I think some where hikers but mainly hunters. I would go back but I wouldn't burn my 2 points on it. We drew with no points. It has potential to be a great unit. Just the area we picked I think was to easy to access. Needed to get into some of the more remote areas and I think it could be a much much better unit to hunt.

Ah yeah that would make sense. What elevation were you at?

Its like Robby says, would rather hunt a good unit that I know vs a great unit that I'm blind!


robby denning

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
SE Idaho
OR Archer,
if you didn't find what you were looking for in the Weminuche, don't just jump all over the state looking for something better yet. If you can't find them there, you won't likely find them anywhere.

It's not the unit that kept you from being successful (there are HUGE bucks down there), it was likely that you just didn't look at enough country to find many bucks, and by the human presence you described, it was a poor area, most likely. However, move a ridge or two over and you might be surprised. Jumping around the state won't likely solve the problem as you will have to locate the bucky country no matter what unit you hunt.

You already have some good info, it just maybe on "where not to go", but you likely didn't cover all of that country correctly. Units/areas take 1-3 years to learn. Throw in changing conditions every year and it might take five years to really nail down a good spot.

I know guys who hunt killer units and still don't find big bucks every year, but every few years they see or kill a toad. Even if you're not after giants, the idea is still the same: learn the country before you move on.

My two cents.
OR Archer

OR Archer

Feb 29, 2012
I totally agree with you Rob. The area we hunted was great country. I just think the ease of access made for poor hunting. We definitely learned a lot on that trip. I think I would like to see more of what Colorado has to offer to make a comparison. Its certainly better than what is offered here in Oregon. I will definitely put that unit as a second choice on my app. I know I look at other areas in that unit I would like to hunt.


Aug 6, 2012
I'm putting in for 75/751 in 2013, if you could PM me some info about where you made access at, I'd greatly appreciate it. I've got an idea of where I wanna go in and how far, and I was gonna take your advice and check with the GW to check to see if there were any sheep or goats grazing in the country I wanted to go to.
Feb 25, 2012
If you are only planning on hunting every few years, why not switch to an area that has a lot less tags? Like 53, 54, 55, 64, 65, 66, 67, etc. Both areas might have the same quality of bucks, but a lot less pressure in an area that had 1/5-1/3 of the tags issued. Also some of those units are limited for elk which might also help reduce some of the pressure in the area you are hunting.
Jan 28, 2012
Salt Lake City
Good advice guys! Less pressure from elk guys in limited draw elk units! Especially early when some of those herds are still high bc of temps.


Mar 8, 2012
W.Central PA.
We saw 2 nice bucks in 67 in 2010. Just coincidental sightings while elk hunting first rifle season. Between 9,000 and 10,000 ft to boot. They were shooters to me. 160ish. I haven't checked the point requirement to draw archery in there,but late rifle went up. I've been targeting 66 for a once in a lifetime muley hunt. The point requirement for a non-res had been 9 for the last 3 or 4 years. I see it took 12 this year. 67 isn't as bad,but it's bad enough. I'm considering switching over to 67,plan on a second rifle elk hunt then stay over another week for deer. That may be as close as I can get without waiting until Im 60! I've seen some super muleys come out of 66. Usually after the snow flies later in the game,but huge none the less.

robby denning

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
SE Idaho
Two Tikkas,
beautiful typical buck! you can't just throw that up there without a little story!

Maybe I missed it somewhere else, but first time I've seen it.


Mar 8, 2012
W.Central PA.
Well,the son of a friend of mine went to Colorado bout 16 years ago to be a guide. He turned out to be a very good one at that. He's guided elk and deer in colorado,and deer and turkey in TX and Nebraska. Living the dream. That particular buck was taken by the outfitter he used to work for. Based out of Montrose and hunting out of Gunnison they have taken some really nice bucks. He is the one that turned me onto unit 66 and 67. This pic was taken before the big 08 winterkill though. We didn't see any that big in 2010,but the 2 nice bucks we saw have a bunch of potential. if they are still roaming the hills they are going to be real hogs. I was really hoping to hunt the country around Blue Mesa Reservoir in 2015 for muleys,but it aint looking good. Too hard to draw a tag now. So, if nothing changes the next year or so I'll apply for a late rifle hunt in 67. I'm getting to know the country between Old Agency and Porcupine Gulch pretty well,and plan to be in there again next fall.