Cross eye dominate question


Sep 14, 2021
Hi all. So my kid is 4.5 years old and definitely left eye dominate. From what I can tell, he’s right handed. So for you cross eye dominate folks, should I teach him to shoot rifles and bows left handed?
at 4 1/2 yes - without question.

I was born left handed/ left eyed and my dad forced me to be right handed. I always wondered why I was damn near ambidextrous until I learned that at about 25-28. now at 49 my vision clarity favors my left dominant eye and I wish I had just grown up left handed.

I'll still out shoot you with my recurve shooting right handed, and i general I am a good shot but just pull off the band aid, get him shooting left handed and rock on. By now there are plenty of lefty products on the market - I wouldn't let that fear drive the decision.,

Two of my PH friends over the years were left handed and shot right handed guns- they didn't have the luxury of our supply of LH products, and they made it out alive... ;-)
Yes. I’m right handed and left eye dominant. I’ve shot rifle left handed since I was 5, bow left handed since teens, no issues. I shoot pistol right handed.
Being cross eye dominate I wish I had learned to shoot left handed, but I'm stuck in my ways and left guns are harder to find. I have problems shooting a shotgun or bow with both eyes open. I can shoot a bow with a pep with both eyes open, but if I dont really concentrate I will look thorough thr pep with my right eye, but the pins and target with the left. I always close my left eye to keep from sending off errant shots.
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Ive become left eye dominant the past few years due to astigmatism in my right eye. Its a huge PITA. Teach them to shoot left handed if thats the dominant eye 100%. No reason to drive with the wheel cockeyed when an alignment will fix it forever. Bad analogy but you get the idea 😄
I'm right handed, left eyed...Clear up into my teens my dad made me shoot right handed.. He didn't know either, we both found out I was this way during our hunters safety class. I'm 51 years old now. Anyway...Because he made me shoot righty for so many years I'm almost 100% ambidextrous shooting firearms. Especially with pistols. When I bird hunt waterfowl, I shift hands depending on the birds approach. During tac courses with pistol I shift the entire pistol to my other hand for weak-side shooting. For long shots with rifle, lately I've been shooting righty, but in a rush this year I got my buck lefty proned out on the ground. I didn't notice til after the shot I'd done it lefty. I shot my cow righty at long range off bags. So don't sweat it. I'd let him decide what's confortible...hell he's just 4.5. Let him run around with BB guns and toys and watch what's confortable for him. It's no worries, just practice for him later on.-WW
At that age, absolutely teach for the dominant eye. My dad never checked eye dominance and I didn't figure out I was cross dominant until I was in high school. It's really never been an issue for me, I'm still an excellent wingshot because I can just shade my eye left eye half closed, and shooting a rifle or bow I don't necessarily need both eyes open. However, if I had my druthers, I wish I had grown up shooting left handed.
I’m cross eye dominant (left eye/right handed) and thankful my dad was aware and taught me to shoot lefty. I am pretty much ambidextrous since a teen. I can hit both, shoot both ( rifle or bow), throw both, blah blah blah. There is a kid on my son’s sportsman club team cross eye dominate. He can’t shoot left but favors left eye. So we cover his left eye. Just teach him to shoot lefty. Or allow him to do both. I’ve killed deer either handed. It has been rather handy at times. Especially boxing/fighting. When folks think your orthodox but stand south paw. It’s kinda funny. Especially when you can swap
It up at will.
Yes. I’m right handed and left eye dominant. I’ve shot rifle left handed since I was 5, bow left handed since teens, no issues. I shoot pistol right handed.

But which eye do you use with both eyes open with a pistol? I shoot right handed but use my left eye when i shoot a pistol. This is how i found out I was left eye dominant. I was shooting my brothers IPSC gun and he was like "what are you doing with your head?
Teach him to shoot rifles, shotguns, bows and pool according to his dominant eye. Handguns according to his dominant hand. I am cross eyed dominant and grew up shooting lefty and am right handed. Absolutely no coordination issues working a bolt; safeties can be a pain depending on the layout.
Teach him to shoot rifles, shotguns, bows and pool according to his dominant eye. Handguns according to his dominant hand. I am cross eyed dominant and grew up shooting lefty and am right handed. Absolutely no coordination issues working a bolt; safeties can be a pain depending on the layout.
Too piggy back on some of your ideas. I also shot pool lefty but I have found shooting lefty but right handed with a right handed rifle. I can cruise through the operation of the bolt while not having lower.
But which eye do you use with both eyes open with a pistol? I shoot right handed but use my left eye when i shoot a pistol. This is how i found out I was left eye dominant. I was shooting my brothers IPSC gun and he was like "what are you doing with your head?

When shooting with both eyes your dominant eye will take over or try too.

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But which eye do you use with both eyes open with a pistol? I shoot right handed but use my left eye when i shoot a pistol. This is how i found out I was left eye dominant. I was shooting my brothers IPSC gun and he was like "what are you doing with your head?
I am not sure to be honest with both eyes open, my left eye probably does more of the work but it hasn’t been an issue.

also for the OP, I have always shot right handed bolts shooting left handed. No need to search for a left hand bolt. You adapt and when shooting from a rest it is actually advantageous, no need to regain grip
Yes, at his age he’ll never know the difference.
I’m cross dominant and started shooting a shotgun lefty a few years ago. Wish I had started way sooner. Rifles and handguns I still shoot righty most of the time as I can close my left eye.
I'm cross dominate, and for rifles, I can just close my left eye and it's a non issue. Lefty rifles are too much of a pita to find.
My 9 yo daughter is right handed left eye dominate. I figured this out when I was teaching her to shoot right handed and she couldn’t close her left eye. We quickly made the switch to shooting left handed and all is good now.