Dictionary for a new user.


Nov 3, 2015
Spanish Fork, UT
Relatively new to the forum and have discovered that I am sorely lacking in the current lingo, verbiage and acronyms. Could someone help me out? I am seeng most of the items that are unknown in the classified section. If there is a post on this already I apologize. I have tried to search for it, but to no avail.

The ones i had trouble with at first are Kifaru DT1, DT2, DT3 are duplex timberlines (for use with bikini, duplex, hunting or tactical frames) whereas T1/2/3 are the older Timberlines with integrated suspension.

SG: Stone Glacier
FL: First Lite
BT2: Beyond Timeline (shelter by Seek Outside)
EE: Enlightened Equipment
NWT -New with tags
NIB -New in box
ISO -in search of
LN -Like new
SPF- Sold Pending Funds
TTT - to the top....this is just a sellers way of responding to their own add to bring it back to the top of the list in an effort to gain more views. Threads with the most recent activity are on page one.

Good luck!
After a quick look through the classifieds, here are some more.

TYD: To Your Door (shipping included)
PP Gift or add 3%: Paypal gift (send money to friends or family using bank draft) or add 3% to use a credit card to cover fees
HPG: Hill People Gear
MC: Multicam (camo pattern)
SO: Seek Outside
WM: Western Mountaineering
BA: Big Agnes
OR: Outdoor Research
MR Mystery Ranch
MH: Mountain Hardware
C4E: Core 4 Element
PALS: Pouch Attachment Ladder System or MOLLE: Modular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment; both refer to military attachment system for pack accessories.
G2G: Good to Go (ie I have made a transaction with this user before and it went smoothly)
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ohh alright.... :rolleyes:

WTF = What the F$%!
OMG = Oh My God
GLWS = Good luck with Sale
,!,, = use your imagination =)