Dropped a bomb on this buck.


Oct 10, 2020
I practice a ton and know my equipment so that if I need to take a far shot, I have the ability. This was that scenario. My furtherest shot. Accompanied by shot placement pic. I wouldn’t have minded hitting him a few more inches to the left, but I was still very happy with the placement. I think I held about 20” of wind. He made it just out of frame and died.

As someone whose furthest kill ever is 140 yards this is damn impressive. You obviously put in the range time with your equipment to make that happen. Well done.
Nah just find a lot of wounded/dead unrecovered animals. Y’all do you
And you do a forensic autopsy and know without a doubt it was from a long range hunter?

It couldn't of been anything else?
Not a half drunk Fudd w a 3030 from 50 yards?

Come on

Or an "archery hunter" who buys a bow fully setup from the manufacturer with a plastic sight.

"It's sighted in, Matthews does it at the factory, why else would they install the sight for me?"

Yeah archery guys never injure any animals...

What about the guy who buys the Savage Axis II with the preinstalled Crossfire scope already installed a month before season? When I worked at Sportsman's Craphouse, I can't tell you how many times I had guys ask me "So, Savage already sighted this in, do you know what type of ammo they used? 130 grain? What's my bullet drop at 1000?" Or something similar.

Yup, long range guys are definitely the only people wounding animals. SMH...

Disclaimer: I hunt with a compound bow, in line muzzleloader, and rifle every fall, but I get really sick of people judging the way others legally take animals. I think most hunters, rifle or archery or otherwise, vastly overestimate their abilities and are far less capable than they want to admit or believe. Dunning kruger effect, anybody?

The OP obviously flat understands ballistics and has worked to hone his craft, the same was as Fred Bear did with the stickbow.

Nice shot OP!
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