Floorless shelter. Rattlesnakes. Idaho. New Mexico.

Thanks guys. In Idaho I'd probably be from the Sun Valley area to the Utah line.

I thought I had heard a podcast about one of the Exo death hikes in Idaho where they were dodging rattlesnakes left and right but I don't know where they were.
Chances of running into one hunting near Sun Valley is slim to none, south of here is a different story.
I’m from N Idaho. I lived in Southern Idaho for a couple years. Was out on a nice spring day south of Riggins shooting rock chucks... walked out to look at a chuck and almost stepped on a large buzz tail. Spooked me back to the truck. High stepped the whole way. As I was putting the key in the door to the truck, something moved under my boot. One was sitting in the shade of my truck, trying to bite my Danners. Had to shoot it to get in the truck. Started driving out, and we saw nine more in ten miles of dirt road. I was so spooked, I didn’t stop driving until I got to a big ass empty parking lot in Weiser. Jumped out of the truck and spent 5 minutes looking under my truck and in the canopy for more of them...

When I got back to my rental house, I did what any sane person would do. Packed up and moved back to N Idaho :)

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Great story. Pretty funny and eye opening.
The other side to this question is what do you do if a rattlesnake gets in your tent with you? First thought is to GTFO, but that could provoke a strike. Next thought is to wait it out quietly and hope it leaves. Not a lot of room in my floorless shelter to scamper around to get away.
I use a nest w/ bathtub like floor in my Tut
Late August-September Hunt/scout trips in AZ, NM, UT. Nest great protection from skeeters too. Bear Paw makes a good 1/2 nest for my use. Also super light in weight
What nest are you using in your tut?
I would not worry about snakes in the mountains of NM.

I always wonder how much a tent floor really protects you from them. Seems like the easiest way to find snakes is to look under things like sheet metal, rocks, plywood. What happens when one goes under your tent and you step on it.