Grizzly kills moose calf in front of wedding ceremony.

If more people witnessed the natural cycle of life for animals first-hand, they'd realize what a mercy and arrow or bullet really is. Pretty cool wedding story, either way. If they were pagan, it would've been perfect.
That is completely insane and crazy that not a single person at that wedding had a griz tag…what are the odds that many people in a group and not one of them had a tag…life sure is random.
Going to take a different approach to this. The videographer was the one who interjected the wedding after the grooms vows to point out the bear. While the guests seemed to notice, and you can clearly hear the struggle in the background, the bride and groom seemed extremely focused on each other and oblivious to it.

I’d have been kind of ticked at the videographer. Get me married, let me kiss the bride, and then me and my wife can watch nature do it’s thing. If I had wanted a narrative on nature, I’d have invited David Attenborough.