If you could have one more....


Jul 15, 2021
A few months back I started the vasectomy thread. I finally got it done last week at the ripe age of 41. I have an admitted weak pull-out game and a few days after the vasectomy my wife and I had a pregnancy scare from a previous encounter prior to the procedure. While waiting for the results of the 3 at home pregnancy tests we performed, I got thinking what I would name my fourth son. She said I could name it anything I wanted if it was a boy but she could name it if it was a girl.

I had it narrowed down to either Leonidas or Apollo Creed.

We went with biblical names for our first 3 sons Jonah, Caleb, and Eli.

What would you over 40 guys name a son of you were to have one today?

BTW - the tests were negative

Also, the doctor said to wait at least 7 days before getting some stank on the hang-low, but I was feeling rambunctious after 3 days and feeling good. Word of advice: wait 7 days. I’m still swollen and hurting.
Jul 20, 2014
Kirtland, NM
I like Eli, Jacob, Abel, River, Samuel, Dodge, Wyatt. I had my V at 40 after my last daughter. I’m 45 now. My oldest is a boy and then 2 daughters. Kolbin Hunter, Harper Addisyn, and Teagan Cassidy. I definitely waited a while after I had mine done. Lol


Feb 3, 2019
Had mine done at 39. Was blessed with 2 girls. If we would of had a boy his name would have been Jack. Always liked that name. I couldn't wait the 7 days either.


Dec 20, 2020
I hope your dr also told you it’s about the number not the days. Or else you end up with another yet


Mar 30, 2016
South Central, PA
I’m 41 and I’d prob name him Lucky. Prob would have to make my wish known in my will because I’d jump off a bridge. 3’s enough!!!!

21 boy , 18 Girl , and 14 Boy

I will have 2 in college in Aug at same time.


Jul 15, 2021
I hope your dr also told you it’s about the number not the days. Or else you end up with another yet
He did. He said we need to be “careful” until after my two samples at six and eight weeks. I’m not a smart man but I know what love is, and I love shooting up the club with no protection. If one slips past the goalie then I will have to live with another bad decision in a lifetime full of them.


Jul 15, 2021
I like Eli, Jacob, Abel, River, Samuel, Dodge, Wyatt. I had my V at 40 after my last daughter. I’m 45 now. My oldest is a boy and then 2 daughters. Kolbin Hunter, Harper Addisyn, and Teagan Cassidy. I definitely waited a while after I had mine done. Lol
You and your wife did an excellent job at naming your current children. Love all of those names.

My wife’s friend is 41 and had a son about a year ago. They named him Holden. I tried to talk her out of it. This kid is facing a lifetime of jokes. I guess Holden is better than Sue.


Jun 6, 2018
Oh man...... this is a good one. Hope to not derail this thread. We are trying to think of a boy name. We have a girl name. Macie Jo.

My wife and I started having kids young. We am currently 35. Our 1st boy at age 20. 2nd boy at age 23. We decided we were done. BUT just in case my wife didn't get tubes tied and I didn't get a vasectomy. So she got an IUD. She has loved it and we kind of haven't gave anymore of a thought.

We bought a house for the 4 of us 7.5 years ago. We hadn't loved in it 6 months and got asked to watch a 11month old girl for a few weeks till the parents got life figured out. Well my little girl just turned 8 last week.

The past year my wife has been having some complications/issues with her ovaries and uterus. Cyst and nodules causing a lot of pain. So she decided on a hysterectomy. She is a school teacher and didn't want to take off of work for it so she scheduled it the week after school got out. (Mid May) We head up to hospital early for surgery. Just doing regular pre surgery things like pregnancy test and so on.

WELL...... the surgeon comes in to get my wife to take her back. He has this REALLY puzzled look on his face. He said "Congratulations, you're not have a hysterectomy today. You're pregnant"

WOW, just WOW. So right there in the pre surgery room he removed the IUD and sent us home. After 3 blood test and 2 sonograms, it's confirmed. We are going to be parents again. She was 4 weeks along the day surgery was supposed to happen.

We are still trying to figure out how to do this again. But we are getting there.


May 28, 2014
Southern Utah
Oh man...... this is a good one. Hope to not derail this thread. We are trying to think of a boy name. We have a girl name. Macie Jo.

My wife and I started having kids young. We am currently 35. Our 1st boy at age 20. 2nd boy at age 23. We decided we were done. BUT just in case my wife didn't get tubes tied and I didn't get a vasectomy. So she got an IUD. She has loved it and we kind of haven't gave anymore of a thought.

We bought a house for the 4 of us 7.5 years ago. We hadn't loved in it 6 months and got asked to watch a 11month old girl for a few weeks till the parents got life figured out. Well my little girl just turned 8 last week.

The past year my wife has been having some complications/issues with her ovaries and uterus. Cyst and nodules causing a lot of pain. So she decided on a hysterectomy. She is a school teacher and didn't want to take off of work for it so she scheduled it the week after school got out. (Mid May) We head up to hospital early for surgery. Just doing regular pre surgery things like pregnancy test and so on.

WELL...... the surgeon comes in to get my wife to take her back. He has this REALLY puzzled look on his face. He said "Congratulations, you're not have a hysterectomy today. You're pregnant"

WOW, just WOW. So right there in the pre surgery room he removed the IUD and sent us home. After 3 blood test and 2 sonograms, it's confirmed. We are going to be parents again. She was 4 weeks along the day surgery was supposed to happen.

We are still trying to figure out how to do this again. But we are getting there.

My wife got a hysterectomy in December due to lady part issues. We have 3, two boys and a little girl.
Quade Marcus, Cole Remo and Jentri May. They are 3 of the best things that's happened to me.

Sent from my SM-G981V using Tapatalk


Dec 28, 2020
This thread is to much. We have our third one on the way, getting snipped before he/she is born. I just turned 34, Going to be crazy times around our house right around Thanksgiving. We will have three under four. Havet even talked names yet.