Kansas City area rally, May 18th

What is your preference for this event?

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Jul 30, 2015
Lenexa, KS
************meet up details here******************

Date: Saturday 5/18/2024
Time: 9AM
Location: Shawnee Mission Park archery range https://maps.app.goo.gl/p6fm4qafWPCqqmmw9

Bring your gear! If you're not sure what to bring, think about stuff people might like to check out. Stuff you can't get at Scheels, rarer items, optics. Bring stuff you're looking to sell or trade. Bring gear you have customized--others might copy your hack. Last time folks brought and setup shelters...there's room to do that.

Shoot your bow out to 60 yards if you'd like. The park does require a permit that can be bought online for $20 or less, depending on day or year, and age: https://www.jcprd.com/1899/Activity-Permits

Go for a hike before or after, there are lots of trails but this one is my favorite: https://maps.app.goo.gl/Qz4eYMMjS3hmZ2BC8 take the gravel Access Road west and then dive off into the woods north or south. The trails are marked on OnX. If it's muddy, probably best to stick to a paved trail somewhere or stay on the Access Road.

I am looking for a co-host: my daughter had a soccer game get scheduled at 10AM, so I'll only be there till 940 or so.

********************meeting details above********************************

Some of us have been threatening a rally for the KC area folks a while now (there are actually quite a lot of us). I put one together maybe 6 or 7 years ago that was fruitful, I know several folks met others they still hunt and hang out with. I was going to propose the morning of May 18th, hopefully most folks are done turkey hunting by then, and it's before Memorial Day so summer isn't getting in the way.

Last time I rented an area at Shawnee Mission Park and am thinking of doing that again. Folks setup shelters and brought all sorts of gear for others to try. I was thinking we could also bring gear to sell since that has become pretty popular. Early comers could get in a pack hike on one of the trails, folks could stay after to shoot at the archery range.

Any interest? I'd also be looking for a co-host in case something comes up with me, family stuff or whatever. No special skills needed other than to maybe break the ice a little.
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Jul 15, 2020
Lenexa, KS
I would love to get together but heading out for a family trip to DC on 5/17-23. Don't change things on my account. I'll keep an eye on this if the date changes. Thanks for pulling this together.


Jul 4, 2019
If I'm in town I'll be there; Spring bear comes first though!

Gear for sale is easy, but maybe a gear list of sorts that people have interest in seeing...? I have no idea what if any part of my kit there would be interest in. I know good (or favorite) optics is an easy one; or maybe that's just my perception.


Jun 3, 2017
Thanks for the invite. Not sure if I can make that or not at this point. The 25th would for sure be out for me and right now the 18th is very questionable. I am always looking for an excuse to go to KC for some Q39 though. :)
Jan 14, 2016
Shawnee, KS
I should be able to make it. Shawnee Mission Park is only a few miles from my house.

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