Kifaru/tipi users


Feb 12, 2013
tipi liner.JPGtipi liner.JPGhas been a long time since I've been on RokSlide. the other day I got involved in a chat on Bowsite and decided to take it hear also for those it might benefit.
I have had a 6 person Kifaru tipi for at least 10 years now. When I first got it I contacted Kifaru with the liner dimensions because I thought I had the wrong size liner. It fit horribly, sagging in so much it takes about 1/3 of the usable tipi space. Kifaru informed me that it was the correct size and that most people just use packs and trekking poles to push back and hold the liner up and out of the way. Over the next couple of years I tried going without the liner on my annual hunt but in Alaska that proved to be a big mistake, way to much condensation. Last year I sewed 1/2" x 3" strips of Velcro on the bottom at each stake out point. The liner now fits snug with no sag.....
On a side note I wish they still made the 6 man tipi ... it would be on my want list.
I had an 8-Man Kifaru and experienced the same thing...extremely saggy liners, especially on cold damp mornings. No way to adjust except by painstakingly retying at multiple points. I sold that tipi for other reasons (not related to quality which it had in spades) and later bought a Seek Outside 8-Man. The liner in that tipi is a simple work of art. It adjusts easily and fits correctly. No more loss of interior space, or waking up with a liner inches from my face.
Doghead, don't know how I can be more descriptive. you can see the velcro strips at the bottom at each stake out point.....
Doghead, don't know how I can be more descriptive. you can see the velcro strips at the bottom at each stake out point.....

Sorry, I'm not trying to be difficult, but actually no I can't.
The two images you posted are the same view, (wide angle) and don't detail the work around you came up with. Four stake outs are visible and three are somewhat obscured by the the grass. The other is so small in the frame its hard to see your construction. Thats all I was saying.

I'm sincerely interested in what you did.
I don't own a Kifaru tipi so don't have a decent reference. I use a SO 8 man. I agree with Mr. Dill (post #4) that its very well made, but if I guy out the walls to get more interior space the liner obviously does not follow as it has no attachment point at the guy out elevation (only top and bottom). The exterior profile does not match the interior.

I've been pondering a modification (similar to yours) where velcro (loop) is sewn to the interior of the tipi opposite the guy out, and the hook piece of velcro is sewn to the outside of the liner at the guy out elevation. Doing this could possibly help with the bellowing effect of the liner relative to the outer wall. I understand your equipment is different than mine, but I was curious to know of your construction methods as I believe they could inform me should I attempt my own DIY solution.

Thank you for the OP.
I have 4 man tipi with liner haven't noticed a problem with the liner sagging.

Intuition tells me that sagging liners are more of an issue on the larger shelters, with correspondingly larger liners. I agree with the idea of having some sort of mid-point (between upper and lower attachments) tie-in which would keep the liner closer to the outer shelter contour.
Intuition tells me that sagging liners are more of an issue on the larger shelters, with correspondingly larger liners. I agree with the idea of having some sort of mid-point (between upper and lower attachments) tie-in which would keep the liner closer to the outer shelter contour.
So do you think a tie-in approach similar to the top and bottom would be better than the velcro?

My guy out approach is different than normal. I don't like lots of cord sticking way out beyond the foot print of the shelter, and a short piece of cord pulls down on the guy out in an unnatural way for my purposes. I made guy out stakes from 3/4" dowels cut at 2' lengths. There is a 2" tapered point at the bottom end and a 1/8" grove cut around the top end at 3/4" from the top to accept the cordage. A 3.5' piece of cordage is attached to each guy out which goes horizontally out to the top of the wood stake. One wrap around the top groove then down to the ground and pinned with a stake. The wood dowels are located 4"-6" outside the stake out points which keeps everything pretty compact on the outside. with this set-up I can get a lot of extra interior space which really exaggerates the bellowing of the liner if its installed.