Knock off Bino Harness project


Jan 17, 2014
Over the years I messed around with a number of projects; from fleece pants to a turkey vest to gaiters and more recently a load panel for the pack frame. As materials become more available so do the number of projects a guy can do. I've really got to thank all of you for the motivation, tricks and projects you've all shared. I've done a couple of the pull-out and pouch projects. Really enjoyed the step by step that colonel00 put together. I recently did a padded pull-out for my brothers detachable scout scope. But this project is the one I've been most pleased with.

I'll be the first to admit this is a knock off of the FHF gear bino harness. The pic is of my third attempt. After a few refinements and figuring out the sewing sequence for it all to come together this is the end result. And of course the third try was due to the recent arrival of 500d multi cam. It really is a very simple project. I've got a couple more refinement to make but super happy how this turned out.

I used 500d for the exterior, Flex foam for the padding, 30d silnylon for the interior finish, misc hardware and mil-spec webbing. The biggest pain is the speed lace, I can't get the thing set properly to save my butt. Hope you enjoy.



Jul 21, 2015
Nice job. That is on my to do list as well. I made a harness last year that works awesome but does not protect the binos. I'm thinking I will go a little closer to AGC so that it will hold my RF as well.