Mendo complex slaughter


Apr 7, 2019
Talk to a game and fish officer that was in the mendo burn on the A zone side on the opener , said there wer “clans “running around everywhere , poor deer didn’t stand a chance , went into one of there camps and had 8 bucks hanging , some with milk still on their lips up to a couple decent 3pts , I had a bad feeling they wer going to get slaughtered , wen they comb every ridge shoot into every brush patch ( what few are left ) they just don’t stand a chance , it puts a bitter taste in ones mouth knowing what benefits the burn could have brought , but when certain people have no standard and just kill everything that’s walks horns or not the country will flat out be raped , it flat just pisses a guy off , I wish their was something a guy could do but we all know it’s Probly not even worth worrying about , just giving the report , happy hunting
Right there with you bud. It will probably be on YouTube in no time. Even the Mexicans I ran into opening day were bitching about the Hmongs.
Opening day I saw a spot along the hwy where at least 8 Toyotas and nissans were parked. Same spot I had all the bull elk on trail cams. Wouldn't put it passed em to roll one in the high brush and (because of their stature) never be seen quartering it out. Still rigs there after dark when I went back by.
This happens every year there, so I wouldn’t expect anything different.
I believe he's trying to say the Hmongs were able to do more damage than usual being that most of the cover is gone.
Also reports were that the area would be closed for a year for hazard tree removal and road repair however it's wide open with signs stating enter at your own risk. What's actually closed and unmaintained is the camp grounds.
I’m sorry but the clans are as bad on the herds as cats and bears , there’s so much stacked against the deer I feel bad , problem is if u leave everything alone the clans pik them off anyway , it’s a lose lose
Sounds about like all the crap I got to witness out on the coast opening weekend. I get it that some people are true meat hunters but when your blasting a 100lb spike fork all to hell with 3 or 4 shots it kinda defeats the purpose.
Between the Hmongs and lions it's a rough life being a deer in this state.
I hunted an area opening morning that burned last year and there were not many people out, only saw 8 trucks, and no other hunters where I was. I heard 5 shots from 5:45 AM to 1:30 PM and one was for someone shooting a rattlesnake. I was expecting to see more hunters but there were not that many in this area. I saw three small bucks that look promising should they survive the cats, bears, hunters, and illegal grows here.
We should really be upset with Ca DFW. They are the ones that have destroyed the deer herd with the lack of management. Just plain negligent in how they manage the deer here. That goes into so many rabbit holes regarding politics, bowing to hard leftist groups, predator management, seasons and tag quotas, the harvest of only bucks. While it makes me cringe watching them shoot any and everything honestly as long as they are following the law good for them. If they poached well then throw the book at em.
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We should really be upset with Ca DFW. They are the ones that have destroyed the deer herd with the lack of management. Just plain negligent in how they manage the deer here. That goes into so many rabbit holes regarding politics, bowing to hard leftist groups, predator management, seasons and tag quotas, the harvest of only bucks. Imo while it makes me cringe too wanting them shoot any and everything honestly as long as they are following the law good for them. If they poached well then throw the book at em.

There is not enough time or whiskey to get to the bottom of the rabbit hole that is Californias deer management problems. This state could be one of the premier hunting destinations in the country given all the different species and types of terrain one could hunt out here, but do to liberal governing it is all going to shit.

I can remember my dad telling me stories of him and my grandfather seeing 100 plus deer a night back in the 70's and 80's. I still hunt some of the same spots they use to and if I see 10 deer in a whole day that is cause for celebration. When fish and game changed to fish and wildlife that just goes to show that PC culture has infected the future of that agency and will probably jeopardize our future of being able to hunt here.
I saw that at the Full Draw Film Festival... second place I think. I lived and hunted in California for over 30 years... you don't want to hear my opinion... Ed F
WOW! What a video! Especially when the 2 bucks are laying together and one has its stomach/intestines coming out it’s side.