Moving to Montana


Nov 19, 2017
Here is the truth that very few people will ever say on a public forum -

We are sick and tired of people coming from predominately progressive, large cities. They invariably bring their biases and presumptions about social issues with them without even realizing it. Their educational system forces them in to globalist/progressive thought patterns and, without even realizing it, everything they do is colored by that dogma.

We hear people say things like "I came to Montana because I love it so much...but I would support changing the...". One of the first things they do is become a hazard on the forest service roads because they went out and bought a $30K side-by-side machine and drive around at 70 mph because they saw it on the brand name commercials in the big city so they think that everybody out west does it. Then they want to pave the dirt roads because they are dusty. Then they want legislation to force everyone to leash their dogs because they remember the gang bangers in Chicago having attack dogs. On and on, issue after issue, the state (especially the cities that you've mentioned) has moved toward the left.

Please, whatever you decide, you'll find the state a lot more enjoyable and less confrontational if you simply accept it as it is and don't try to turn it in to the place you just left.


Mar 24, 2016
Here is the truth that very few people will ever say on a public forum -

We are sick and tired of people coming from predominately progressive, large cities. They invariably bring their biases and presumptions about social issues with them without even realizing it. Their educational system forces them in to globalist/progressive thought patterns and, without even realizing it, everything they do is colored by that dogma.

We hear people say things like "I came to Montana because I love it so much...but I would support changing the...". One of the first things they do is become a hazard on the forest service roads because they went out and bought a $30K side-by-side machine and drive around at 70 mph because they saw it on the brand name commercials in the big city so they think that everybody out west does it. Then they want to pave the dirt roads because they are dusty. Then they want legislation to force everyone to leash their dogs because they remember the gang bangers in Chicago having attack dogs. On and on, issue after issue, the state (especially the cities that you've mentioned) has moved toward the left.

Please, whatever you decide, you'll find the state a lot more enjoyable and less confrontational if you simply accept it as it is and don't try to turn it in to the place you just left.


I’ve never understood why people will flee one place only to turn the place they wind up into the place they left. I moved to Idaho and fell into a way of living, as it already was, and loved it. Didn’t feel the need to change a thing - that’s why I moved there.


Dec 11, 2017
It's called narcissism. I agree on this a lot and it is a huge frustration to see people moving to another state and demanding that they change it to what they want. If you move to a new state then you should assimilate with the culture not change it.

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Mar 24, 2016
It's called narcissism. I agree on this a lot and it is a huge frustration to see people moving to another state and demanding that they change it to what they want. If you move to a new state then you should assimilate with the culture not change it.

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you can apply this to countries, too. I’d never move to kenya and impose my values on them. If I didn’t like what I found, I’d find a new country.


May 31, 2019
Here is the truth that very few people will ever say on a public forum -

We are sick and tired of people coming from predominately progressive, large cities. They invariably bring their biases and presumptions about social issues with them without even realizing it. Their educational system forces them in to globalist/progressive thought patterns and, without even realizing it, everything they do is colored by that dogma.

We hear people say things like "I came to Montana because I love it so much...but I would support changing the...". One of the first things they do is become a hazard on the forest service roads because they went out and bought a $30K side-by-side machine and drive around at 70 mph because they saw it on the brand name commercials in the big city so they think that everybody out west does it. Then they want to pave the dirt roads because they are dusty. Then they want legislation to force everyone to leash their dogs because they remember the gang bangers in Chicago having attack dogs. On and on, issue after issue, the state (especially the cities that you've mentioned) has moved toward the left.

Please, whatever you decide, you'll find the state a lot more enjoyable and less confrontational if you simply accept it as it is and don't try to turn it in to the place you just left.
I appreciate this sentiment. I’m not trying to change a thing. Just looking to hunt/shoot/fish, and I don’t thing I’ll ever afford a 30k side by side 😂.


Feb 21, 2016
$30K side by side!? That's a thing? Wow! I must be under a rock... of course I also thought a person could hunt sheep for $10K. Clearly, I've been wrong before.

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Jan 24, 2014
Zeeland, MI
Here is the truth that very few people will ever say on a public forum -

We are sick and tired of people coming from predominately progressive, large cities. They invariably bring their biases and presumptions about social issues with them without even realizing it. Their educational system forces them in to globalist/progressive thought patterns and, without even realizing it, everything they do is colored by that dogma.

We hear people say things like "I came to Montana because I love it so much...but I would support changing the...". One of the first things they do is become a hazard on the forest service roads because they went out and bought a $30K side-by-side machine and drive around at 70 mph because they saw it on the brand name commercials in the big city so they think that everybody out west does it. Then they want to pave the dirt roads because they are dusty. Then they want legislation to force everyone to leash their dogs because they remember the gang bangers in Chicago having attack dogs. On and on, issue after issue, the state (especially the cities that you've mentioned) has moved toward the left.

Please, whatever you decide, you'll find the state a lot more enjoyable and less confrontational if you simply accept it as it is and don't try to turn it in to the place you just left.

Thank you.

No matter where you’re from this is problem instigated by a handful enabled by even less and sold/marketed by droves of media and educators as main stream. I’m my view these are the ones we need to shout down everywhere.


May 21, 2019
Bozeman, MT
Here is the truth that very few people will ever say on a public forum -

We are sick and tired of people coming from predominately progressive, large cities. They invariably bring their biases and presumptions about social issues with them without even realizing it. Their educational system forces them in to globalist/progressive thought patterns and, without even realizing it, everything they do is colored by that dogma.

It's kind of the opposite. I can't open a browser on any forum without someone whining about it. I get it- you're a special snowflake that was born where you were born and your opinion on something will always matter more than someone that was born somewhere else. That's a lot of entitlement but when you can hide behind a keyboard everyone wants to say it. Funny, it's pretty rare to hear anyone complain when "foreigners" spend their money here.

FWIW, I've lived in a lot of places. I was born and raised in a state maybe more conservative than Montana. Maybe someone that's 120 years old can tell me there was a time when Bozeman wasn't liberal but most folks here are more liberal than I am. I can't comment if they're more liberal than the people who lived here for 15,000 years before Europeans came in and stole it. But now "we" own it and no one else can ever change it or have a different opinion.


Jun 11, 2012
Helena Montana
Funny. I don’t think he asked anyone’s opinion on him moving to Montana, just for suggestions on best areas for work in his profession.

Are all of you telling him “Montana Is full” born and raised there and were your grandparents and great grandparents and so on born there or did they dare to explore and migrate there at some time?

Are we not the United States? If someone doesn’t like where they are, are they not free to look for something better, no matter their thoughts.

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Jun 11, 2012
Helena Montana
I am guessing the OP is sorry they asked...….damn.

And yet the OP shouldn’t feel sorry at all. The ones responding negatively should feel like the apparently horribly people they are....

How hard is it for someone to respond to an honest question with an answer that is not negative, what makes you want to crap on someone’s question.

Gees guys. I wonder what is wrong with this country....

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Jul 7, 2013
This is looney.... poor kid asked a question and it turned into “I’m mad at my hipster neighbor” if you hate it that much maybe you should move. I live in small town middle America and change happens here, just at a slower pace than other regions. I don’t like it either but unfortunately it is how she goes.


Feb 24, 2016
San Antonio, TX
Good thing I didn’t ask. Sheesh, always wanted to live in Montana or Idaho. Everyone I’ve ever met from those two states have been stand up great folks. I see on this thread there are some of the opposite out there too


Jun 6, 2012
What if you live in a MT county without any stop lights? ha
If I'm able to retire some day, I may well do that. At least a small town with no stop lights.

Back to the original question:

Billings, Bozeman, Missoula, maybe Helena, Kalispell or Great Falls is where you'll find labs and hospital jobs. Kalispell is probably the highest cost of living followed by Bozeman and Missoula (I've not really researched that). The housing market is a seller's market right now. Good luck on your job search.

To those not liking where the thread detoured:

As far as whining goes, I'm not a native, so can't complain about folks moving here (although I sure as heck thought I locked the gate behind me). :) Montanans are quite proud of their state and rightfully so, especially natives. I think there are even different levels of "native". I think it takes 5 generations to be a real "native" by some standards. :) I'm from farm country IL followed by CO mountains. I've no desire to see MT become remotely close to states that are run by ultra liberal mega populations such as Chicago and the CO Front Range regardless how the rest of those two states feel.

No one likes a stranger to show up and tell them what they can or can't do in their own backyard.

If you can't understand the sidetrack the thread was bound to take, welcome to an internet forum.
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Jul 11, 2019
If you haven't been there, the wages are lower than other states and some of the best places are very spendy to live in, but it's a free USA area compared to "say west coast" garbage areas. just my .02 opion of the WC states.
Jan 22, 2016
Missoula, MT
If your in the Pharmacy research industry GSK has a lab in Hamilton which is 45 minutes or so out of Missoula might be worth looking into it’s also a great community

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Jul 22, 2019
The bigger towns/cities are not where it's at for me. If you want convenience then Missoula, Helena, those places are what you want and they are packed with people. You said you're intentions are to enjoy the outdoors and not change the political climate, people should just believe that and move on. I moved to Idaho 3 years ago and have been welcomed by the oldest of locals here. I vote to keep this place the way it is. We have a lot of people in certain states, California, Washington, Oregon, let's call them political refugees, I fall into that category. Good people that want to get back to the way their area was 40-50 years ago. This concept of manifest destiny has been going on since before the original 13 colonies. The only advice I can give about Montana is that the west side of the state is much more enjoyable, to me anyway. West of Missoula and Kalispel I would say. Hope it all works out for you!