MTN OPS Slumber

Dec 11, 2016
Tallahassee, FL
I tried it after hearing rave reviews, I generally have a pretty terrible time sleeping and can only fall asleep easily if I stay up until I’m exhausted, then still wake up in spurts after 5 or so hours of sleep, sometimes every hour.

The first couple of nights I used it, it seemed extremely powerful, like staggering up the stairs to bed after drinking it on the couch. After 3-4 days that subsided and it was just an increased sleepiness that comes on quickly.

While it made it much easier to fall asleep earlier if desired, it didn’t seem to help me sleep through the night any better. I still had issues with waking up multiple times after a few hours of good sleep.

I used it nightly for almost a month, and was worried about not being able to sleep when I ran out, so I quit with no ill effects. I’ll probably order another bag to keep for those nights when I can’t seem to fall asleep, but don’t think I’ll continue using it every day.

It does taste good though, it’s more like a pumpkin spiced beer than a chai to me, but I can see why they stayed away from that label...
robby denning

robby denning

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
SE Idaho
I tried it after hearing rave reviews, I generally have a pretty terrible time sleeping and can only fall asleep easily if I stay up until I’m exhausted, then still wake up in spurts after 5 or so hours of sleep, sometimes every hour.

The first couple of nights I used it, it seemed extremely powerful, like staggering up the stairs to bed after drinking it on the couch. After 3-4 days that subsided and it was just an increased sleepiness that comes on quickly.

While it made it much easier to fall asleep earlier if desired, it didn’t seem to help me sleep through the night any better. I still had issues with waking up multiple times after a few hours of good sleep.

I used it nightly for almost a month, and was worried about not being able to sleep when I ran out, so I quit with no ill effects. I’ll probably order another bag to keep for those nights when I can’t seem to fall asleep, but don’t think I’ll continue using it every day.

It does taste good though, it’s more like a pumpkin spiced beer than a chai to me, but I can see why they stayed away from that label...
Hey thanks for the feedback