Need Help with Form


Nov 27, 2018
Auburn, CA
Very new to Archery. Trying to get dialed in, and consistent. I feel like I might be overthinking things, but I am running into a few problems in that I feel like I need to "adjust" my head every shot on my draw, because:
  1. My 3rd knuckle on trigger finger always catches my earlobe, so I need to adjust it so that it is under the earlobe and not over the top. It feels better, but under the lobe
  2. Need to take my nose to the string
  3. My peep seems to be lined up with the bow itself, so I need to "press" (pull?) my release into my face to bring the peep and sight into alignment.


I actually don't shoot too bad when I am just shooting, but am trying to ensure more consistent arrow placement. I have went through the Jimmy TIppets and Knock-On series on YouTube, but just can't seem to get consistency.

My biggest thing right now, is that I can't just "draw with my eyes closed" and end up in the same position (except the one where my peep is looking at the bow :). I have attached a couple pics. I shot 5 arrows, and the pics are 1/pic/arrow.

Any pointers are appreciated.



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May 6, 2018
Shenandoah Valley
Definitely looks like your head is positioned different in each picture. It's confusing for me to look at your pictures as I don't shoot with anyone who is a lefty. Should be same thing but it still looks funny. I think the biggest thing is going to be to find your anchor. I prefer a hand held release for this but you can do it with a wrist strap too. Some burry their thumb into a spot on their neck. Find somewhere consistent to always have your hand contact.

I used to shoot a kisser button. Takes some getting used to to but can help with having a consistent anchor.

I think right now you need to get used to shooting. I think as you shoot more you will learn the alignment you need to immediately see your sight through your peep.
Aug 11, 2017
Just get out and shoot! I know there are different thoughts, that if you keep shooting with imperfect form you are just reinforcing bad habits, but in your case, I think you just need reps. The more you shoot, your anchor will naturally settle in and click, assuming you don't have any other major form flaws/inconsistencies. I have been shooting for 20 years, and if I go 3-4 months without shooting, it will take a few weeks to get everything feeling perfect again, including anchor point.

Is the weight you are shooting at now comfortable? The second picture looks really odd, like you might be fatigued or something. And with needing to take your nose to the string, you might be subconsciously pulling your head back on the draw (would also be explained if pulling to much weight or fatigued) or do you have a short ATA and brace height bow?


Nov 27, 2018
Auburn, CA
Just get out and shoot! I know there are different thoughts, that if you keep shooting with imperfect form you are just reinforcing bad habits, but in your case, I think you just need reps. The more you shoot, your anchor will naturally settle in and click, assuming you don't have any other major form flaws/inconsistencies. I have been shooting for 20 years, and if I go 3-4 months without shooting, it will take a few weeks to get everything feeling perfect again, including anchor point.

Is the weight you are shooting at now comfortable? The second picture looks really odd, like you might be fatigued or something. And with needing to take your nose to the string, you might be subconsciously pulling your head back on the draw (would also be explained if pulling to much weight or fatigued) or do you have a short ATA and brace height bow?

Shooting a Hoyt Powerflex 31 ATA, so yes, short, and my draw length is 27. Draw weight feels good, but I had shot quite a bit before those pics, so was a little tired. I'll just keep plugging away. I can get groups under 5" at about 55 yds (longest shot I have in my yard), and when they feel good, they feel good.

Thanks for the note on the head back item, I think that happens because I try to clear my earlobe, might just have to get use to it being smushed for the shot.

Thx for the input.
Oct 14, 2017
Boston Ma
I always try and touch the string to the tip of my nose and through the corner of my mouth if I do that my anchor always falls into place. consistency is the biggest issue for me with accuracy. your head position seems a little different in all the pictures and the string to the mouth is different too, finding I comfortable anchor that is consistent is what id focus on, and like bill goat said abou the hand held release it helped my consistency with my anchor a lot and is worth looking into also


Sep 14, 2018
The main thing I notice from the pics is that your anchor point is too high. Index knuckle should be buried below the earlobe tight to the end of the jaw bone. That will put the arrow in the middle of your lips and chin which will eliminate any facial contact. I can't tell from the pics if draw length is long but may be by a red ch. Shoot close to the target with eyes closed so anchor feels natural and realize that you'll need to move your peep with the new anchor point. Keep shooting up close and John Dudley is an excellent resource. Have fun!


Sep 14, 2018
images (1).jpegthis is the best one I could find quick, even better than the stud Randy above!

Slim Jim

Jun 7, 2012
Las Vegas, NV
Hey bud, good to see you are putting in the work! Looks like you have a pretty high anchor but if you’re consistent with it and have good groups then don’t change. The sight/peep alignment you are having is something that I used to have as well with a index finger release. What helps with that for me is posture and having the string at the inside tip of my nose when anchoring. You have 2 cartilage tips at the end of your nose and you’ll want to anchor the string on the right side of nose for you since you’re a lefty if that makes sense. Hopefully this helps

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Nov 27, 2018
Auburn, CA
Lots of great advice. Going to give a couple adjustments, and see what happens over the next week or so. Will post an update.