New backpack questions.

Jan 30, 2016
So I want a new backpack this year for extended back country hunts. I know all about the big brands and have been leaning towards the SO saker or a SG.

But the thing I've just realized is I don't actually know anything about backpacks and what I'm looking for in a fit and what questions to ask each brand. I just throw it on and grit my teeth with one foot in front of the other. I'm experienced backpack hunting and have packed out lots of game but I just throw on this tank of an old kifaru I bought used 8 years ago and giver shit but it has never fit properly.

So what kind of things is person looking for in regards to fit with a new backpack. For reference I'm about 6ft and 170-175lbs.
Fit and comfortability would be a important factor to consider, close to how the pack handles a heavy load capacity. It's easy to just try a pack on without weight and say it feels good, you want to try it on with some weight in it if it's possible. Like stated above kifaru makes really good videos on how its supposed to fit your body.
You could always try getting in contact with Aron Snyder and talk to him about the fit and comfort. I'm sure he could get you sorted out and give you some insight regarding what bag to get for your Kifaru frame, if you decide to keep it and go that route.
Here's a link to our fitting video that may help you:

Basically you want a frame tall enough to get the load off your shoulders and transferred to the hips. After that you need a belt that fits you well and doesn't slip. That is 95% of what it takes to make a pack comfortable. Past that you're looking at weight, pocket options, materials & construction quality, durability, features, waterproof or not, etc, etc.