Now they did it. Elk statue burned.


Oct 30, 2014
I will remember being on a block when the police made everyone lay face down, they singled me Out and let me go because I was white, they then did their sweep. I will remember speaking with co-workers who are black and get pulled over almost weekly driving to work. I will remember selfies mocking the death of youMy black man. The fear you can hear in a child’s voice in their day to day life. Getting a glimpse
Into how their day to day battle. Seeing the progress being made between police officers and the community through dialogue. I don’t form my opinions via YouTube, that is dangerous. There is real life out there to live.

Where(city) were you put face down on the ground,what were you doing there?
This day to day real life battle stems from the liberal Kool-aid they have drunk for generations.
What progress is being made? they just alienated the majority of fence sitters to any message BLM and ANTIFA has to say because of their violence and racism,try again.


Apr 28, 2019
Where(city) were you put face down on the ground,what were you doing there?
This day to day real life battle stems from the liberal Kool-aid they have drunk for generations.
What progress is being made? they just alienated the majority of fence sitters to any message BLM and ANTIFA has to say because of their violence and racism,try again.

NYC, Washington Heights, going to college. It wasn’t a one time occurrence. I appreciate you asking and taking interest.


Oct 30, 2014
It was never just about George Floyd. They tried kneeling and they were unAmerican and pieces of crap. What do you expect?! I don’t like all this destruction but nobody listens when they peacefully protest. My life is 100% different than someone whose Black. And it is because of my skin color. I can go on a walk, a jog, any neighborhood, any business without being messed with. POC can’t say the same. All they want is to be treated equally. I honestly don’t think that’s too much to ask.

Kneeing doesn't work so Kill and destroy is the obvious logical alternative? Are you a crusader for the much bigger problem of Black on Black crime? what's your answer for that? why doesn't anyone care about that?


Apr 28, 2019
Kneeing doesn't work so Kill and destroy is the obvious logical alternative? Are you a crusader for the much bigger problem of Black on Black crime? what's your answer for that? why doesn't anyone care about that?

Black on black crime is a real problem. Major structural issues, cultural issues. Having no avenue for opportunity creates a terrible cycle. Chicago is a prime example of eliminating community leads to crime. Much of that is the foundation of the movement. Numerous avenues to help and get involved if you are interested.


Sep 11, 2015
South Dakota
Black on black crime is a real problem. Major structural issues, cultural issues. Having no avenue for opportunity creates a terrible cycle. Chicago is a prime example of eliminating community leads to crime. Much of that is the foundation of the movement. Numerous avenues to help and get involved if you are interested.

That’s all well and good but if some one does not want help you can’t help them. I live beside two reservations and see it daily. All the opportunities in the world to better them selves but the choice is made to stay and keep repeating the cycle. My wife was a cps worker for seven years and seen it first hand when some one leaves to better them selves they are degraded and shunned by their own people. My best friend who is a member of the Cheyenne river Sioux tribe does not even want to go visit relatives because they rag on him for living off the reservation and having a job making money and sending his kids to college. Opportunity abounds in this nation more than any but you can lead a horse to water ........


Apr 28, 2019
That’s all well and good but if some one does not want help you can’t help them. I live beside two reservations and see it daily. All the opportunities in the world to better them selves but the choice is made to stay and keep repeating the cycle. My wife was a cps worker for seven years and seen it first hand when some one leaves to better them selves they are degraded and shunned by their own people. My best friend who is a member of the Cheyenne river Sioux tribe does not even want to go visit relatives because they rag on him for living off the reservation and having a job making money and sending his kids to college. Opportunity abounds in this nation more than any but you can lead a horse to water ........

It is not that simple. Would you trust if you were them? They ate healthy amazing food, then were put on reservations without the resources to continue their ways. Provided processed food rations, alcohol, disease. This thread highlights the desire to pick a side and dig in. A constant battle. Their idea of “opportunity “ might not match your ideals. You can support a cause even if you don’t agree with all methods or all of the message if the foundation provides a betterment for mankind and addresses mistakes in our past.


Nov 22, 2016
NW Missouri
It is not that simple. Would you trust if you were them? They ate healthy amazing food, then were put on reservations without the resources to continue their ways. Provided processed food rations, alcohol, disease. This thread highlights the desire to pick a side and dig in. A constant battle. Their idea of “opportunity “ might not match your ideals. You can support a cause even if you don’t agree with all methods or all of the message if the foundation provides a betterment for mankind and addresses mistakes in our past.

I disagree, you cannot pick a 'cause' and disagree with the method(s). The two are the same, especially in this case. Example;
Do I feel George Floyd was wrongfully killed, yes I do. Should the officer be dealt with severely (and the officers who watched for that matter), yes I do.
HOWEVER, the 'cause' of BLM, and their methods have little to do with actually saving black lives - if they really cared, they would be addressing murders in Chicago and not be telling military/policemen that are black 'they are not really black.'

Causes and methods are the same. Does racism exist in America? Absolutely, and it works both ways.


Apr 28, 2019
I disagree, you cannot pick a 'cause' and disagree with the method(s). The two are the same, especially in this case. Example;
Do I feel George Floyd was wrongfully killed, yes I do. Should the officer be dealt with severely (and the officers who watched for that matter), yes I do.
HOWEVER, the 'cause' of BLM, and their methods have little to do with actually saving black lives - if they really cared, they would be addressing murders in Chicago and not be telling military/policemen that are black 'they are not really black.'

Causes and methods are the same. Does racism exist in America? Absolutely, and it works both ways.

This does address the murders in Chicago. It is a reclamation of their neighborhoods and communities. The right to live equal and forge their future. You not seeing it as such doesn’t change it. Do you know how the current murder issue in Chicago came about?


Sep 11, 2015
South Dakota
It is not that simple. Would you trust if you were them? They ate healthy amazing food, then were put on reservations without the resources to continue their ways. Provided processed food rations, alcohol, disease. This thread highlights the desire to pick a side and dig in. A constant battle. Their idea of “opportunity “ might not match your ideals. You can support a cause even if you don’t agree with all methods or all of the message if the foundation provides a betterment for mankind and addresses mistakes in our past.

It is that simple. It has been told to me many times by both members of the CRST and SRST. That the past is in the past and if you want to keep living that way you will never move forward. The opportunity is to do what ever you want with your life. Be it ranching cowboying or being a doctor or engineer I have friends who are tribal member who have made those decisions put in the hard work and live a great life. Key word is hard work and they all will say they have more opportunity than most realize or want to work for


Apr 28, 2019
It is that simple. It has been told to me many times by both members of the CRST and SRST. That the past is in the past and if you want to keep living that way you will never move forward. The opportunity is to do what ever you want with your life. Be it ranching cowboying or being a doctor or engineer I have friends who are tribal member who have made those decisions put in the hard work and live a great life. Key word is hard work and they all will say they have more opportunity than most realize or want to work for

As the country evolves and changes, will you stomach the message that the past is the past?


Apr 28, 2019
Why kind of answer is that. What is the message right now so everyone can best understand?

I don’t believe many of you are in the position to understand it, that I believe will change. Enjoy the holiday folks.


Oct 17, 2016
New Mexico
The "movement" to me appears to be a Marxist movement hiding behind the shield of anti-racism. Racism is a problem absolutely, but thats not what these occupy movements are about, may have started out that way but they've been hijacked at this point. I now see people I've grown up with identifying with the movement and have openly declared themselves communists. It's all a huge joke as they're spoiled rotten. Now that they're parents are retiring and the silver spoon has been taken away capitalism must go! It's not fair to have to work.


Nov 22, 2016
NW Missouri
This does address the murders in Chicago. It is a reclamation of their neighborhoods and communities. The right to live equal and forge their future. You not seeing it as such doesn’t change it. Do you know how the current murder issue in Chicago came about?

Murderers? Thats my guess on how it 'came about'


Sep 11, 2015
South Dakota
As the country evolves and changes, will you stomach the message that the past is the past?

Of course and keep moving forward but trying to erase history does not right any of the wrongs that have happened. Years of perpetual govt handouts have not worked it’s been proven from the inner city of Chicago to the prairies of the Dakota’s. It’s time for people to take responsibility for them selves and to quit blaming everyone else for their woes.
Jun 29, 2017
I will remember being on a block when the police made everyone lay face down, they singled me Out and let me go because I was white, they then did their sweep. I will remember speaking with co-workers who are black and get pulled over almost weekly driving to work. I will remember selfies mocking the death of youMy black man. The fear you can hear in a child’s voice in their day to day life. Getting a glimpse
Into how their day to day battle. Seeing the progress being made between police officers and the community through dialogue. I don’t form my opinions via YouTube, that is dangerous. There is real life out there to live.
Anecdotal evidence—cool.
Jun 29, 2017
Not at all, I am just not ignorant to the discrimination and need for change & growth. It is coming whether you like it or not. Enjoy the holiday today, it celebrates the exact reasons we are having this discussion and the civil rights Renaissance.
Growth to what? Everyone is treated equally under the law, as the Bill of Rights intended and the constitution finally achieved a generation ago. Oh, that’s right, you people don’t believe in the rule of law and let emotions dictate actions. Forgot.