Pack-out photos.

Fun to see this thread continue. Sorry I have not posted any projects yet. I was caught finishing some portraits for a sisters over the holidays.

I stole this photo from here a while back and I am trying to get the piece done. Just likes the hunters expression. The sheep is still a bit rough, I Hope to have it done in the next few weeks.

A quick pack out watercolor. I did before the holidays as well.



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My buddy and I ran into this guy a few times during muzzleloader elk season. He was hunting by himself and killed a bear. He was cramping bad and out of water. We got him some water and electrolytes and went to help him pack the meat out. We drank a few victory beers with him at the truck.

Those are some fabulous photos and memories. I’m honestly kind of jealous of that open terrain out West. It’s thick as dogs fur over here in the southern Appalachians. I’m usually lucky if I can see 40 yards.