Platoro/Antonito packer and processor?


Dec 20, 2013
Just in case I'm fortunate enough to take an elk, does anyone have an outfitter they would recommend to help pack out an elk in the Platoro area? I do have a list of outfitters in the area but I'm looking for a recommendation from a prior good experience or a bad experience if there's someone to stay away from. Also looking for a meat locker / proceser in the same area.
Thanks for the help.
I have gone on plenty of summer vacations up in that are but I am no help on a processor. I did witness a monster elk killed up there about 16 years ago. Guys staying next to us one year brought in a toad. Good luck to you. That road to Platoro is a teeth rattler. Make sure you have good tires and a good spare.
Thanks for the well wishes! I've driven that road a few times. Thought my truck was going to shake apart the first time!
For processing, I use Hometown Market in Antonito. Ed is a professional butcher/meat cutter, and processes an Elk for about $225 (price last year). Does an excellent job, can have it ready in 24 hours and quick freezes it for you. He trims all of the white tendons and other silver skin before he grinds (some places aren't so careful). The meat is wrapped in white butcher paper, and marked with the cut of meat and the date.
It is a full service supermarket type store, and you can also pick up groceries and other supplies before or after your trip.
Awesome, I'll be there the 15th-22nd. Best of luck to you and your family.
If you see a few east coasters sucking wind say hi.
My Dad and I will be using 2 mules and a horse to pack in for the first time. Should be interesting.
If I had any experience with stock I'd rent a few mules but as it is I'm afraid I'd spent more time messing with them than hunting. Have you spent much time in that area?
There was a place in Chama, NM just south of there, it was closed this summer not sure if it will open during the season. Just another option.

Best of luck, piece of advice BRING BUG SPRAY! The black flies are terrible!
There was a place in Chama, NM just south of there, it was closed this summer not sure if it will open during the season. Just another option.

Best of luck, piece of advice BRING BUG SPRAY! The black flies are terrible!

Know that place well, Lobo Taxidermy, owned by Lance Leyba. About 3 miles South of Chama. I used to use them exclusively, then prices started going up, waiting times (a week or 10 days) for processing, etc caused me to look elsewhere. I have my Elk processed, then frozen and I bring it home in ice chests with dry ice. Waiting a week for it is not an option. That would cost a fortune for additional hotel stays and meals. Last bull I had processed was $350, and they almost charged me $75.00 to skin it, but the bull was already skinned and quartered by the outfitter, and I caught the mistake while the bill was being written. I requested 4 pound roasts, and got 1 pound instead (lots of them !!).
I also didn't care for the large amounts of white gristle or tendons in the ground meat. It was impossible to cook it without picking out the pieces before cooking. About half of the package ended up in the garbage.
It's been several years since using them, so things might have changed, but I prefer to drive 45 miles North to Antonito even though I stay in and hunt out of Chama. Ed at Hometown Market is the best I have found anywhere.
We ended up with a few good opportunities but couldn't get it done. The beetle damage in the area is extensive with about 50% of the trees dead. it was really shocking to see how much damage has occured in the last 2 years. Also it was crowded! We were hunting around 12,000 feet and ran into lots of hunters, mostly off trail.
I agree 100% we used the mules and horse to pack in past blue lake all the way to canyon rincon & never saw an elk or even heard a bugle. Then we packed into Adams fork and had the exact same experience. At least 5 camps up that trail alone.. we then packed up and drove to Del Norte, same thing there. I honestly think we are done with elk hunting Colorado. Every time we have hunted New Mexico it's been amazing so it's draw a tag or landowner tags for us if we're going to hunt elk.
We came to the same conclusion And will probably be headed to Idaho next year. We saw plenty of mule deer and we even saw two bighorn right on fr 250! I've only ever hunted the first 2 weeks in this area so I'm not sure if the crowds were just trying to target the rut or if it was like that all season.