probably not anyone on here but if so... thanks.


Sep 26, 2012
Palmer, AK
So this will probably be somewhat convoluted but bear with me. This year has sucked, starting with the end of last year suffice it to say when I close the door on 2014 there will be no tears. So last October while working on a remote village construction job I woke up with a spider bit on my wrist and it got bad quick. By lunch my wrist and hand had doubled in size by the time I got to the clinic in the village I had red lines running up my arm. After a very in retrospect humorous but at the time scary clinic visit I was given antibiotics and told to come back tomorrow if symptoms don't improve. The next day I woke up to driving rain and 50+ mph winds my arm was not better. Instead of going back to an empty clinic I decided to try and get to Anchorage, Bethel was closer but do to the clinic the day before there was no way I was going to Bethels hospital. Turns out Sunday is not the day to try and fly last minute. Era didn't fly to this village on Sunday leaving Grant Aviation the only flight to catch. Grant has two main places Bethel and Anchorage you can't get from one to the other and their computers don't have the capability to talk to each other this is important to know if you call Anchorage to make the reservation and the flight only goes to Bethel they will take your money however you won't have a spot on the plane and the flight they book you on may not even exist. After several phone calls I had a flight. Long story short I got to Anchorage into the ER and a very serious ER Dr shook her head and informed me that despite the clinics advise that tying a red piece of yarn around my arm will not stop the red lines traveling up my arm. (I hadn't actually tried it but the health aide had told me to do it.) And that was pretty much how 2013 closed out.

Spring of 2014 was rediculousness I came down with laryngitis twice and for some reason my allergies were off the charts I have never been hit like that I felt like an asthmatic trying to get air. Summer was oddly booked with work so the only trip I really got was one fishing trip no scouting. Flash to this fall I get out with a buddy for opening day of moose archery season we go out on fat bikes but lack of the ability to scout we wind up in a place that is just to thick to see anything. The rest of moose season is spent working till last Friday I have friday off and all weekend, the last weekend of moose season. I make plans with another buddy to go out and then decide to get my wheeler going it hadnt been running g since last fall. Go to pull start it the cord comes a little stops I try to power through it and instantly get a sharp pain in my lower back that almost drops me. Get in to be seen and it looks like I have a bulged disc moose season ends Thursday here there is no way I am getting back out instead I am getting couch time. And that was this year.

And now to the title of this thread. Not being able to get out except for the fishing trip kind of ensured there was no wild game in the freezer. Well I am really good friends with Mike McCrary's (70north) son and Mike was closing out his camps and evidently some hunters decided they didn't want to ship their meat back home so it was given to Mike who shipped it to his son who in turn called me up and told me to come pick some of it up. So I have caribou from this year in my freezer. So if you flew out with Mike and didn't ship all your meat home thank you and know that it is getting eaten and is greatly appreciated.


Sep 13, 2012
Enjoy the meat and heal up, always next year. I too have had rough years but time heals all and every sunrise brings new possibilities.

Best wishes for next season.


Jul 17, 2012
Hilliard Florida
Tough year. I've had a couple of years I'd like to forget in my life as well so I can sympathize with you. I'm hoping the bad luck streak is over for you.


Sep 26, 2012
Palmer, AK
Hang in there floor guy...

No problem with that. I am hanging in there just fine. The thread was supposed to be more of a thanks to the unknown person whose meat came to be in my freezer. I know that most of the time meat that gets left stays with the guide or outfitter and they keep it for themselves.

The first part of the post was more a long winded post explaining why I wasn't out getting my own game this year. I just have bad luck it seems. Last years moose hunt I was helping a buddy fill his antlerless tag and he came down with a stomach bug and we had to leave early. It hasnt been all bad in December I got to welcome my third child into the world. The fishing trip I went on was my oldest sons first trip on salt and we slayed the silvers and I did get to go on the one albeit short bike based hunting trip. But still one weekend in the woods just doesn't feel lime it was enough. Even after I hiurt muy back I was thinking about the 14a registration goat hunt I was planning to go on...until I saw it got shut down by EO. Lol. There will be next year. But until then as soon as my back is good I have a promise to keep to my son, we are going after grouse.
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Sep 16, 2012
Bethel......and thats all I have to say about that. Worked 6 years out there and will never work there again. Glad you got some meat, cant beat free organic meat.


Sep 26, 2012
Palmer, AK
Dude, village "healthcare" is scary. After my experience Bethel with its "hospital" and "doctors" is still village health care. I will have to write about that experience. I found out later there had been another guy in camp that had been bit on the forehead because of how the infection was spreading he almost lost his eye.


Jun 19, 2013
Scary story but glad the generosity of someone else is helping you out. Out of curiosity, what is this wicked spider of Alaska called? I was unaware that you had any nasties up there like this. I enjoy the apparent ignorance that I can wander the woods up there and only be killed by big furry things and I don't have to worry about snakes and insects.


Sep 26, 2012
Palmer, AK
According to the Alaska department of epidemiology, the most poisonous spider in the state is the hobo spider. They claim the brown recluse is not in the state. However I know people that claim to have seen it and have known people who have claimed to have been bit by it. The ER doctor in Anchorage looked at it and said that my bite was a textbook hobo spider bite.