Ranging Compound Bow Sight

Interesting. Id love to try it out.... I don't see why it wouldn't work.
I like the V concept for sight picture. I would like to give it a try just for that, but seems like a lot of margin for error if used to range. My guess is that it is probably close enough out to 40 yards or so, but different sized vitals, speed variance, etc. would make that very sketchy at longer ranges. The "V" inserts bracket 10fps increments, which is a huge difference when shooting 60, 70, 80 and beyond.
I don't know about it. Seems like it would be real easy to screw it up. You would have to be able to judge yardage based on the width of the kill zone accurately.
At first glance, it seems to be calibrated to the size of a whitetail's vitals. So what if the archer hunts elk, muley and whitetail all in the same season? An elk's vitals could be 3x the width of a whitetail's, or more.