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You found that huh? :D Yeah the was my bachelor party night, no stripper or shenanigans such as that, just some good wholesome oxy-acetylene exploits. :D

What is it about a bachelor party in the woods that leads to explosions...

This was at a buddies bachelor party - shortly after we got back from the little bar in Sargents (turns out the same bar Josh Wright just bought) where we tried our damnedest to drink every last drop of booze in the town...
Truth be told I was passed out in the back of my truck and this was my wake up call.

Never could figure out what the little streak heading towards the other guy's head was but we all walked away without any major scars so no harm no foul right?


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I just did a Netflix search, and have been unable to find any of the Gordon Eastman movies. Do you have any hints on how you found them?

I just found and watched High Wild and Free by searching for the title and adding it to my instant queue. Couldn't find Savage Wild though.
I got the High Wild Free to come up with a search for "Eastmans". I also cant find Savage Wild on there though.

Maybe it's because I am old school, and don't have the instant Netflix? Not sure, I tried the search again.
Oh, that's it. All I have is the instant streaming to the computer Netflix, I don't know if its available on DVD. Sorry for the confusion.

Ya, I'm really old school on the TV watching. I have a few Eastmans on VHS. My friends like to make fun of me for being the only one who still owns a VHS player.