What do the Classified Prefixes mean?


Apr 8, 2018
FWIW/FYI - if you spend enough time and post enough to figure out a few other acronyms (BOAL and WKR as examples), you will probably do better. Without feedback it could be tough. Otherwise GLWS (good luck with your sale).


Apr 17, 2020
And a few others for our long in the tooth members...

Common text abbreviations

  1. ROFL: Rolling on floor laughing
  2. STFU: Shut the *swear word!* up
  3. ICYMI: In case you missed it
  4. TL;DR: Too long, didn’t read
  5. LMK: Let me know
  6. NVM: Nevermind
  7. TGIF: Thank goodness it’s Friday
  8. TBH: To be honest
  9. TBF: To be frank
  10. RN: Right now
  11. QOTD: Quote of the day
  12. OOTD: Outfit of the day
  13. BRB: Be right back
  14. BTW: By the way
  15. LOL: Laugh out loud
  16. TTYL: Talk to you later
  17. HMU: Hit me up
  18. FWIW: For what it’s worth
  19. IMO: In my opinion
  20. IMHO: In my humble opinion
  21. IDK: I don’t know
  22. TBA: To be announced
  23. TBD: To be decided

Business text abbreviations

  1. EOD: End of day
  2. FAQ: Frequently asked question
  3. AKA: Also known as
  4. ASAP: As soon as possible
  5. DIY: Do it yourself
  6. LMGTFY: Let me Google that for you
  7. NP: No problem
  8. N/A: Not applicable or not available
  9. OOO: Out of office
  10. TIA: Thanks in advance

Romantic text abbreviations

  1. ILY: I love you
  2. MCM: Man crush Monday
  3. WCW: Woman crush Wednesday
  4. BF: Boyfriend
  5. GF: Girlfriend


Sep 29, 2012
"LMGTFY: Let me Google that for you"

Love it, that should be the only response needed on this thread.


Mar 28, 2019
WTS - Want to Try to Sell. Typically this means someone has an item that they haven’t used at all. If it’s Sitka clothing, you can usually count on the pieces being used only for “trying on”. Of course the tags were removed so that proper fit could be verified. Usually these types of items are list for full MSRP or above - because, you know, supply chain issues.

WTT - this one is tricky. Not sure what the abbreviation actually is, but I assume these people are just looking for friends.

WTB - these are mostly people who are looking to make a donation to the scammers in our midst.

SPF - this is a modified version of the WTS outlined above to let everyone know that the seller wasn’t actually asking too much for their item because they found a user to commit to maybe purchasing said item, but they need to let their wife get home first to make sure it’s ok

YMMV - Internet talk for adding an “…I don’t know though…” at the end of a statement which sounded very educated and well researched.