Working out.


Jan 20, 2024
There's a free App from Bare Performance Nutrition (BPN) with an EXCELLENT program I've been following for a while. Its a 12 week program, call the "Hybrid Athlete Program".

It breaks out into a 5 day split with the following broad brush stroke details.
Monday- 45-60 minute aerobic run.
Tuesday- Push day (Chest, tris, shoulders) + Core
Wednesday- Pull day (Bakc, Bis) + Variable run (Track run, Sprints, tempo)
Thursday- 45-60 minute aerobic run.
Friday- Legs + Core.

It's nice because it tells you everything to include warm ups, rest times, sets and rep schemes as well as allows you to log everything right in the app. Super user friendly!
That does sound like an excellent program! Great blend of strength and cardio.

Also, on the carbs/protein/fats discussion for food you bring on your actual hunt, one thing to consider is if altitude sickness may come in to play. I’ve never had an issue with it and live in Colorado, but have several buddies who come from sea level and have been hit pretty hard.

With altitude sickness, the proteins and fat that take longer to turn in to fuel can make altitude sickness worse. It’s good to rest at the tent and have a good supply of simple carbohydrates for quick energy.

Outside of altitude sickness, @mcdues is spot on that carbs/sugars fade quickly and protein/fats are where it’s at.

Past several years I’ve been packing in olive or avocado oil in a plastic bottle and either drinking a shot or two with dinner or mixing it in with my dinner. Gives me fantastic energy while I’m out hunting.

Ken Swenson

Mar 11, 2023
I’ve experienced rucking to be a unique demand on strength and endurance. What has worked best for me is high repetition single leg and double leg squats, with the same weight I’d be rucking on my back. I used to lift much heavier and could technically squat a lot more weight, but I’d get my butt kicked in the mountains, as I didn’t have the endurance piece at the same time.