WTH happened?


May 31, 2017
The over-reporting and misreporting is absolutely a real thing and complete and total BS. However, he died from COVID as far as I can tell. Totally healthy, got COVID, symptoms were mild for a little bit, then they got worse, then much worse, then hospitalized, then died.

He wasn't the only one. No doubt all kinds of odd stuff happened around this pandemic, but the denial that anyone died of covid is by far the strangest.
Jul 30, 2015
Pick your poison, boys. A good friend of mine was an anti-vaxxer. "COVID is BS and the vaccine is a joke." Obviously he never got the vaccine. He died of COVID last winter- 62, non-smoker, in good health before getting it. There are risks with getting vaccines (they're unlikely and most are small) and there are risks of getting what the vaccine is trying to prevent. Pick your poison...

I realize the audience receiving this post won't be very receptive to it. My friend is still dead though and my statement about risks being on both sides of the equation is 100% accurate. Thank goodness we live in America and can each still make the choice of how we want to deal with our personal health issues, rather than having them shoved down our throats by the government. Let's keep it that way...
Not to beat a dead horse, but I work in the medical field. We had the same guy- only he was healthy, young- in his early 40's, no existing medical conditions. We have an annual physical agility test where he had to hit a score of 12 METs (VO2 Max test). He was in the hospital for a few months, on a ventilator for ever. Major complications with infections, etc.. I believe they told his wife he had a less than 10% chance of survival. Small kids at home, etc. He recovered but was told his lungs were so damaged he'd never work in my career field again. He's back at work now but it took a full year. I also believe it's a personal choice but there's a lot of misinformation on both sides since it's been so politicized. I'm sorry about your friend.


Nov 13, 2012
He wasn't the only one. No doubt all kinds of odd stuff happened around this pandemic, but the denial that anyone died of covid is by far the strangest.
In defense of the guy who asked the question here, I don't think that's what he was trying to say. ...and... it's a fair question, given the amount of over-reporting that happened to jack up the numbers. However, no doubt what you're saying is totally true, Fatcamp. But, there are crazy Fers out there! People who don't believe we've ever landed on the moon or that the holocaust ever happened... COVID is a real thing, just like serious mental illness is!


Apr 26, 2022
Duvall, WA
It happened to me once while I was in the Marines. It was a very hot and humid afternoon on Camp Lejeune in NC. I was getting a bunch of required pre-deployment vaccines one after another and I fainted after the 4th or 5th in a row. Luckily a guy caught me as I was falling and I didn't end up hurting myself. I still had to get a 6th.
Oct 2, 2016
West Virginia
Back in the 70's I got a shot at my Dr's office, and afterwards the Dr just stood there talking to my mom and I for a bit. Next thing I know, I'm dropping like a rock. Woke up on the floor with them over me. The Dr said "happens all the time", and that's why he stayed with us and actually caught me as I was going down.

My dad told me about the "shot lines" in the Air Force back in the 50's, where it was like a gauntlet. Everybody walking down the line and getting hit with needles on both sides all the way down the line. He said lots of guys were dropping like flies.
You sure. Sone of The previous posters have clearly stated it wasn’t the vaccine. Just a reaction from the mental stress od getting the vaccine.

To those posters, Give me a flippin’ break. The passing out was due to a drop in blood pressure likely. Not a spike in it due to fear of it. The father exhibited the same thing. He just didn’t pass out.

I’m by no means anti vax but, it’s getting ridiculous hearing all the crap about vaccines. All due to justifying the Covid 19 vaccine.

Sone people have reactions to things. To much water can hurt you. So, what’s the problem with simply admitting that the vaccines for things like the flu and Covid 19, isn’t a one shoe fits all scenario?

Split toe

Nov 20, 2018
Not trying to be an azzhat regarding your friend, but I wonder if he "died of" or "died with" Covid. 62 is mighty young (especially since I am older) but there were all sorts of shenanigan's at play with Covid like testing what control a gubment can get away with, massive amounts of money to be made and other less than honorable activities enriching a few or giving power to a few. I read a story (did not verify) early in the pandemic of a Chicago woman dying of Covid. She was 108 and was counted as one of the ~600k Covid deaths. I also read (again, do not verify) that a death from Covid kicked in Gubment monies to all involved. Follow the money as they say.

Look up iatrogenic deaths per year. Depending on the study, the low is number is 50k and high is 200k. That's every year and 100% preventable. 1000's of healthy people die every year from the most insane ways like car accidents, slipping when getting out of the tub, falling off ladders, the above and you name it.

And your last comment about each being able to make choices is simply not true. 1,000's upon 1,000's lost their jobs because they did not get vaccinated.

For me, it's all about percentages and the mortality rate was just not there to stop the world like we did as well as restrict our freedoms like was done. If the mortality rate was high, say > than 10-20%, then implement measures to try to control the uncontrollable.

Again, this is just my 2 cents and is worth exactly what the reader paid for it.

Not sure about his friend, but as an ER physician I saw plenty of people die "from it". Some had all kinds of preexisting conditions , and some had none.
Dec 6, 2020
Shenandoah Valley
Not sure if it was mentioned and not to be mean, but some people get so nervous they pass out after getting shots. Happens a lot. Could have been just that?

i used to get biannual allergy shots as a kid. At first all was fine. Then as I got older I remember them starting to hurt, and i would pass out after getting them. It wasnt the shot just me not breathing and being anxious.
Jul 30, 2015
You sure. Sone of The previous posters have clearly stated it wasn’t the vaccine. Just a reaction from the mental stress od getting the vaccine.

To those posters, Give me a flippin’ break. The passing out was due to a drop in blood pressure likely. Not a spike in it due to fear of it. The father exhibited the same thing. He just didn’t pass out.

I’m by no means anti vax but, it’s getting ridiculous hearing all the crap about vaccines. All due to justifying the Covid 19 vaccine.

Sone people have reactions to things. To much water can hurt you. So, what’s the problem with simply admitting that the vaccines for things like the flu and Covid 19, isn’t a one shoe fits all scenario?
I have had two co-workers get myocarditis from "the" vaccine, both in their mid 20's and otherwise healthy. Both have luckily made a full recovery. I'm hardly who you think I am. Nothing I said above is untrue about ANY vaccine, or a saline injection for that matter. I've worked in healthcare since 2003. What do you do for a living?


Nov 13, 2015
Nurse close to 20 years ED, pediatric ICU background Paramedic for about 30.
I‘d have to lean towards, Vaso response, anxiety, fear as mentioned. See it all the time.
Adults covered in tattoos are the worst. Have to listen to them piss and moan about IV access, shots, blood draws.
Still have not figured out how a “sleeve” that takes hours hurts less than any of the above. Sure the medication may hurt, you have good veins, I’m in in a second.
Girl I work with, her husband is so afraid of needles she had to go with him, hold his hand, put a wet rag on his head. He passed out once and EMS had to take him to the ED.
Oh, I have zero tattoos
Jul 27, 2021
Only ever passed out once, our son was just new born and we had him circumsized, well I was on field manuvers and just got back to the barracks, had been out in the boonies for a week, all scruffy and nasty looking, the top called me in his office and said to go to the hospital, your wife called and said she would meet you there with the baby, not to be excited but there is something that needs to be looked at. got there and the wife and baby along with a navy female doctor was in the room, there was a small spot of blood on the babys diaper so the doc takes the diaper off and I am watching as soon as I saw his pecker out I went, hit the floor they say like a ton of bricks, and I have seen some nasty stuff, finally come too with the doc jamming a ammonia thingy in my nose. She looks at me and says (thought you Marines were tough) I looked up at her and said all I could think about before the lights went out is his poor pecker. Never had a problem with shots and have had a bunch of them over the years.
Jul 30, 2015
Only ever passed out once, our son was just new born and we had him circumsized, well I was on field manuvers and just got back to the barracks, had been out in the boonies for a week, all scruffy and nasty looking, the top called me in his office and said to go to the hospital, your wife called and said she would meet you there with the baby, not to be excited but there is something that needs to be looked at. got there and the wife and baby along with a navy female doctor was in the room, there was a small spot of blood on the babys diaper so the doc takes the diaper off and I am watching as soon as I saw his pecker out I went, hit the floor they say like a ton of bricks, and I have seen some nasty stuff, finally come too with the doc jamming a ammonia thingy in my nose. She looks at me and says (thought you Marines were tough) I looked up at her and said all I could think about before the lights went out is his poor pecker. Never had a problem with shots and have had a bunch of them over the years.

LOL! That's justified. The only time I have ever nearly passed out was the first time putting in a chest tube and getting covered in blood and the noise it made...


Sep 22, 2014
Back in the 70's I got a shot at my Dr's office, and afterwards the Dr just stood there talking to my mom and I for a bit. Next thing I know, I'm dropping like a rock. Woke up on the floor with them over me. The Dr said "happens all the time", and that's why he stayed with us and actually caught me as I was going down.

My dad told me about the "shot lines" in the Air Force back in the 50's, where it was like a gauntlet. Everybody walking down the line and getting hit with needles on both sides all the way down the line. He said lots of guys were dropping like flies.
Indeed. I have gotten every type of shot recommended by my internist including annual flu shots for two decades. I travel so likely have some shots most Americans never need to get. I also have had over 300 blood draws where they fill the bag with most requiring up to 5 jabs as my blood clots in the lines and 100 or more lab draw sessions with multiple vials. Over a dozen colonoscopies and a couple of upper g.i. inspections. Anesthesia over a dozen times and spinal taps with blood patches and had gall bladder, 1 of 2 appendixes (not a typo), sigmoid colon, a chunk of my liver removed and a chunk of my collar bone removed. 20 or so things cut out of my skin from sun damage, most likely. Drain bag for 10 weeks on an abscess where inverted appendix had been. Three confirmed concussions where was knocked out and likely a few more. Was a week from a testicle being removed when it finally resolved the infection. Was about 90 days from amputation of right leg near the hip when the marrow decided to call it quits then the marrow regenerated slowly. Countless MRIs and CTs.

Felt woozy once on a lab draw when walked out of a chilly medical facility into 100F, humid air. My vision went to a pin point then nothing then came back after I knelt on the sidewalk. I'm not the toughest guy on here. I just keep things in perspective and know what to expect and have maybe been lucky.


Sep 29, 2017
When's the last time your doc prescibed all-natural remedies?
That's a sure sign you're seeing a charlatan. What is "all-natural" anyway? Can be found in Nature? There are numerous very toxic substances that can be found in nature. I can isolate Vitamin C from an orange peel or synthesize it in the lab and guess what...It's the same exact thing.