Your BHA Dollars at Work?

Apr 8, 2020
Good Lord. I know there are local chapters that do some good work but on the national level organization does shit like this. I just doesn’t make any sense.
Jul 30, 2015
Lenexa, KS
How does giving money to someone who doesn't hunt/fish and has no interest in hunting/fishing gain them ties to people who hunt/fish?


Aug 6, 2020
Oregon Cascades
I think it's pretty clear they're pandering to a liberal demographic. I don't see looking to forge allies who don't hunt as a bad thing per se. Hunters are a small minority of the U.S. population. Swaying people who don't personally hunt into having favorable opinions of hunting and hunters, is a crucial thing.

Those of us who don't see that are short-sighted.

I just think that the real-world return on investment for something like this is gonna be basically nil.

I'm not gonna quit paying my dues. BHA has been vocal in opposing trapping bans and predator hunting bans. They have been one of the louder voices in opposing what sounds like some really stupid legislation pertaining to elk hunting in Montana.

But this seems pretty dumb.


May 27, 2017
How does giving money to someone who doesn't hunt/fish and has no interest in hunting/fishing gain them ties to people who hunt/fish?
Ask anyone that contributes to political campaigns the same question...they get millions in donations and a vast majority of the folks they donate to don't hunt, fish, or care if wildlife even exists.

Hunters and Anglers do that all the time and don't even give it a second thought.
Jul 30, 2015
Lenexa, KS
Ask anyone that contributes to political campaigns the same question...they get millions in donations and a vast majority of the folks they donate to don't hunt, fish, or care if wildlife even exists.

Hunters and Anglers do that all the time and don't even give it a second thought.

What office is he running for? What issues will he be voting on?
Oct 15, 2020
From the outside looking in this looks like a terrible use of money. I hope they put out more information on this or my membership might not be getting renewed


May 27, 2017
What office is he running for? What issues will he be voting on?
Answer my question...why do hunters, fishermen, hikers, bikers, etc. etc. donate millions and millions to political campaigns that go to people who not only don't care about hunters, fishermen, hikers, bikers, etc. but actively work AGAINST public lands, wildlife corridors, habitat improvements, funding for game and fish, land management funding, wildlife etc. etc.?

You whine about one guy getting a scholarship, literally worrying about mice while being trampled by elephants.

To answer your question, I have no idea what the recipient plans on doing in the future. What I do know is that wildlife management, public land management, protecting hunting, fishing, trapping is not a short game proposition...its exactly the opposite. Its also my contention that if hunters, anglers, trappers and other outdoor recreationists don't start thinking long game, and acting accordingly, we're done.

I can also tell you that those working against public lands, against public land management agencies, working against trapping, hunting, fishing...those types absolutely ARE playing the long game, and have been for decades. They're dedicated and they're dead serious and if we're not...may as well fold the tent and call it good.

Sportsmen as a group can't even get their chit together on the short game issues, so I understand how many see no value in playing the long game. That doesn't mean that there is no value in it, only that most just don't care beyond running a hook, arrow, or bullet through an animal a few times a year. Critical of everything and do nothing...been that way since I bought my first hunting license in 1979.
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Apr 8, 2020
So it appears than the BHA is just trying to bribe or gain political favor with aspiring politicians.
I’m sure this gentleman will keep us in mind as he’s using his political science and Pan-African studies majors in the future. 🙄


May 27, 2017
So it appears than the BHA is just trying to bribe or gain political favor with aspiring politicians.
I’m sure this gentleman will keep us in mind as he’s using his political science and Pan-African studies majors in the future. 🙄
I do the political contributions absolutely go to politicians that push my agenda. No use, and makes no sense contributing to a political campaign that is working against what I want.

You can make things happen, you can watch things happen, or wonder what the f$_k happened...I choose to make things happen.


Jul 16, 2019
Answer my question...why do hunters, fishermen, hikers, bikers, etc. etc. donate millions and millions to political campaigns that go to people who not only don't care about hunters, fishermen, hikers, bikers, etc. but actively work AGAINST public lands, wildlife corridors, habitat improvements, funding for game and fish, land management funding, wildlife etc. etc.?
I suppose the most logical answer would be they didnt know the people they were donating to felt that way. While there certainly is truth to your statement, I think its pretty vague and a generality at best.

The "bad guy" is very rarely as obvious as we see in movies. It takes a fair bit of investigation into people and their dealings before you can even begin to assess their intentions. Which is why most people dont do it, its exhausting. Most try to find a "group" that aligns with them at face value and support them in good faith.

What we see here is a organization that at least on here, appears to be somewhat controversial. I have enjoyed reading both sides in this and other discussions about them as I formulate my own opinion. Are some of the people bashing these guys out of spite? Absolutely, but it is the internet...


May 9, 2019
I'm scratching my head at the vitriol being spat here, and I think a lot of conclusions are being made by assumptions. What exactly is the issue here? That the recipient doesn't fit the mold of a typical hunter? That he's allegedly against everything you stand for? That he doesn't align with your political party?

According to their website, BHA's mission statement " taking a leadership role in advocating for the conservation of wild places." I think that needs to be clear. They state clearly that they are non-partisan. In other words, I don't think they care about left or right as long as whatever it is in question aligns with their mission towards conservation.

They chose to sponsor a kid who came from a vastly different background than most (maybe all?) of us here. I take it that the guys talking trash opened up the link, saw what they presumed to be a "hipster" of color who studies PoliSci and PanAf and assumed he's a leftist that wants to take away all your guns? His interests are "gun violence prevention, disparities in wealth, unequal access to healthcare, and educational displacements". If you grew up in South-side Chicago, I'd bet yours would be too. I can tell you in all my travels around the US, exploring that area on foot was the ONLY time I felt like I was in legitimate danger. It's clear he's an educated and motivated man who intends to go into government administration. Good on this guy for making it out of Hell and having organizations to help him. Maybe instead of crying about all the old people set in their ways and how they're all ANTI-GUN AND GONNA TAKE YER GUNS AWAY, it's better to welcome young folk and the next generation and, you know, actually educate them from our perspective? Maybe consider that strife and divisive rallies are counter productive?

"As a scholar, I hope to be a part of the change I want to see. This has influenced my decision to continue my education after undergrad and pursue a master’s in public administration. From there, I can work on policies and initiatives that uplift communities from poverty and hopelessness. Nevertheless, BHA’s focus on public policy and direct action can provide the experience I will need to bring the substantive change I want to see. As a future government administrator, I know learning more about the environment can provide me the perspective needed to prevent persistent natural problems that become social crises. Additionally, I hope to provide perspective and become a voice in environmental change.

Being the first BHA scholar, I hope to take on an ambassador role within the organization and help to recruit other passionate young leaders who can impact change. The importance of curating a dialogue around environmental policy hasn’t been widely accepted, so as a young leader from a diverse background, I will play a vital role in helping to further the cause." - Maurice Rodgers

Am I missing something here? Does this sound like a guy who has no interest in hunting or fishing or environment? We all know hunter recruitment is fostered through mentorship. Do you all really think that BHA is somehow going to influence this guy to be anti-hunter? That somehow supporting and welcoming this guy is grooming the next opponent to your livelihood?

Get real guys, your so caught up in your left and right game that you can't see that you're being scammed big time. Frankly it's ugly, and if I were a completely neutral party and stumbled upon this thread, I'd think hunters are a bunch of tribal, ignorant, narrow minded assholes.


Oct 28, 2014
Get real guys, your so caught up in your left and right game that you can't see that you're being scammed big time. Frankly it's ugly, and if I were a completely neutral party and stumbled upon this thread, I'd think hunters are a bunch of tribal, ignorant, narrow minded assholes.

That about sums it up.
Apr 8, 2020
@schwaf Not really into the left or right argument, in the grand scheme of things one side isn’t much better then the other. I think plenty of people can see that some organizations are trying to scam us big time as you put it.


May 9, 2019
@schwaf Not really into the left or right argument, in the grand scheme of things one side isn’t much better then the other. I think plenty of people can see that some organizations are trying to scam us big time as you put it.
The scam I’m referring to is not non profits taking a few of our dollars. I’m referring to a ridiculous system that robs us of critical thinking


Mar 22, 2016
CO -> AK
The long game. I think it's a great play. But I'm just a #triggered BHA millenial that doesn't kill shit and just drinks pints so carry on.


Feb 5, 2019
I'm glad the token BHA apologist could stop by to push the organizations talking points. I'll sleep better knowing i never gave them them dime as they continue to pat themselves on the back, while actually doing nothing for hunters and anglers.
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Aug 23, 2018
When BHA was juuuust getting popular and I saw their catchy "public land owner" shirts, I reached out to Land becauseI thoughtitsounded awesome. I was alerted by our conversation that this was fishy...

Then, the billboard came out about the grazing on public lands being theend of the grouse. The killer was that the grouse covey in the photo was feeding amongst a herd of cows. I asked on their Facebook page how come the grouse are cohabitating if the cows drive the grouse comments were pulled, I was banned and from that moment forward I realized they are all agenda regardless of science.

I could respect a "we don't want to hunt in a cow pasture"......but they were pimping BS "science".