2023 DIY Caribou Planning


Apr 16, 2021
Hello all, first time post but hoping to get a bit more individualized information.

I have read countless forums here and am getting ready to book a trip for 2023 this summer. My party is currently 4 members, however, the number could go up to 6. For the current 4 confirmed members, we have 3 Seek Outside tipis and stoves, lightweight frame packs (Mystery Ranch, Kuiu, and SG), and basically what I would consider a decent backcountry set up. We are all based out of SE Idaho and will be hoping to return with meat and capes. I am doing the general organization of this trip and have done a fair amount of research over the last 2 years into various charters and air services for drop hunts. One of the members is a guide here and, thus, we don't feel we will require guiding service. (2 years seems like a long time to plan, but my wife and I had a previously planned tour of Europe for our honeymoon that has been postponed those two years now due to COVID and we wanted to wait until we completed that). Given the threads I've seen, I'm still waiting to hear back from some of the charters up there for information, but have crossed a few off the list based on reviews found here.

So, questions;

Camp gear rental vs flying our own gear up? I would think that a gear rental would alleviate some of the travel cost, but not all charters offer this and wondering if it'll be the deal breaker on some.
Wood stove? Having never been to Alaska, let alone the Arctic, I'm curious about the availability of firewood and the usability of our titanium stoves up there.
Bear fence? Again, never been to the Arctic, so thick grizzly country would be a new experience. I have camped and hiked in grizzly country in Idaho, but I would tend to think this will present much more exposure to these critters
Float vs Ground Based? I have floated some of the Snake in Idaho with friends for ducks and fish, and we have been on a day raft trip on the Payette, but what is the reality of a float trip for caribou; i.e., how much experience would one recommend for a group considering this method of transportation for their hunt? I've read Class III rapids is the expected extreme and feel this is doable, however, I'd hate to get there and quickly realize we are poorly prepared/experienced for this kind of excursion.
Trip planning? I saw an ad for $300 hunt trip planning to take care of all the fine details. I'm fairly detail oriented but am curious if using such a service would be worth the extra coin.

Due to the early planning, we are flexible on the area we would hunt. I have been looking more at Kotzebue but have seen the developing situation with regulations in 26 so am slightly concerned there. Tok would be good too, however, it seems that area is pretty hard to get a charter with due to the returning clientele. Any recommendations for charters would be appreciated, I'm still navigating the site and reading posts. If a member has a recent trip they posted about, feel free to drop a thread link and I'll definitely give it a read. Thanks for any input, this site is truly helpful for those of us looking to broaden our hunting/fishing horizons.

Quick note; I am considering Golden Eagle, RAM, and Alaska Wilderness Charters at the moment. Golden Eagle has been difficult to find pricing and trip info for; I have contacted them for information but anything anyone else can provide would be helpful. I had originally considered Arctic Air, but several bad reviews on here have dissuaded that idea.

Again, thanks.
Apr 26, 2019
Hello all, first time post but hoping to get a bit more individualized information.

I have read countless forums here and am getting ready to book a trip for 2023 this summer. My party is currently 4 members, however, the number could go up to 6. For the current 4 confirmed members, we have 3 Seek Outside tipis and stoves, lightweight frame packs (Mystery Ranch, Kuiu, and SG), and basically what I would consider a decent backcountry set up. We are all based out of SE Idaho and will be hoping to return with meat and capes. I am doing the general organization of this trip and have done a fair amount of research over the last 2 years into various charters and air services for drop hunts. One of the members is a guide here and, thus, we don't feel we will require guiding service. (2 years seems like a long time to plan, but my wife and I had a previously planned tour of Europe for our honeymoon that has been postponed those two years now due to COVID and we wanted to wait until we completed that). Given the threads I've seen, I'm still waiting to hear back from some of the charters up there for information, but have crossed a few off the list based on reviews found here.

So, questions;

Camp gear rental vs flying our own gear up? I would think that a gear rental would alleviate some of the travel cost, but not all charters offer this and wondering if it'll be the deal breaker on some.
Wood stove? Having never been to Alaska, let alone the Arctic, I'm curious about the availability of firewood and the usability of our titanium stoves up there.
Bear fence? Again, never been to the Arctic, so thick grizzly country would be a new experience. I have camped and hiked in grizzly country in Idaho, but I would tend to think this will present much more exposure to these critters
Float vs Ground Based? I have floated some of the Snake in Idaho with friends for ducks and fish, and we have been on a day raft trip on the Payette, but what is the reality of a float trip for caribou; i.e., how much experience would one recommend for a group considering this method of transportation for their hunt? I've read Class III rapids is the expected extreme and feel this is doable, however, I'd hate to get there and quickly realize we are poorly prepared/experienced for this kind of excursion.
Trip planning? I saw an ad for $300 hunt trip planning to take care of all the fine details. I'm fairly detail oriented but am curious if using such a service would be worth the extra coin.

Due to the early planning, we are flexible on the area we would hunt. I have been looking more at Kotzebue but have seen the developing situation with regulations in 26 so am slightly concerned there. Tok would be good too, however, it seems that area is pretty hard to get a charter with due to the returning clientele. Any recommendations for charters would be appreciated, I'm still navigating the site and reading posts. If a member has a recent trip they posted about, feel free to drop a thread link and I'll definitely give it a read. Thanks for any input, this site is truly helpful for those of us looking to broaden our hunting/fishing horizons.

Quick note; I am considering Golden Eagle, RAM, and Alaska Wilderness Charters at the moment. Golden Eagle has been difficult to find pricing and trip info for; I have contacted them for information but anything anyone else can provide would be helpful. I had originally considered Arctic Air, but several bad reviews on here have dissuaded that idea.

Again, thanks.

I sent you a message. Add 10% per year is what he told me. I booked for 22

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May 8, 2014


Aug 14, 2018
If I could make ONE recommendation to all of the guys on here considering future trips - it would be to go over to the thread about potential closures this year in Alaska Units 23 and 26, find the posts that show where you can email comments, and send in an email with your name and address stating that you oppose this action (there are templates within that thread you can use to craft your email).

If that action passes, it puts a serious crimp on areas that non-resident hunters have access to, and could pave the way for actions in other Units in the future. The time is now for us to ensure that our voices are heard on this.


Apr 16, 2021
Following as I am at about the same stage as you. Shoot me a pm if you would like and I can relay info from a buddy that hunted out of Kotz last fall.
I haven’t been a member long enough to pm, but I would be interested. I believe you can pm me though


Aug 15, 2015
Not an expert. In our 4 Alaska non resident fly in caribou/ moose hunts, this is how we did it.

We like our own gear but we use it enough to make buying top notch stuff cost effective. Travel cost is not a big deal, especially compared to rental cost.

Yes take your titanium stoves. Even on our north slope caribou hunt there was willow wood to burn and it is great to dry out or warm up when the weather is bad which it usually is.

We have not taken a bear fence on any of our trips. Bears were around but not common where we went.

Float hunt and drop hunt are two way different experiences. We’ve done two each and really enjoyed the adventure of the floats. Our rivers were picked to match our experience level. That said, this year’s moose hunt is one camp drop.
One camp hunts were way less work though. For caribou, I would think your transporter will know where to drop you.

We used a famous hunt planner for our float hunts but it was not needed for our drop camps.

Other charters you might look into are Brooks Range Aviation and Wright Air. Have limited experience with these but have heard generally good things.

Finally, on number of guys, 4 is plenty and 6 may be too many. Likely someone is going home empty handed if you have 6. Might want to split the party if you have 6. Get non refundable deposit money right up front - otherwise too easy to bail and leave you hanging.

Not all of our hunts ended up in a harvest but all we among the best things I have done in my life. Good luck!

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Aug 14, 2018
Hello all, first time post but hoping to get a bit more individualized information.
My thoughts embedded within your text below. It sounds like all 4 of you are experienced wilderness hunters (i.e., have experience hunting and camping quite a ways from any roads or vehicles), correct? If that's true, I think paying a guide would be a waste of your money, caribou are where they are, just need good eyes and good binos to spot them, and with 4 of you looking, you're gonna see them if they're around. A caribou is also smaller than an elk, so packing it out might seem easier than your elk packs unless you pack one a long way over the tussocks...

First thought - like one of the guys already said, getting 4 guys to COMMIT and PAY THE DEPOSIT might be a challenge. For about a dozen years I've sought AK remote hunting partners on this forum and on Hunttalk. I typically post a thread around October, saying I'm hunting remote Alaska the following fall for moose and/or caribou, and I am looking for one partner to hunt with. I get a ton of posts expressing interest....when I follow up with them and say that it will cost anywhere from $4K - $7K total cost and require about 2 weeks of time, and they will need to drop a $1K deposit by December 15, the number of interested parties dwindles to the guys who are serious about going.

"My party is currently 4 members, however, the number could go up to 6."

The large number of hunters complicates things as a couple of people have mentioned. If all 6 are planning to hunt, you need to plan for 10 hunting days, in addition to the fly-in and fly-out days when you cannot hunt. Then there are the days flying to and from Alaska, as well as a day before you fly out to make sure all your gear arrived, sight in rifles, and pick up any miscellaneous items or food that you need to buy in AK. You're getting close to 3 weeks at this point, will all 6 guys want to commit that much time?

"Camp gear rental vs flying our own gear up? I would think that a gear rental would alleviate some of the travel cost, but not all charters offer this and wondering if it'll be the deal breaker on some."

Gear rental would alleviate some of the cost; but if you go this route, make sure you are familiar with all of the rental gear BEFORE you fly into the field. Would suck to be in a remote camp and not be familiar with how some piece of gear was supposed to work or be assembled.

"Bear fence? Again, never been to the Arctic, so thick grizzly country would be a new experience. I have camped and hiked in grizzly country in Idaho, but I would tend to think this will present much more exposure to these critters."

I have a bear fence, so I always bring it into the field, but don't always set it up. Depends on where our camp will be located and how bearish the camping spot feels.

"Float vs Ground Based? I have floated some of the Snake in Idaho with friends for ducks and fish, and we have been on a day raft trip on the Payette, but what is the reality of a float trip for caribou; i.e., how much experience would one recommend for a group considering this method of transportation for their hunt? I've read Class III rapids is the expected extreme and feel this is doable, however, I'd hate to get there and quickly realize we are poorly prepared/experienced for this kind of excursion."

Float gives you more mobility and a different type of adventure, but requires more work in setting up and taking down camp multiple times, and taking care of the meat while floating requires some time and care for sure. Ground based is less work, but could present challenges if the caribou are not moving through that area when you are there. 2 different types of hunts, with pros and cons to each.

"Trip planning? I saw an ad for $300 hunt trip planning to take care of all the fine details. I'm fairly detail oriented but am curious if using such a service would be worth the extra coin."

If you plan to float, trying to get Larry Bartlett to plan your float would be worth the coin. If I couldn't get Larry, there is a former schoolteacher who does float planning in Northwest Alaska, but I don't know his name and don't know enough about his service to say one way or the other.

"Quick note; I am considering Golden Eagle, RAM, and Alaska Wilderness Charters at the moment. Golden Eagle has been difficult to find pricing and trip info for; I have contacted them for information but anything anyone else can provide would be helpful. I had originally considered Arctic Air, but several bad reviews on here have dissuaded that idea."

Someone mentioned Wright Air out of Fairbanks, they have been doing this a long time and might be worth a call.

"Again, thanks."

You guys should definitely do it, it's an adventure that you'll remember for the rest of your life. Happy to answer any specific questions you have if I possibly can, been doing the AK remote hunts since about 2002. Shoot me an email at [email protected] if I can help in any way -



Sep 3, 2020




Jun 29, 2020
Just wanted to chime in. I have a group of three of us that are planning a 2023 caribou hunt. We’ve been researching this for a long time, two of us almost went in 2012 but some life stuff happened and pushed it back. Now we have a third guy and are committed. Starting at the beginning of COVID, I formulated an excel sheet of basically every caribou guide in Alaska I could find online. Called each of them (some didn’t answer so I emailed). It’s a pretty great document breaking down cost, units, dates available, services offered, etc. without exposing the entire list, the top contenders are:
Golden Eagle
Arctic Air

After talking with each of these four over the phone, talking to references, and reading here (long time lurker), we think we’ve settled on Golden Eagle. May seem silly to some but this may be a one time trip for us. Cheers everyone and thanks for any input you may have contributed unknowingly.


Jun 29, 2020
Not trying to take over this thread, but found it interesting reading about someone else planning a trip this far out. Good luck! Cheers


Apr 16, 2021
Not trying to take over this thread, but found it interesting reading about someone else planning a trip this far out. Good luck! Cheers
No worries, it’s funny because we’ve basically done the same thing, right down to setting on golden eagle. Looking for a bit of adventure though so going the float route with a gear rental through walt at northwestalaska backcountry outfitters. Been busy with spring bear so haven’t touched base with him in a minute, but walt was super informative and provided a ton of good info if you’re looking for some local insight. My main concern at the moment is the sustenance board pushing the potential ban back to next year. Oh well I guess, just have to keep writing letters lol. Best of luck to you, I think we’re looking at the first week of September 2023 for our trip
Jun 28, 2021
Just wanted to chime in. I have a group of three of us that are planning a 2023 caribou hunt. We’ve been researching this for a long time, two of us almost went in 2012 but some life stuff happened and pushed it back. Now we have a third guy and are committed. Starting at the beginning of COVID, I formulated an excel sheet of basically every caribou guide in Alaska I could find online. Called each of them (some didn’t answer so I emailed). It’s a pretty great document breaking down cost, units, dates available, services offered, etc. without exposing the entire list, the top contenders are:
Golden Eagle
Arctic Air

After talking with each of these four over the phone, talking to references, and reading here (long time lurker), we think we’ve settled on Golden Eagle. May seem silly to some but this may be a one time trip for us. Cheers everyone and thanks for any input you may have contributed unknowingly.DM, but don’t have that ability yet.
Would you be willing to share your spreadsheet? I would have sent you a DM, but don’t have that ability yet. I’m looking to plan a trip in ‘22 with two other guys and just started the process but was looking at Artic Air, Ram, and Golden eagle. What were the key factors that made you choose Golden Eagle in the end?


Jun 29, 2020
What were the key factors that made you choose Golden Eagle in the end?
Well, for starters, it's tough to find a bad review... they are there, but not prominent. I've had the opportunity to talk to a few people who have gone with GE, and heard nothing but great things. I'm not saying that the other two are bad choices, but you can find a considerable amount of negativity for them vs GE. Also, I spent a lot of time on the phone with each (as well as a dozen others), multiple calls. The folks at GE are busy, but took time to go through everything with me. They prefer email, and will send anything you ask over email. Also, GE didn't say anything negative to me about the competition, however, some of the others are quick to get specific in attacking competition. I'm a business owner as well, and I don't talk to prospective clients like that.

Go on youtube and watch every Western Arctic Caribou hunt you can. Screenshot the planes. Find the planes online and figure out whose are whose. It's crazy how often the hunts that emulated what I'm dreaming about were owned by Golden Eagle. Don't forget to read YT comments, lots of hidden gems in there. Also, multiple podcasts where guys vouch for Golden Eagle. We've been researching this way too much lol.

At the end of the day, all three outfits do the exact same thing. Some offer camp, which isn't what we wanted to do but I understand if people prefer that, but all-in-all, they do the exact same thing in the same unit. I'm sure you can kill caribou with all three and for a similar price. At the end of the day, I'm going with my gut.

@TXhunter8536 DM me your email once you get the capabilities, or drop it in a comment and I'd be happy to send it to you.


Jul 30, 2020
I had a hunt booked with arctic air this fall but had to cancel because we are having a baby and due date fell right in the middle of when we were supposed to be gone.


Jun 29, 2020
I had a hunt booked with arctic air this fall but had to cancel because we are having a baby and due date fell right in the middle of when we were supposed to be gone.
Oh man. Well, congrats on the baby! Babies are cool. Are they letting you reschedule? How did that conversation go? I'm assuming you had already paid a deposit.