CA B-Zone Fires


Jun 3, 2012
Redding, Ca
Well.... I had everything packed and ready to head out for a week to a spot that I had scouted and tracked some nice bucks for about half the year and I just found out that it's up in flames. I guess, I should of had a back up plan?

Since I can't make to my area I will be helping a friend that drew a X3b tag spot some muley's for the next couple of days.

Now I just have to find another area that's holding some bucks( if only it was just that easy) so I can get some meat in the freezer:).
There are many people in the same boat all across the west. I was up there scouting a week before the fire. It's the way it goes. Luckily I have a couple other spots scouted out.
Honestly I'm just angry with myself this is the first year that I didn't spend at least a couple days/weeks looking at other areas. After I spotted those bucks I became fixated, Oh well lesson learned.
Yeah I understand I only made it out a few times this year and my work schedule is really throwing a screwball to my hunting plans. 6 days a week lately and no end in sight.
My buddie that I talked to who is working the fire line up in Covolo, just got off this am. He said that he is still seeing bucks in the black, right up to the edge of the green. Usual bear sightings too. I know the wind picked up, but the temps are down, RH is up, and the fires are coming to a close. Look at Then go to CA, and then on, o hell hang on, I will get it. Bottom line go hunt.
I would'nt say this fire is coming to a close but some of the other fires in the state are. The northern half of California is in a Red Flag warning. There expecting high wind that can cause this fire to burn in a different direction. The fire's edge that is in the Yolla Bollies is unstaffed due to lack of resourses and terrain. The fire keeps spotting out side of there lines. The RH will help a little but the wind will change that. They are still sending resources from Socal to redding to stage just incase the winds blows things up. I was Archery hunting just up the canyon from this fire when it started. I'm a firefighter and have never seen fire burn timber up so fast. Stay Safe and good luck hunting.
