If you haven't switched to lithium batteries yet, you should consider it

As someone who just got totally roasted in AR15 for a newby post (and called BATFE and libtard troll), I am trying to be more forgiving of posts, especially by newer folks, or those with a strong opinion and catch title. 🤓. Now I’ve got a topic to research and like that maybe you can mix up what you carry.
They don’t last any longer in my experience and are way more expensive. I quickly went back to the copper tops.
lately ive been using the blue color alkaline Anker batteries off amazon. there supposed to not leak. that said i never trust my expensive stuff with regular batteries.sometimes prices are good with those bricks of ever/ whatevers from the big box stores but in the end should be called leak masters.
Since switching from Lithium’s to low discharge rechargeable batteries like Sanyo Eneloops in my game cameras I’ve saved a small fortune. I highly recommend switching to anyone that runs more than a dozen cameras. Your wallet will thank you.
I originally switched from Alkaline to lithium around 2011 timeframe. Spent thousands on them until two years ago when I switched everything over to rechargeable. Haven’t spent a penny since then. Have a 5200 mAh battery pack I carry on day trips and another 10,000 mAh I can add for longer trips. GPS (if I use it), phone, headlamp, inReach all use the same rechargeable if I run out in the field, and they recharge from a standard outlet anywhere. 2 way radio is the only item I haven’t switched over because I don’t use it that often and 4 AAA last a couple years. Never seen lithium’s at Costco but I will look now for trail cameras. Batteries leaking alone is worth the cost on those.
Last night I dug into my battery ziplock and found one leaking battery that could have easily been in a device. I think I'm changing for this reason alone too. Before this, I didn't realize how many battery types can be recharged. Next research project....
I did my own test with flashlights and it jibes with the video posted on page one by Project Farm on YouTube....excellent advice.

Yeah, lithiums last longer....but they are very expensive.

I wanted rechargeables...and those silver Amazon batteries are very good....and they don't leak wrecking your stuff.

The only downside I've found is some will leak a little bit during storage...losing 3-5% of energy if they sit for awhile.

Not all lose energy; the 18650 batteries from Fenix don't lose energy like some others....I can go 2 weeks morning and night with one 18650 on a hunt in my Zebra headlamp.

I have had a few alkalines leak and mess up some high $$$ gear over the years. I swapped to lithium for some applications. Be careful buying batteries on amazon - lithium or otherwise - as the OP suggests. there seems to be some shithead scammers that pop up from time to time selling knockoffs.