Incredibly disappointed

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Do you think the work shouldn't be done? I am genuinely confused at your angle here.

What I'm saying is if chasing them with a helicopter is unlikely to cause harm.
Then I highly doubt that an errant bump by a person walking thru the sage brush will.
I'm talking about a sane shed hunter that when he notices animals heads a different direction.

I'm not talking about chasing them off cliffs with 4 wheelers. Because that's already illegal.

And if it is deemed that the risk of an errant bump by a person walking on public lands has a high enough risk, then total exclusion is the answer.
Absolutely no human entry. Because other recreational activity is not more important then shed hunting and no one is better then a shed hunter.

Remember were talking about what if possible risks associated. Here and any number of activities could possibly bump a deer.
What is good for 1 is good for all in America.
No special dealers or restrictions for on group vs another.
Do you think the work shouldn't be done? I am genuinely confused at your angle here.

I will tell you that if he won't.

Most city boys (the vast majority of hunters) have absolutely no clue what does or does not go on on the "winter range" They all think they know, especially these days awash in information, most promulgated by the ones in charge of dis-information. (our beloved gov't)

I can assure you they chase with helo's for miles in brutal conditions, deep snow and -20 degree temps, they kill directly (and admit such) so one can safely assume a lot of indirect deaths as well.

After the netting comes the counting, then the birthing studies, it starts the day after hunting season and ends in June.

Last year I took a collared buck, for the collar's sake to get the info they have to give you as the killer of same.

They couldn't give me the data BECAUSE THERE WAS NO FOLLOW UP DONE. Just the fun cowboy stuff of riding and net gunning to the tune of thousands of dollars wasted and animals killed stressed (just the collar is at least $1500 depending on type) with a two year life and they were "too busy" to do the routine follow up, just the helicopter gunship stuff right out of "die hard"

So thousands of animals get chased, hundreds get captured and collared to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars and ZERO information gets harvested, except for the initial location which could have been gained with a spotting scope from a pick-up window.

And yet they have a messiah like following by their disciples who cough up their salaries, I think it is really strange but then again that coffee table leg is looking a bit tasty in a beaver-y sort of way carry on.

I have no idea why i keep getting buzzed by these pesky helicopters...

IMG_4077 by squirrel2012, on Flickr
I will tell you that if he won't.

Thats odd (and incredibly over sensationalized). I've done ariel counts, collar work, and never chased them for miles anywhere and that statement shows that you do not understand how these surveys nor netting work. I won't waste my time in this tread anymore because I can see your heels are dug in but I can assure you that if you take your tinfoil hats off and educate yourself you might be surprised.
Thats odd (and incredibly over sensationalized). I've done ariel counts, collar work, and never chased them for miles anywhere and that statement shows that you do not understand how these surveys nor netting work. I won't waste my time in this tread anymore because I can see your heels are dug in but I can assure you that if you take your tinfoil hats off and educate yourself you might be surprised.

I dont kill deer when I shed hunt.

But some guy did once, so we better ban it.
I dont kill deer when I shed hunt.

But some guy did once, so we better ban it.

Why is it so hard for you just to wait an extra month or two?? Ethically speaking it’s just the right thing to do, law or no law. I’m not understanding why when it’s backed up by wildlife managers and science you are arguing this issue so badly.

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Here is a place where states should be more active in season by season Open/Close control over this. For example if there is a big dump of late snow...then post closures to take the control out of the hands of "a person's own individual choice of ethics" and move it to a trained biologists best judgement of if it should be Open/Close.

I still think no matter how it's managed, the early birds will definitely get good at stashing finds for a quick return to for the opener...or night exits.

I the hunting videos on youtube but it's sad to see some out there making 600yd shots in the wind just to high back or gut shoot something, leave it til the next day and barely find it.

Ethics is a very variable thing out there...
The only shed hunting video worth your while to watch is that idiot who fell and scratched his arm, and cried about being so dehydrated he almost died on his 2 mile walk back to the truck. I think his name was Zack something?

A guy with a llama calling everyone city boys, thanks for the entertainment on this fine Friday.
The only shed hunting video worth your while to watch is that idiot who fell and scratched his arm, and cried about being so dehydrated he almost died on his 2 mile walk back to the truck. I think his name was Zack something?

A guy with a llama calling everyone city boys, thanks for the entertainment on this fine Friday.

No shit! I forgot about that. Chugging Mtn. Ops and dehydrated himself.

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