Meateater Booze???

There are some things I don't like about my wife - doesn't mean I toss her to the curb. I love her to death. Maybe that's a hard concept for you to grasp Papa Goose. I don't think objecting to something a person does makes them a lefty snowflake.
Musta made this decision for Cal. Rinella has said on his podcast he doesn’t drink.

He talked about this on the Rogan podcast. Hey, money is money, and if you have to start drinking again to push your product - what’s not to like??
A lot of self-righteous folks on here throwing stones from their glass houses. If you don't like it, you don't need to buy any more products from him.

Rinella has done a lot of good for hunting. The way I see it, the bigger his brand gets the more he can do. Besides that, there's no problem with making money however you can (as long as it's legal). If he can add one more product line to his offerings, more power to him.
Rinella/meateater podcast got me into the outdoors. I grew up in the city and none of my family hunted. I now have a bow and am actively hunting every chance I get. If they have an opportunity to sell something, be it bourbon or whatever else, good for them. Hopefully it helps them keep producing content, and expands the range of guests they're able to bring on the show.
Life's short. Capitalize on what you can, when you can. Never know when it's gonna run out. You guys really think it was his idea? No...he doesnt answer to himself. He answers to share holders.. Think hes a sell out? Good for you. Dude's making a good living for his family, and enjoying life all while doing what he loves.
Don't like what someone else is doing/selling/making/music theyre writing/political views theyre sending out.? Don't buy their stuff, dont listen to their music.
Seems like elk season really needs to start to get everyone out in the woods and away from the keyboards
Lol what a bunch of whiney little bitches. If you don't like it then just stop watching, listening, buying their shit. Dude has done more good for hunters, hunting community, and the image of hunting than, well, possibly anyone. Dude has a business to run, investors to answer to, employees and their families to think about. You guys sound like a bunch of lefty snowflakes.

I'm not so sure, I mean per his own contributor's article posted on his website, hunting is still "too white".....guy has some work to do.....

We all know, for certain, that hunting is dying. How can we save it while being too white?
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Lol what a bunch of whiney little bitches. If you don't like it then just stop watching, listening, buying their shit. Dude has done more good for hunters, hunting community, and the image of hunting than, well, possibly anyone. Dude has a business to run, investors to answer to, employees and their families to think about. You guys sound like a bunch of lefty snowflakes.

Not trying to be a jerk here, but honest question: what has he done for hunters, the hunting community, and then image of hunting? He has certainly profited from hunting and hunters, spent a lot of time talking to hunters about hunting, and sold a lot of swag and books to hunters, but none of that really adds value outside of our small circle.

As I see it the continued commercialization of hunting is going to be its downfall and by that measure he has done plenty of bad for the sport. I don’t like it and have stopped watching, listening, and buying their shit.

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Not trying to be a jerk here, but honest question: what has he done for hunters, the hunting community, and then image of hunting? He has certainly profited from hunting and hunters, spent a lot of time talking to hunters about hunting, and sold a lot of swag and books to hunters, but none of that really adds value outside of our small circle.

As I see it the continued commercialization of hunting is going to be its downfall and by that measure he has done plenty of bad for the sport. I don’t like it and have stopped watching, listening, and buying their shit.

Sorry brotha but you couldn't be more wrong.

Rinella is the only hunting show my wife will sit down and watch with me. Period. That's the effect he's had. He's done more for hunting and conservation than you or I ever will.
Season 1 set him apart....everything after has become the same old Bone Collector Duck Dynasty Jackie Bushman Saturday morning hunt show coming to a Walmart near you bullshit.

I have a signed copy of American Buffalo that was sent to his home in NY, and he personally mailed back. I don’t reckon that’ll happen now.

Business is business...sure, I get it. Those that identified with him early felt “he thinks like me”. Now it’s “I wanna (gotta) think like him”

If everyone is thinking the same thing, someone’s not thinking.
I gave up on hunting shows years ago. Not just his. All of them. All about selling products now. I don't blame them. I would do it too, if I could but I don't enjoy the shows anymore. The last time I saw Lee & Tiffany, I spent the whole show thinking about whether they are real or fake. Once I looked long enough to make a decision, I turned it off. I felt like a dog chasing a car if you know what I mean. Meateater lost me when I watched him eat under cooked bear meat but it did provide a nice laugh later when I read he got sick. I admit to a weird sense of humor.

I don't really drink much either anymore but when I do drink, it won't be 5 year old bourbon sponsored by a guy who doesn't drink.

I have a stash of bourbon and quality Tennessee whiskey and 10 year old bourbon is sort of where I start. Anything younger and I give it to my nephews who are young and dumb. They are just going to put ginger ale in it anyway. Negligence in their upbringing. I took my son on the bourbon trail to ensure he was properly educated and important knowledge was passed down.

Meateater whiskey isn't touching my lips, no matter how much the guy has done for hunting.
You could probably use it as an effective hand sanitizer though in a pinch. I feel better now.
I picked up watching the Meateater about season 5 I believe. After watching a few seasons, the ones available on Netflix, I watched an episode from season 2 or 3 where Steve went for Barbary Sheep on private property in Texas while utilizing an ATV. Nothing wrong with that at all, but until I saw that episode I was under the impression that the show centered around public land DIY hunts. Platform probably shifted 100% toward the DIY hunter because the largest hunting audience mostly hunts public land, by themselves. That's just good business.
Season 1 set him apart....everything after has become the same old Bone Collector Duck Dynasty Jackie Bushman Saturday morning hunt show coming to a Walmart near you bullshit.

I have a signed copy of American Buffalo that was sent to his home in NY, and he personally mailed back. I don’t reckon that’ll happen now.

Business is business...sure, I get it. Those that identified with him early felt “he thinks like me”. Now it’s “I wanna (gotta) think like him”

If everyone is thinking the same thing, someone’s not thinking.

Cough Silencer

That’s all I’m sayin’...
He talked about it a little on Joe Rogans podcast the other night. Elk Shank Whiskey i think was the name of it.

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Who are the big names in hunting who a regular Joe outside of our circle of people who hunt are likely to know of? Who are people going to associate the image of what a hunter is with?

Off the top of my head I can think of-

Pig Man whatever his name is
The Duck Dynasty Guys
Ted Nugent
Maybe Cam Hanes and Randy Newberg

Now look at that list and tell me which of those folks do we WANT the average person to think of as what a hunter is.
I've enjoyed his podcast and TV show.

that being said, I haven't bought t-shirts or mugs, and don't plan on buying any booze from meateater. I do have their cookbook, and it's very well done.