Optimum heart rate???

Nov 9, 2013
Kenai, AK
Ok, I remember that there is a formula for figuring optimum heart rate for working out, but don't remember what it is.
So a question for you gym rats...
I will be 54 in a month. I'm about 20# heavier than I should be (30 to be "ripped"). My lifestyle this winter has centered around my desk.
I recently started in on the treadmill (2 weeks ago?) & started hitting it fairly serious the last week.
What I am doing is this. Start with the new Duplex & Highcamp bag & 43# gross weight. set & leave speed at 3.2 & do a 2 min warm up. Then 2 min at max incline (not sure what that is on this machine.), then one min flat, then 2 min max incline.... repeat until the 20 min mark then go to 3 min for one round at max incline, then back to above... continue until the 52 min mark with a couple of the incline times stretched to 2.5min, then cool down.
Mid way through the workout heart rate at end of incline time was 165 & at end of 1 min of flat was mid 140s. At end of last incline time (2:30sec) heart rate was 178-180. After 1 min on flat was back to 155. Resting heart rate is generally in upper 40s.
All that info to ask this question.
I am trying to strive for mountain hunting fitness, but also weight loss. I know they used to recommend different max heart rates for different goals (I'm guessing I'm working over those for my age). I've always been more of a push as hard as you can without reaching the level of failure kind of guy. 15 yrs ago I was racing mtn bikes a bit & riding road bikes a lot & could get my heart rate up into the 190s (never able to break 200). I was one of those weird guys that loved climbing.
What is wise for my goals today (heart rate wise:))?
Should I back off a bit or just keep doing what I am doing? All seems well & I have had a complete heart screening in the last few months & there were no issues.
sounds like you have a good workout going...........you take 220 - your age 220 - 54 = 166 x 80-90% as the target to achieve the results your looking for...sounds like you were higher than they would recommend.....according to the chart posted and what the maximum is targeted to be....
Your fat burn zone would be around 150, maybe a little less. I road race my bike a good bid and like you, I enjoy the red zone. Although that will push your aero threshold, that's an anaerobic zone. To burn fat, start your workout, quickly hit ur 80% heart rate and flat line it for the entire work out(at least 30mins). Gets boring but the pounds will fall off. These workouts are best done on a tread mill or stationary bike so you can effectively hold the flat line heart rate.