Pictures of loaded pack animals

Dang. Hunting with stock is a dream of mine. I hope one day I can partake. I think just learning how to pack one would be super fun. WIsh I lived in an area where there were more folks locally doing this sort of thing. Kudos to all you fellas.


it aint rocket science. I had no mentor. a mentor will help speed up the process and cut back on the troubles. no internet, just books when I started.
2 elk front shoulders and all the bone meat on 3 goats, loaded light.

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How do you like using goats for packing? Easier than horses or mules?
We pack a bit through the summer months to condition horses and clear trails or do an over nighter. During hunting season we generally just bring our riding horses then return the following day with pack animals or if we are under 8 miles from the parking lot we’ll put on saddle panniers and walk out while our horses haul the goods off the mountain.


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Headed into camp. Girls were a little chilly lol


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Horses and mules most of my life, over the past 3 years I've gone to more of a backpacking setup, looking into llamas (who isn't?)
I've always enjoyed working with stock, especially packing horses. On some hunts they are an absolute necessity and the added camp chores are worth it. On others they can be more nuisance and you only need/want them when the packout is afoot.


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