Weight Loss For Hunting in 2024

elk hunted at 252, backslid a bit and was around 258 at the end of 2023. I’m at 240 and feeling great currently, my body composition has changed a ton over the last 2.5 months even though I’ve only lost 15 pounds.

I’m running about 20 miles a week and lifting 3-4 days a week. I’ve worked down from 2800 calories to 2300 calories with 36% protein, 31% carbs, 33% fat. I’ve lost hundreds of pounds on keto if I count all the times I’ve lost and gained it. I’m focused this time on losing weight slow on a balanced diet(~1 pound per week) and building a better relationship with food. I hope to find a nice balanced maintenance calorie diet coming out of this. I would like to be around 190.

Good luck everybody! At my current path I could be around 210 this September and much stronger/fitter than I was at 255 this past September. Its an exciting for me to think about being more capable.
This is it! Diets are short term fixes for a longer-term problem. Change your eating habits and that will last a lifetime. After a while, fast food doesn't even sound appealing.
Even though it's getting late in the year as we get closer to summer, signing up for some type of run or event with a buddy it a great way to stay motivated and keep you accountable. Doesn't matter if it's a 5k or 50k run, swim, hike, tough mudder, etc... Any type of race/challenge that you will need to train for. Go into it knowing that the goal is to start the fitness journey and finish with the event. Don't know anyone who signed up for an event, completed it, and said they were worse off for doing so....
Down 15 but have kind of plateaued. Still doing a lot of biking but that's most of it at this point. Unfortunately don't have any tag I am training for.....yet, but just trying to stay after it. Had a scary health issue a few weeks ago. Got really dizzy and nauseous. After a trip to the ER, all signs returned to normal. After a few more tests and Dr's visits nothing conclusive. Primary care seems to think it might be an inner ear thing but I feel good. Have to trip planned to the Dominican Republic in July so using that for some motivation to get somewhat of a beachbody going....lol. Still mostly eating clean but my carb intake has ramped up enough with nuts, fruits, that I am not losing any more. Still lots of fatty meats and non seed oils in the diet, but the carb intake is high enough that I am in kind of a maintenance mode versus a weight loss one.
I read this thread in December and thought the same thing - 230lbs, would like to be 180 again, tired of feeling like crap. Laid a buddy low in January due to drinking, decided to get off the sauce for a while. Started eating right, working out at least 3 times a week, and NO booze. Also bought a cheap health watch off of amazon for 30 bucks and try to get 10K steps at least 6 days a week. Its been hard, but I weighed in this past tuesday and I am at 186lbs! Biggest factor, no drinking IMO.
This is it! Diets are short term fixes for a longer-term problem. Change your eating habits and that will last a lifetime. After a while, fast food doesn't even sound appealing.
In some ways I have been "lucky" in that I found out I have celiac about 20 years ago so fast food went out the window as an option for me a long time ago. I did do an experiment a few months ago to see what my body's reaction would be to gluten since I have a couple guided hunts coming up and I don't want to be a complete pain when it comes to meals. So I tried a sourdough jack. I have to admit it tasted damn good, but not good enough to risk the health problems long term.

I am almost 3 months into my quest and have been religious about keto, keeping my carbs to around 15 or so a day. Zero cheats and increased my exercise. I'm down 31 from the first of the year. 5 more and I will be under 200 for the first time in about 25 years. I had a bit of a "slack off" in the workouts over the last week because I was gone on a turkey trip but I'm back on it now. One week until Murph.
I read this thread in December and thought the same thing - 230lbs, would like to be 180 again, tired of feeling like crap. Laid a buddy low in January due to drinking, decided to get off the sauce for a while. Started eating right, working out at least 3 times a week, and NO booze. Also bought a cheap health watch off of amazon for 30 bucks and try to get 10K steps at least 6 days a week. Its been hard, but I weighed in this past tuesday and I am at 186lbs! Biggest factor, no drinking IMO.

What an awesome example of whats possible with a couple of simple (albeit not easy) changes and some consistency.

Goal number 1 accomplished!!!!! Saw a weight that started with a 1 on the scale today. That's 36 pounds since the first of the year. First time in about 25 years I have seen that. Now to drop another 10-ish while tweaking the diet to find a good maintenance level.

Actually had to order a new belt today. Nice problem to have.