WTS Well...I got scammed

North Woods

Classified Approved
Feb 23, 2021
I got scammed out of $1200 this week trying to buy a gun. Guy seemed very legitimate. Had his phone number, address (for the check obviously), talked to him, had good conversation via email the whole 9 yards. Sent the money (certified check) and never heard from the guy again. Disconnected the phone number, deleted his username from on here. Wow. Not a lesson I wanted to learn the hard way.

Jaytag was the guy

Nothing to do now but get over it, I guess. Really disappointed. My fault, I guess?
Stay safe out there

Hate to hear that man. One reason why I don’t send checks or money orders unless they are a long time member or I know them.
If you have his name and address, I would contact the police and have him charged with mail fraud.
I don't know if the Admin here can help you out with an IP address, If you can get an IP address and report it to local law enforcement, it is a fraud, they might be able to track it down for you. I have tracked IP addresses to home addresses in the past.
Post his info everywhere when you are 100% positive it was a scam

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I can post the information he gave me. At this point though, I'd be willing to bet that it's not "his" information, you know?

I figured that my bank would somehow be able to see where the check was cashed, and I could someone use that information to track the guy down. My bank isn't able to see that information apparently.

I'll probably talk to the police and see what they say. I have the address I sent the check to, but it could have been a dead guys address (like mail-in ballots) for all I know.
Getting justice aint as easy as it sounds. I went through this a couple years ago. Police on my end sent me to the police on the buyers end. I worked on this for almost a year, and was not the only one who got scammed. The police knew where he was, had proof that he scammed people and had prior dealings with him, but I dont think he was ever arrested or charged with anything. You can search Clyde Voorhees on 24 hour campfire site if interested. Very frustrating...
Had a friend go through this a couple of years ago. He went to the seller's local law enforcement agency and they aggressively hunted the guy down and arrested him for fraud and a bunch of other stuff. The fraud charge stuck and he had to make restitution. My friend got checks for like $15 each month until the sum had been paid.
If it crossed state lines that makes it federal felony - no laughing matter. File an IC3 Report online and the jurisdiction is the FBI. They will coordinate local law enforcement to investigate. Ive done it and it worked fast. Dude it dumb as f$&k if you sent him a check and he cashed it... hes facing years in prison and tracking him will be easy for the feds.
If it crossed state lines that makes it federal felony - no laughing matter. File an IC3 Report online and the jurisdiction is the FBI. They will coordinate local law enforcement to investigate. Ive done it and it worked fast. Dude it dumb as f$&k if you sent him a check and he cashed it... hes facing years in prison and tracking him will be easy for the feds.


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On somewhat of a related note, I've been thinking for some time of what it would take to set up an 'escrow' service business. Somewhere a buyer could send the funds and the seller send the merchandise and the 'escrow' agent would then process the transaction. I know it would require some type of inventory management system, bonding, etc., but the bigger question is: what would folks be likely to pay for that service and could it be profitable? Any thoughts would be appreciated.
I got scammed out of $1200 this week trying to buy a gun. Guy seemed very legitimate. Had his phone number, address (for the check obviously), talked to him, had good conversation via email the whole 9 yards. Sent the money (certified check) and never heard from the guy again. Disconnected the phone number, deleted his username from on here. Wow. Not a lesson I wanted to learn the hard way.

Jaytag was the guy

Nothing to do now but get over it, I guess. Really disappointed. My fault, I guess?
Stay safe out there

I wish they would throw the book at people like this. I would hold out hope he can be tracked down based on having a physical address the money was sent to. If it turns out the police know who he is but don't do anything I would be tempted to drive to his house and see if his vehicle runs better with a bag of sugar in the gas tank.