2014 What is the new stuff!


Jun 14, 2012
It is interesting that there was a great sale with Kuiu this weekend. However, what is more interesting is that there is a huge number of new products coming out. Here is an example. Swaro is coming out with a compact 10X pocket bino next year that will be the very best compact binocular made. It competes with the big boys. It isn't cheap but it offers enough eye relief and visual acuity that it will actually be a game changer. They don't even have a class for it.

Some people might like to know a heads up on what Kifaru, StoneGlacier, Krytek, Firstlite, and the other manufacturers are doing. I am sure that there is a build up of publicity but I think that with the great communication and open nature of this forum that we can get a heads up or maybe an insider's view of the new stuff.


Some people would be willing to hold off on some purchases if they knew something awesome was coming on the line. It allow for a build up and for conversations on what people like.

I know people are rushing around doing Christmas shopping but I am just throwing it out to the manufacturers.
Give us those juicy hints.

Thankfully, I'm not a guy that needs the "latest and greatest" with latest and greatest pricing to go with it..........unless I want it. I'm almost always 2-3 years behind the "latest" curve. And as much as I love looking for and testing new stuff, bottom line for me is I could never buy another item and I'd still be hunting just fine until the day I die. But on that note.........looking for new cool stuff to test out.:D
(in my most serious voice, and wearing my most serious face)

"i am done shopping!". i am not rich. never will be if i keep buying stuff. i am going to focus some of my fun money to actual hunting. i want to start a hidden savings account, called "AK moose". there is more stuff i want to do, than stuff i want to own.