Alec Baldwin shooting

The gun on a set is a prop = A piece of equipment, which like a lot of other things are dangerous if not used properly. Guns of course are particularly dangerous and so They are handled differently and more rigorously than other stuff for good reason.

My point was, if this person had bene killed by another piece of equipment - kicked in the head by a horse, run over by a car with bad brakes, crushed by a falling set piece, or blown up by an explosion gone wrong no one would be saying we should ban horses, or cars or heavy set pieces or movie pyro, they would be saying mistakes are were made and it was a tragedy.

See, all of this possible incidences you mention are out of the hands of a single person. True accidents.

Pulling a single action revolver, cocking the hammer, pointing it at a person & pulling the trigger, without checking to see whether the damn thing is loaded...... is 100% personal negligence. Even if you are sooooo ignorant of firearms, you have to ask to halt the scene, call for the armourer & ask her to check it for you, since it wasn't her that handed you the pistol.

I'm not clever enough to know whether it's criminal negligence, but if you handed me a gun, and I pulled the trigger &, oh, I dunno.... shot myself in the foot, I'm sure as hell not going to blame you, the gun or anything else (true story)

FYI: Roughly half the pain of shooting yourself is the realization that you're actually a frigging idiot. I still have sleepless nights over what 'could have' happened.
I know next to nothing about Alec Baldwin, but my first thought after hearing that he is an avid anti was that this was part of an elaborate ploy to push his anti gun agenda. Who the h knows.
According to an interview I watched with the actors union, no live ammo is to be on a set. Supposedly 100's of rounds were gathered as evidence. The question I have is; why was the single action revo cocked, pointed in the direction of a cinematographer, and the trigger pulled? That sounds negligent, 100%.

As a side note; Halyna was a good friend of a friend of mine in the movie industry. She was very well liked and admired. May she rest in peace.
I agree with your comments 100%.

Additionally, it always irks me when I see vocal anti-gun actors making a bazillion bucks playing a variety of roles with guns in their hands, blasting people away as part of their money making character...and now we know at least one who apparently didn't know much if anything about firearm safety, and apparently relied on the "expertise" of he now may be portrayed as also a victim of evil guns.

I’m thinking Matt Damon here. Dude’s shot a lot of people for the $

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I agree with what most on here are posting, but go to the gun counter on a weekend at Cabelas and you’ll see all kinds of unsafe gun handling.

The tenet of treating every firearm as if it’s loaded doesn’t seem to be as universally practiced as you would think even by people who are into shooting sports and hunting.
I agree with what most on here are posting, but go to the gun counter on a weekend at Cabelas and you’ll see all kinds of unsafe gun handling.

The tenet of treating every firearm as if it’s loaded doesn’t seem to be as universally practiced as you would think even by people who are into shooting sports and hunting.
You damn right. And if one of those nerks kills someone, ain't gonna be Cabelas going to court 😉
As for what I consider proper firearm handling, first, if I am going to hand off a firearm to anyone, I open the action and make sure there is no round in the chamber. second, if I hand you a firearm, the first thing you better do is check to be certain there is no round in the chamber or you will be schooled in what I expect when around me when firearms are present. My nephews son came to my house right from graduating boot camp at camp Pendleton. We were talking guns and he wanted to see one particular one I have, it was his grandfathers, my brothers. I got it and checked it and handed it to him, he did not check it. I said Thomas, didn't they teach you anything in boot camp, he said you just checked it, I said what if I was wrong and it did have around in the chamber. We are all human and we make mistakes. As for the sad situation where e she was killed by Baldwin, many many people have to be held accountable. that was not an accident or a mistake, it was pure neglect and incompetence.
This has been my contention from the start, dipshits on the cast out shooting beer cans. It's also my contention that Baldwin (the actor) should be way down the list of those getting charged in the incident. The person who loaded the gun as well as the armorer are at the top of the list in my opinion, then Baldwin (the producer).
Us mere mortals would be prosecuted so why do the “elites” get a pass?
Us mere mortals would be prosecuted so why do the “elites” get a pass?
Same reason Hunter Biden is free. Same reason the Clantons, Hollerey* especially are free. Same reason Nixon was pardoned by Carter......

You been under a rock for a while dude? Is everything OK at home?

*I'm not ready to suicide myself just yet Thank you very much......
What a stupid thread. How many hunters are shot by other hunters each year and y'all are worried about gun safety in Hollywood where there have been less than a handful of incidents over the years. Touting "hunters know better", BS. An archery hunter was killed in September in my area by a muzzleloader hunter, I think the muzzy hunter was Alec Baldwin........flame on

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What a stupid thread. How many hunters are shot by other hunters each year and y'all are worried about gun safety in Hollywood where there have been less than a handful of incidents over the years. Touting "hunters know better", BS. An archery hunter was killed in September in my area by a muzzleloader hunter, I think the muzzy hunter was Alec Baldwin........flame on

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You are absolutely correct. And if caught the shooter is held accountable for their action, as well they should be. Several people messed up and that young lady, wife and mother is dead. People need to be held accountable.. And changes need to be made.
Very unfortunate situation. Horrible outcome for the woman killed and man wounded.

That said, Baldwin is an un-American insect, the worst kind of human. I feel sorry for those affected, but hope he personally rots in prison for his part in this negligence which likely won't happen.
He'll probably further dedicate his miserable hypocrite existence to more anti-gun advocacy.
The buck wil be passed, in part rightfully, to the tiktok-dancing, purple-haired armorer.
Everyone who handled that weapon were negligent. And Baldwin was not only the actor, but also the Producer, so he is responsible for the hiring and firing of incompetent employees, which clearly the armorer was, with a history of incompetence.

As the producer he is also responsible for the target practicing being allowed with real ammo previously. He does not get a free pass. From the level of producer to actor, no more than anyone else involved from the target shooting to the handling of the gun for the scene.

The fact the he is an alcoholic left leaning anti just makes it worst in the eyes of any one with a brain to think normally. Had he put 1/10 of the effort into learning gun safety as he has trying to ban them, she would be alive. Because like you or me, the first thing we do is check the cylinder (revolver) , no matter what someone tells you. As with any accidental shooting/killing, the gun was always thought to be "unloaded"