Another encounter that didnt swing my way... what to do?


Jun 8, 2020
CO Springs
Alright so i got back into action this morning after locating where the bulls went since i left..... last night i went running ridges.

First light i have him pinned with a location bugle and i know he has cows.... he's leaving a water source....

I tail him into the mountains, gain ground, he shuts up awhile but eventually get him talking to me again.

Close distance.... come to a clearing with a small mound in the middle, dont think he's here, guessed him in the trees beyond this...

I location bugle again and..... I straight up get the line in the sand from this bull, right on the other side of the mound from me, he barks and bugles at me .... straight to fighting .....

I basically froze up, i'm almost always the one initiating that line in the sand sequence ..... He never came into me, i assume he expected me to come charging or puss out (which i guess i did hah) ... so after i never showed myself he started putting distance between us...

I turned him around trying to call his cows off and he ripped another line in the sand bark/bugle lets do this.... except i'm not a damn elk so i cant charge....

How do you bull slayers manage this situation while solo?

edit to add: yea i did try the bark and bugle back at him as well
Last edited:
May 16, 2021
I hunt solo and have had similar situations, and don't really have an answer as all bulls will have different temperaments. Just like humans some are fighters and some are runners. I think that once they initiate the line in the sand it's on you to show up or else it gets feeling fishy real quick especially if it's an experienced old herd bull. I've found challenge bugles work great when you challenge first in close enough proximity to be a threat.
I love the calling game but admit I am far from an expert. Good luck, it only takes one!


Oct 30, 2014
Next time when you locate the bull at a distance and he has cows move in silent and when you are within 50-60yrds of him do a bull calling cows bugle which doesn't sound like your traditional bugle, If it's a herd bull he'll be likely to come in and confront you since you will be going past him and talking directly to the cows.
It works!


Since you know where he is just move in silent and try for a shot that way, always watch the wind direction.

What's a bull calling cow bugle sound like?



Jun 8, 2020
CO Springs
No raking this time : I thought I was still in the process of closing the distance / getting in close … grande plans for raking and/or cow calling / bugle once I had gotten set up in a good calling location

As it was … I estimated his distance wrong and that’s why I had done another “hey where are you” bugle … only to have him challenge me. I was literally standing next to a dead tree and it was my only cover …. I managed to move forward 10 yards next to a dead stump but that was it …. Any further movement and I’d crest the hill and be for sure busted. So I stayed quiet …. Hoping his curiosity would play …. But as pointed out above I think when he drew the line in the sand and I was a no show he thought something was up