Archery Terms You Hate

“I didn’t dry fire it, the strings just came off the cams”
Of course there are countless variations to that but all the same…
My buddy used to run a shop in AZ. Guys would bring bows in that had cracked limbs or blew up and they would offer right up front “but I definitely did not leave it in a hot car”.

Of course you didn’t.
Not archery specific, but hunting in general. HARVEST I hate it! Can't we just say kill, that is what we are doing. If it has to be PC at least try saying DISPATCH? Ok, i feel better now.
You forgot "help me build the perfect elk arrow, im not sure what weight i should be at. Is 600 grains enough to blow through a shoulder?"
"Shoulder" in general........because nobody has a consistent understanding of just what that means. From the blade, to the knuckle, to perhaps just the entire front end of an elk....????
Guilty on the "Runnin and gunnin" though...
Well......."runnin and shootin" just doesn't have the same ring to it. We always used "runnin and gunnin" for basketball, and I'm pretty sure guns weren't allowed on the court. "Runnin and shootin" also wouldn't account for dunkin. However, there are times that I feel like I'm the only one out there running that elk hunting style. To me, "runnin and gunnin" describes the process or technique........not necessarily the actual shooting component. Like in basketball, you can use the "run and gun" style of play, and not even get a shot off. That's the same for elk hunting.
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another one "sky draw".

For some it's any upward movement of the arrow during the draw. I even watch youtube videos of guys showing bad form and a clear skydraw. Then their good form has some upward angle to the arrow when they draw. So what is it and why is a slight upward angle ok (even though it would fly over the target wildly if they accidently let go or d-loop broke, but the massive angle upward is bad (even though it would have the same negative result)
My pet peave applies to rifle hunters too. On all the hunting shows after the shot and the game is found 60 yds from where the shot was taken its always "He didn't go 60 yards," when he actually did go exactly 60 yards. Why not say "He only went 60 yards?"
Not really archery specific but when guys say they have a buck “daylighting”. That’s just ridiculous. Just admit that you have no idea where he’s at any other minute of the day that he’s not standing in front of your corn pile getting his picture taken.
Were going to "back out" and return in the morning.
It feels like pure laziness and it infuriates me. It may also be about getting the light needed for camera footage for a show. That just encourages bad sportsmanship. The meat is spoiled by the time many of those animals are recovered and it is totally unnecessary.
Along that line..."we're going to back out and look at the footage". Were neither of you watching where the shot hit?

I agree with the sentiment, however, very few can actually accurately pinpoint the spot they truly hit.

The one benefit I can see to filming is that you can go back and roll footage to maybe see impact. Things happen fast, and your mind will frequently lead you to believe things that weren't actually true.
“I have about 3 years of history with this buck”
I love chasing bulls that I have a history with. I worked this bull several times for three seasons in a row. He had a bugle that sounded like a horse whinny. This pic was taken in 2015. In 2017 my daughter got the ML tag and I took her to his hole opening morning and I bugled. And there it was.......that horse whinny response. Couldn't get on him that day and didn't see him, then she shot her bull the next day. Would have loved to have seen what he looked like two years after this pic.
I love chasing bulls that I have a history with. I worked this bull several times for three seasons in a row. He had a bugle that sounded like a horse whinny. This pic was taken in 2015. In 2017 my daughter got the ML tag and I took her to his hole opening morning and I bugled. And there it was.......that horse whinny response. Couldn't get on him that day and didn't see him, then she shot her bull the next day. Would have loved to have seen what he looked like two years after this pic.
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1. Awesome bull
2. While I get the meaning…the context of “I have history” cracks me up. Just makes it seem like you two play cards every Thursday. Waiting for that bull to be like, “Hey Jimmy! Is that you over there?”
3. Glad to see you getting your daughter involved in the sport!