Election time and hunting out of state


Jun 17, 2019
With all of the unknowns in the world lately (COVID, Riots, Govt Mandates) and looking forward to the November Elections, is anyone else nervous to make concrete plans to go hunting away from home around the early November time frame? I have a tag starting Nov. 7th, about 12 hours away from my house, and I cant help but continue to be nervous to leave the wife and 2 kids at home alone that time of year. Maybe worth mentioning I am coming from (somewhat rural) but still Southern California... The way things are going, its hard to be optimistic about the outcome in Nov and I am foreseeing much more unrest. What are your guys' thoughts?


May 17, 2018
My first reaction to this was "don't worry, go hunting!", but this is your family we are talking about and if I lived in that state I can't say I wouldn't have the same concern. Tough one to answer man. If it were me I would have a serious heart to heart with the wife and find out how she feels. If she is nervous I would probably skip the hunt regardless of how much it would kill me.


Apr 21, 2018
Northern Nevada
I will be going out of cell service on the 31st of October and won’t hear from the outside world for 10 to 14 days and it can’t get here soon enough. I will also be leaving my wife and kids and am coming from CA as well, don’t overthink it you’ll go crazy. If your in a rural area it’s far more unlikely that a mob of angry antifa and blm quacks will pillage and plunder your home. You gotta live life man but if the woman at home is uncomfortable with it then it’s a personal call you have to make for yourself.
I have wondered if I will be driving home and the interstate will be full of protesters trying to break my windows out in places along the way. I will be going through Reno, Sacramento and Stockton to get back home, if the shit has hit the fan I will be taking alternate routes home and do my best to bypass all major cities.

Rich M

Jun 14, 2017
I have an out of state lease and am hoping to put 100# of meat in Freezer before October. Gonna take a few days off to facilitate that.

You could not pay me to travel until after the election. Betting it will be an exciting and chaotic time.

Hoping I'm wrong.

Rich M

Jun 14, 2017
Here is hoping.

BS at the max until then though.

Wish there was a middle point as opposed to far right or far left. One is tolerable to me, other isn't.

Nuke Man

May 1, 2014
I think alot of you guys are missing the entire point. Dude is worried about the safety of his family after the election. It's a valid concern with the bs that's being allowed to happen right now.
I wish I had a good answer for you man. I know that the safety and security of my family is number 1. No hunt is more important. If your concerned its probably for good reason. I dont know the temperament of your area. I do know how big city Cali gets though and no way would I leave them.
If trump wins it'll get bad, likely real bad with riots and shit.


Apr 28, 2019
I think alot of you guys are missing the entire point. Dude is worried about the safety of his family after the election. It's a valid concern with the bs that's being allowed to happen right now.
I wish I had a good answer for you man. I know that the safety and security of my family is number 1. No hunt is more important. If your concerned its probably for good reason. I dont know the temperament of your area. I do know how big city Cali gets though and no way would I leave them.
If trump wins it'll get bad, likely real bad with riots and shit.

Perhaps he I s concerned with the fallout if trump loses.
Apr 5, 2015
I will offer my $0.02...Not to take a side , but to offer a perspective on scenarios...

if there is unrest around or after the election, it will likely be concentrated in major metro areas and start during or proximate to protests relating to election results. Violence is likely to be centralized in select communities And areas and the intensity will dissipate with distance. For SoCal, think downtown LA, west LA near the federal building. You May see a repeat of recent riots with issues in retail centers like Santa Monica and Beverly Hills. Look at a map of where issues occurred historically and avoid those places.

You would want to avoid transiting near hotspots in case the issues spilled onto road ways (see recent freeway shut down protests). Asa precaution, I would have a return route planned that kept me well clear of any major cities - box around them on non major road ways with a +50 mile buffer. You mentioned SoCal so for instance, I would not come any closer to LA than Valencia and I would box around on 18/247 through Victoryville on the 15 or the Morongo valley if I had to pass through there.

Have a contingency and communication plan for your family. If they are in a rural area, shelter in place is probably the best option. Have some supplies so it isn’t necessary to go to the store for a while.

Have a bit of food and water in your vehicle in case you get delayed. If things are looking really sketcky pack it in such a way that you can grab some if you need to leave your vehicle.

think about personal protection in case you get caught up in something. A hunting rifle is a good start. A handgun is more portable and concealable.

at this point, I wouldn’t feel alarmed about planning a hunt during that time But my perspective might change if we start to see some civil unrest leading into the election. I think the biggest challenges might come from a close or contested result, but I am optimistic that any issues will be small, well contained and reasonably peaceful.


Dec 2, 2016
As suggested have a heart to heart with the wife. I’m going to be gone 17 days. Minimal comms. Every year I leave, I talk with some trusted neighbors and have several of my heavy hitting buddies check in. She has a phone list and an emergency plan. It has sufficed in the past.

I have to say, the concern is there everyday I’m gone. But, I have the right people in play and I’ve worked with her extensively on how to handle multiple threat scenarios. We live in San Diego. The threat and tension are real.


Apr 15, 2020
I'm of the opinion that hunting is one of the safest things you can probably do now with COVID. Being in nature, away from people. I can also attest that having a freezer full of game meat when the local grocery stores were in a meat shortage was awfully nice a month or so ago.

However--that being said, leaving the family is a different story, especially if there's political and social unrest near you.

Would it be possible for your wife and family to stay with family or relatives close by? That way they aren't "alone"?


Jun 17, 2019
I think alot of you guys are missing the entire point. Dude is worried about the safety of his family after the election. It's a valid concern with the bs that's being allowed to happen right now.
I wish I had a good answer for you man. I know that the safety and security of my family is number 1. No hunt is more important. If your concerned its probably for good reason. I dont know the temperament of your area. I do know how big city Cali gets though and no way would I leave them.
If trump wins it'll get bad, likely real bad with riots and shit.
Someone finally gets it haha. Im not concerned with being in town to vote. I agree, but I think it will be bad either way, whether he wins or loses. I think I will make plans to go, but be ready to cancel at the last minute if needed.


Jun 17, 2019
As suggested have a heart to heart with the wife. I’m going to be gone 17 days. Minimal comms. Every year I leave, I talk with some trusted neighbors and have several of my heavy hitting buddies check in. She has a phone list and an emergency plan. It has sufficed in the past.

I have to say, the concern is there everyday I’m gone. But, I have the right people in play and I’ve worked with her extensively on how to handle multiple threat scenarios. We live in San Diego. The threat and tension are real.
I agree with you. Have a solid plan in play, train with plans and scenarios, have people in play to check in with them. I will plan to go, and if things get really bad in the immediate 2-3 days after election and before I leave, I will cancel...

Going through Vegas to/from would normally be the largest metro area for me to go through, but I can get around that. I am not too worried about myself, I have trained and will be ready.
Oct 16, 2017
Upper Michigan
I'd be nervous about traveling to big cities. I live in a pretty rural area, I'm not concerned of too much other than a candlelight vigil happening here. Who knows though. If all this has taught me one thing, it's that my life is too short too wait around for this to be over. I'm most concered the institution I work for will make me quarantine when I come back from out west. Right now we don't have too but in the spring you had to quarantine, if you travel. If everything shuts down again, I'll be ironing stuff out with my boss about travel etc.


Mar 28, 2019
I guess it depends on your community. I'm comfortable leaving home under almost any circumstance because I have great neighbors who check in when I'm gone. I also do the same when they're out of town for work, etc.