Games to pass the time?

My go to game for backpacking was Yahtzee. I carried the 5 dice, some Yahtzee score sheets and a small pencil in a ziplock. Rolled the dice in my Ti pan. They make a travel set too where the dice are contained in a plastic thing.
Cribbage is our go to, pretty versatile in the number of people that can play. We have a pretty small travel board we use, I'd have to think you could find something pretty light and cheap on amazon.
As a hardcore board gamer, the best we've found is board games on a phone. It works after dark as we're curled up in our bags, takes up no extra space and doesn't require a flat surface.

Some of our gotos are:

Ticket to Ride
Chicago Express
Settlers of Catan

Plenty more out there. Some might be over a children's level.